Addiction Add-iv | Kwon Min Jee | Pisces

Application of Addiction

BlackRose001| Activeness (8-10) | Andreia

Name: Kwon Min Jee

Nickname: MJ; Min-Min; BlackRose, Joker

Stagename: MJ 

Birthday: 20/03/1995

Birthplace: Seoul

Hometown: Seoul

Languages: Korean, English, Mandarim- Fluent; Spanish, Japanese- Basic 

Blood type: AB

Height | Weight: 168cm | 47kg


  • The ert: Min Jee once was a really innocent person but when her friends decided to corrupt a little bit of her mind they never tought that they would create a monster! She takes everything that people say to the ert side. She loves to corrupt the mind of innocent people and see them blushing and flustered.
  • The crazy, funny and a little clumsy: She was always crazy. She would always be funny and stupid. She was sometimes clumsy and that was what everyone loved about her: She was crazy! 
  • The caring and protective: She wanted to see the people happy. If her friends were sad she ould do even the most embarrasing thing in the world just to make them happy. Never mess up with the people she loves. If you do be prepared to be tortured till the end of your life.
  • Other´s first: She was stupid. She always put others people´s feelings first of hers and because of that ended always hurted.
  • The Sturborn: She really is a sturborn girl. I she doesn´t want dto do something she wll say no right away andif she doesshe will tak revenge on the person that made her do that.
  • The Cold: When shé on a bad mode, she will be really cold to people and ven ignore them all day. It doesn´t care if it´s her familor fiends, she will be cold.
  • The clumsy: She is really clumsy. She without knowing hurts herself a lot of times per day.


  • Family: "With famous and divorced parents it was a difficult to live without their love. I always tried my best at everything to make them happy but they never were. They didn´t complain but they didn´t say anything at all. The only person that would only care for me was my older brother, Kwon Ji Yong aka G-Dragon. He is the leader of BigBang and is really famous all over the world. It was there that I started to want to be an Idol just like my brother."
  • School: " I wasn´t the best student in almost every subject, but I was a strainght A´s when it was to languages classes and music classes. In my school there were dance lessons and I would always there. I was amazed at how great they could dance that I asked to be a memeber and I started to learn how to dance."
  • Dream: " My brother teached me everything that he could. Breating, singing corretly, rapping, difficult dance moves. I learnt everything about him. He told me about fashion and how to act. He showed me how important is to show the emotions of the songs.

       I decided to do the audition of SM ENTERTAIMENT. I didn´t go to YG because i thought that I only entered there because of my brother. I wanted to show that it were my talentes that made me become a trainee and an idol, not my brother, 

      When I was doing my audition, I saw that the CEO tought that my dance moves and rapping was just a copy of other idols, but when he heard me singing he was amzaed. He said that he never heard a voice like main. He told me that my voice was tha opposite of an "Angel´s Voice" it was a "Demon´s voice". Compared to people that have angel voice that can move the people´s heart, the demon´s voice can steal hearts and hipnotized them withe their voices.

      The CEO loved how different my voice was and when he heard that I could sing in Mandarim, English, Japanese and Spanish he was even more amazed. That was when they accepted me as a trainee and trained for 4 years. Now is the time that I become a STAR!"

Face claim: Dara of 2NE1

Backup faceclaim: CL of 2NE1



  • Coconut Ice Cream
  • White chocolat
  • Capuccino
  • The night
  • Basketball
  • PC
  • TV


  • Lies
  • Bullies
  • Fake people
  • Watermelon
  • Insects
  • Snakes


  • Dancing
  • Rapping
  • Singing
  • Listen to music
  • Skating
  • Swimming


  • When she´s nervous starts speanking quikly.
  • When she´s thinking she bites her bottom lip.
  • Starts dancing in every place that has music (ex: elevator)


  • Storms
  • Losing the people she loves
  • Have o internet on her computer or any other device


  • Is addicted to the computer
  • Loves to sing in the shower
  • Likes to learn new languages
  • Has great sense of style
  • Writes lyrics very well
  • Doesn´t know how to bicicling
  • Can´t say no to anyone
  • Is clumsy



Kwon Stella | 46 | A famous stylist | Mother

Kwon Sang Woo | 50 | Composer | Father

Kwon Ji Yong aka G-Dragon| 26 | Leader of BigBang | Brother 

Best friends: 

Key | 21 | Member of Shinee | 10/10 - We always call each other honey)

Minzy | 21 | Member of 2NE1 | 8/10


JR | 19 | Leader of Nu´Est | 10/10

Ren | 19 | Member of Nu´Est | 7/10

Amber | 20 | Member of F(X) | 6/10

Lee Hi | 17 | Singer in YG | 8/10

Sehun | 19 | Memeber of Exo | 9/10


Name | Age | Job | Why their rivalry? 

Love interest name and group: Kai - Exo

Personality towards you: He is cold at first. Doesn´t want to knolodge that I enter in SM because of my talents. Hw thinks that I entered because of my brother. But when he starts to see the real Min Jee, the hardorking one he starts to be a warm and caring person. He stars to be relly clingy too.

How you met: Key oppa presented Exo to me.

How you interact: We are always ignoring each other at first but lately we start to be friendly to each one and start to play video games together like great friends.

Relationship: Rivals at first but then they start to be friends.

Backup love interest name and group: Kris - Exo

Love rival name and group: Zelo - BAP

Personality towards you: He is really friendly and cute. Is really clingy but there are times that he starts to be shy. 

How you met: TS Ent, called me and asked if I could do a CF withe BAP. I said yes and went there. He was really shy to talk to me but I started saying some jokes and everyone could talke freely.

How you interact: Really friendly and clingy. We do a lot of skinship and we are 24 hours a day for each other.

Relationship: Best friends.

Backup love rival name and group: JongUp - BAP


Do you want to end up dating with love interest or love rival: Love Interest

Persona: The Joker (Trump Member)

Position: Main Vocalist

Backup position: Leader, lead vocalist

Training years: 4

Personal fanclub and colours: Royal                   

Singing twin: Ailee

Dancing twin: Gahee

Rapping twin: ---

Comments: I´m anticipating for this fic ^^

Suggestions: They should participate on Weekly Idol and Beatles Code.

Scene requests: Zelo and Kai doing a dance battle and the one that wins kisses Min Jee






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