◜ ❤ xoxo ◞ Application - Kwon Min Jee







       My Lady

Name: Kwon Min Jee

Nickname(s): MJ - Friends 

BlackRose - Rally close friend that understand her love for black roses

Joker- The people she plays card games with. She always the trump member. She always wins the games even if she doesn´t know them very well. She´s to lucky.

Min- Min - BaekHyun calls her that to see if it irritates her so that way she would speak.

Birthday: 03/20

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: Seoul

Hometown: Seoul

Languages: Korean, English- Fluent; Mandarim- Only speaking, Japanese- Only speaking

Blood type: AB


You're Beautiful       

Ulzzang name: Lee Yeon Ju aka Mikki

-Pictures: Gallery1; Gallery2

Backup ulzzang name: im Soo Yeon

-Pictures: Gallery

Height: 168

Weight: 50

Others: Tattoo of stars in her face. Piercings on her rigth ear.

Style: A badass style. 1, 2, 3.

When you smile,

               sun shines

Persona: The Silent Beauty

Key traits: Cold, Caring, ert, Serious, Responsable, Lazy


  • Cold: People say that she´s cold, but that´s because she doesn´t know people or oesn´t feel confortable with them. She only talks when she thinks that it is necessary. Doesn´t like to show her emotions to people that doesn´t know.
  • Caring: She may act cold, but to the people she loves she´s really caring. She hates to see them sad.
  • ert: She may be most of the time quite but when she heards things that can go to the ert side she will start smirking and when she´s only with  the members and when she´s in the mood, she will try to corrupt the mind of the innocent members of the group.
  • Serious:  She wants the best of the best. Don´t mess up with the people she loves, she will be serious when she says that she will torture you until the day you die.
  • Lazy: She´s a lot of times lazy. Just wants to be on the computer all day and do nothing else. She´s to lazy...
  • Stubborn: If she doesn´t whant to do something, she will not do it, but if she does, she will find a million ways to take revenge on the person that make her do things that she didn´t want at all. 


  • Coconut Ice cream
  • White chocolat
  • Capuccino
  • The night
  • Computer
  • Basketball
  • Scary movies


  • Lies
  • Bullies
  • Fake people
  • Watermelon
  • Coffee
  • Snakes
  • Insects


  • Storms
  • Losing her friends
  • Having no Internet on her computer or any other device
  • Love
  • Losing her family


  • Singing
  • Rapping
  • Dancing
  • Skating
  • Listen to music
  • Write lyrics
  • Playing the guittar and piano


  • When she´s nervous she starts speaking quickly
  • When she´s thinking she startes bitting her bottom lip
  • When she´s bored she starts poking everyone and everything
  • When she´s bored at school she will start writing lyrics.


  • As a great sense of fashion
  • Won dancing competitions
  • Loves to paint
  • Loves to do her nails
  • Has to wear acessorys everyday
  • She´s a computer addicter




         Background: She has famous and divorced parents. She always wanted to be in the artistic world like her parents. She is a straingth A´s girl except a Maths, that is her worst subject. Is afraid to fall in love because she thinks that she will turn into a different person and thinking about that makes her uncomfortable.


Kwon Stella l 46 l Mother l A famous stylist l Caring, Strict

Cho Hyuk | 50 | Father | Composer | Cold, Serious

 Friends: Amber l 20 l Close friend l Student l Funny, Clumsy

Heart Attack


Love Interest: LuHan

His personality: He is a really calm person. He´s sometimes shy. Is funny and cares a lot too the people he loves.

How he acts around you: He always tries to make me speak and wants me to notice him. He is really curious about me and wants to hear my voice. He is sometimes shy but funny.

How you act around him: Always being a little cold and sometimes ignore him. But when he suffers and is sad I care a lot for him and try to confort him.

How you meet:In a bubble tea shop. He accidently wet me with bubble tea. Then I meet him once again in my school and he says sorry once again and once again I just ignore him. And guess what, he was a new transfer student and was in my class and had to seat by my side.

Backup Love Interest: Xiumin

His personality: Dorky, funny, caring. He can be really protective towards the people he loves and cares.

How he acts around you: He is really friendly and wants to understand me.

How you act around him: I ignore him but sometimes I worry about him.

How you meet: In school. He was a new student and he was lost. Even tought I was lazy and sleepy at that time I decided to help him. Then I meet him once again when it was lunch time. He was with he´s new friends (Exo) and he saw me and asked to lunch with him. I ignore him but he pulled me to where he was going to eat.

Crush: YongGuk - BAP

Rival: None

  Say no            



Requests: LuHan taking care of Min Jee.

Extras/Comments: None. I´m just antecipating for the fic ^^

Quote: I may be lazy but you can´t stop me being like that. Wanna try?

The End

*thanks for applying!*



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Just reposting my reviews :) Thank you for fixing everything! OMG, she's as badass as CL! Haha, corrupting the innocent members? Yongguk's her crush! Maybe I should've made a badass character...oh well. Good luck!
「 ❤ you've got a messaji┊rainy's review corner 」
hello there, earthling! here's your wonderful review from your fabulous co-author, rainy! /slapped. so, um, i saw a couple of misspelled words when i read your app, you can go back and fix that but it's not mandatory. i just wanted to let you know, aha. anyhoo, i wish you could've elaborated more on your key traits. she's a ert and she tries to corrupt the innocent members of her band? don't you mean her group of friends? c: you're not really applying for a girl group, so you might want to change that. i can somewhat relate to minjee, though. math is my worst subject, too. i'm lazy and i sit in front of the computer all day. see the similarities? cx laughs at the 'having no internet part' oh, gosh. i just started cracking up when i read that because that's one of my biggest fears, too. i'm not sure why i found it so comical. i have nothing to say, so good luck! and we appreciate you taking your time to apply. ^ ^; have a nice day, stranger. c8