Hotshot; "籃球火" — application ♡




[The y cheerleader]
  BlackRose001  Andreia



[                   ]

Character name: Kwon Min Jee
Nickname: MJ, BlackRose, The Joker
Age: 18
Birthplace: London
Birthdate: 20/03/1995
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Appearance: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Ulzzang name:Lee Yeon Ju aka Mikki
Back-up Ulzzang: Kang Hye Yeon







☆ Personality: With her family she is an angel. No one knows how she really is or what she really thinks. She can lie and cover who she really is very well. They will never find the truth. 

 In school she is popular, but she isn´t like those *** that think that can have everything the way they want. The things that make her popular isn´t only her bode but as well her personality. She´s funny, she is dorky, she´s a little clumsy, she´s a caring person, she´s honest and she´s a really ert! Yes, a ert. Whatever you say to her she will always take to ert side and will start smirking and will say every ert thing that she can imagine. She loves to corrupt innocent people. She loves to see them blushing and, flustered and stunned with the things she says.

 She may be ert but she is really caring to the people she loves. She hates to see them sad so she will even do even the most embarrasing thing in the world just to make them happy. She always puts others people´s feeling first of hers and ends always hurted. 

 People say that she´s a flirt but she´s only that way with people that she´s close. Loves to tease them, especialy the boys. Sheloves to make them upset and in the end she will give a kiss on their cheeks and they will be happy once again.

☆ Likes: 

  • Coconut Ice cream
  • White chocolate
  • Capuccino
  • Basketball
  • Cheerleading
  • Music
  • The night (thinks that has a lot of mistery and a lot of stories to tell)
  • Black Roses
  • Strawberries

☆ Dislikes: 

  • Snakes
  • Storms
  • Lies
  • Bullies
  • ***
  • Fake people

☆ Hobbies: 

  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Listen to music
  • Computer
  • Swimmin
  • Skating
  • Soccer




☆ Background: 

  • Family: "Having famous and divorced parents was always a difficult thing to handle especial when I was 8. At that time I need my family love but I didn´t recieve any because they were always busy. The rest of my family I don´t know them at all. My parents never told me who they are so I was always alone in the big mansions that my mother and father have each other."
  • School:" Since young I was called a genious. I always have straight A´s and nothing lower than that. I had to have good notes, so that way my parents wouldn´t bother about me. It was the best thing to do but until I was 16 I didn´t live a normal childood. I was always bored with all the study I did. It was there that in my school created the cheerleading club. I knew that I had great flexibility, something that almost no one has so I decided to enter. I turned the captain of cheerleaders. I was popular. I had close friends that were always beside me. I had everything that someone could ask, but what I really wanted I could never have."
  • Real Dream: "When I was 10 I started to learn at shool how to play basketball. I got fascinated by it. I couldn´t stop playing. I startedto get out of the house and go to play street basket. A lot of people taught me how to play. At the age of 14 I was one of the best players in London. I was the captain of my team. I was called The Joker or BlackRose. The Joker means Trump Card, meaning that I was an important member of the team. The member that had all the tricks that no one knew about them BlackRose was the meaning of me being a mistery and that in the game it looked like I killed the other team player because of how bigg difference we gave to them. I was so happy..."
  • The final: "At the age of 15, I tried to protect a child that was falling from the tree. I saved her but I was injuried very badly and the doctor said that I couldn´t play basketball for the rest of my life. I was devastated and decided to start a new life in a diferent country. I decided to go to South Korea, Seoul and start fresh. The cheerleading was my only way to be close to the basketball court but it was a big difference. But hey! Being the captain of the cheerleadres is fun too, it´s just, there´s still something missing..."

☆ Parents: 

  • Kwon Stella, 46, Alive - Is a famous Stylist
  • Kwon Sang Woo, 50, Alive - Is a famous Actor

☆ Siblings: None

☆ Family information: Not close at all. Form them it looks like Min Jee doesn´t exist. For them the Cheerleading is only an hobby and nothing else. They want Min Jee to have a decent carrer.




☆ Love interest:

  • Kris- 19 years old (in the fic ^^), member of exo; He is the 3rd best basketball player in the team. He is cold to the people that doesn´t know and to the girls that are always around him. To his friends he is really funny and caring. Acts like a leader. Is really responsable. He thinks that he draws really well, but is the opposite.
  • LuHan - 19 years old (in the fic), member of Exo. He doesn´t speak a lot and doesn´t show his emotions to the people he doesn´t know. Whe he is with his friends he is really funny and frienly.
  • Tao- 19 years old (in the fic), member of Exo. He has a really cold look to people when they firts see him, but in reality he is really a cutie. He loves to do aegyo and to act cute around his friends. His really clingy and loves skinship. He loves Gucci.


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