龍歌 ❂ xu jiaying — masked

龍歌 dragon song
xu jiaying masked


TripleA - Jae/Jay - 4




(character name) xu jiaying

(nickname(s)) renzhe - given by her one and only friend, qian, meaning ninja, since she always disappears without anyone knowing and gets around places really quickly.

(age) 19

(birthdate) 12/31

(ethnicity) chinese


chinese: her mother tongue 
korean: semi-fluent; besides the mispronounciations that may occur and limited vocabulary, she's pretty much fluent in the language.

(ulzzang name) baek sumin (aHAAhahA lol idk)

(gallery) gallery

(back-up) gam dain

(other) nothing, she doesn't care for those things.



(traits) uncaring, quick-witted, blunt, cold

(personality) note: she's weak physically, but mentally, can stomp anyone's .

uncaring : Jiaying has always been unconcerned in many matters, and is more of the type to stay out of trouble. She doesn't like dealing with baggage and prefers to not handle the potential stress which accompanies most of her personal dilemmas. She's pretty nonchalant and laid-back about close to everything which also makes people misunderstand that she's lazy. Okay, so maybe she is somewhat lazy since, well, who isn't? No one really wants to work 24/7, everyone likes relaxing and letting go. But she isn't to the extent people make her out to be. 

quick-witted : Due to the fact that she's so unbelievably detached to matters, people who don't know Jiaying well often assume that she's stupid, and that that is the reason why she's like this. However, she's surprisingly clever. She catches onto situations pretty fast and conjures up schemes/plans just as quickly, which is why she manages to get away from people without anyone knowing, which proved to be rather useful on the multiple occasions her parents wanted to "talk" with her. Rather than book-smart, she thinks of herself as "street-smart," and she's proud of it. 

blunt : Many, many times Jiaying has proved herself as the black sheep of nobles, one of the reasons being how she pays no attention to her manners. She owns a blunt nature and doesn't bother beating around the bush for the sastisfaction of others, since she thinks that isn't really helping anyone. She is also usually the one to tell bad news to others, since she honestly doesn't care too much about how heart-broken they'll be--sounds cold, but life is life, it's not always fair. However, she's not reckless. She's way too smart to say whatever's on her mind, and she does lie if the situation absolutely calls for it.

cold : Jiaying personally believes she's just simply realistic, but plenty disagree. She's pretty cold to everyone and everything, and never displays any emotion. Anti-social to some extent, she doesn't really enjoy talking that much and if she does, it's probably just a short, two word answer or a harsh comment which include: "i don't care" or "didn't ask" which more often than not offend a lot of people. She's also not one to show reaction, and when people throw a witty comment or a joke, she'll just sternly nod and might throw in an "okay" or "don't" and move on.

(background) Jiaying has always been the family "disgrace." She's "ill-mannered, rude, and rebellious" according to her parents as well as all of their acquaintances. But being the only child, everyone still pushed everything onto her, hoping she'll be as great as her parents, maybe even better. They never considered the fact that maybe she doesn't want to live like this, which is why she's never around, and give her absolutely no room to be her own person. This is exactly why she started to run away from home and escape at night, despite all the possible dangers lie ahead. She's often scolded for it, her parents fearing she'll die so they no longer have someone to continue their line of work, and their blood-line ending there.
Needlesss to say, Jiaying doesn't give two s about her parents--her dad is a prideful bastard, and her mother is a pompous pushover with no backbone. The only reason she doesn't full on hate her mother is because the woman gave birth to her, but either way mengyao is a gold-digger. She is fourteen years younger than her husband, and it's obvious to everyone that she only agreed to wed him because of his wealth. Even Zixin knows this, but doesn't care since he now has a beautiful trophy wife to show off to people. Her family is pretty dysfunctional, but she refuses to call them her parents, and calls them by their names. 
+ father / xu zixin / 56 / alive (sadly) / vain, strong-headed, rational, strict / 1
+ mother / li mengyao / 42 / alive / pompous, pushover, responsible, well-mannered / 2


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(dragon) female ; emerald, green, sapphire, gold, blue
(bonding) adante
(personality) Jiaying's dragon is pretty similar to her in the fact that she's blunt with her opinions, a tad bit cold due to her serious nature, and undeniably clever. She's extremely logical and knowledgable as well, and can deduce information into solid conclusions within seconds. However, at the same they're each other's opposite. Unlike Jiaying, she's pretty much serious about everything and anything, and kind of a perfectionist. Nothing is "nothing" to her, and she's just meticulous and thorough. 
(relationship) In the beginning, Jiaying's dragon held a strong dislike for her, like how many other people did, so she didn't really care, which made her dragon even more frustrated. So right from the start, her dragon just followed her around because she found it as an obligation. But she kind of began to understand why she's like this, and learned to tolerate her as well as trust that her rider is a good person despite her cold facade, and simply watches over her much like a bodyguard would. From others' point of view, they simply look like as if they're colleagues of some sorts (they don't really interact, and are just in each others presence), but they never doubt the other and trust each other completely. They also fill in each other's gaps and weaknesses, which make them an even better pair.
note: Jiaying calls her dragon Shuhui, which means gentle and wise. 




(love interest) chanyeol
(back-up) kyungsoo
1) They first meet when Jiaying escapes another conversation with her parents, and more than anything, Chanyeol is interesting to Jiaying. Interesting, as in, fascinating. She legitimately doesn't understand why he's so optimistic and smiley when he's a guard that can die in any coming second. She also finds it rather strange and nearly irritating how he seems to never take offense to whatever she says or does, and it's weird how he still bothers to start a conversation with her despite how callous she acts.
2) Kyungsoo's a nice guy, no matter how you put it. Even his appearance is nice, as well as his voice, and his everything in general makes you feel warm and surrounded in sunshine with his large eyes and genuine smiles. Due to this, Jiaying can't bring herself to be cold to him because damn, who would want to hurt a kid like this? So he's probably the only person she's actually courteous to, and when he talk to her, she feels all bubbly and disgusting. 
Divider Graphics
(scene requests) i honestly don't have one, im not creative, like, at all. sorry man. 
(password天下為公 (chinese; the world is for all)






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