ABC's about meh o/


A - AVAILABLE: Yes ouo
B - BIRTHDAY: September 12th
C - CRUSHING ON: My biases /flips hair/ and even if I was, I wouldn't tell you =3=
D - DEATH EXPERIENCE(S): I bumped my head on the corner of the coffee table. Hard. I'm jumped off a couch, kays?
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: Myself (_ _;;) I talk to myself mentally all the time
F - FEARS: I have many, heights, night, death, etc.
H - HOMETOWN: That's private yo. I live in Cali though. 
I - IN LOVE WITH: Jongup at the moment. We'll see ouo
J - JUGGLE: Nope~
K - KILLED SOMEONE: Hell no .___.
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Going to Nevada eue
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: One annoying son of a-
O - ORIENTATION: I consider myself not to have one but bi/pan I guess? eue;; if I like you, then I like you.
P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: Last person I called? Skye tbh, it didn't connect though XD
Q - QUIET THINGS YOU DO: I... Quiet? Pft, I sleep quietly?
R - REASON TO SMILE: Hmm, I dunno. Because oppas came back? ;u;
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 10:00 AM I dunno, I don't remember orz
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: White/pink =n=
V - VEGETABLE(S):  I hate veggies omf-
W - WORST HABIT(S): ruffling my hair to remove dandruff, removing dirt from my fingernails, squeezing things and tapping my fingers on something
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: For my teeth owo I don't remember anything else
Y - YEARNING FOR: ...nothing? I yearn to achieve my dreams? ouo;;
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Virgo~ o/


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Omg. My brother is the same OTL he needs to grow up and he's freaking 19 and still acts like a 5 yr old omg. Annnddd I talk to myself all the time XD I even laugh at my own jokes because I just think I'm so freaking hilarious XD ~(ㅇㅁㅇ)~
Iimma steal this from you~ <3 XD