interrogate me! (stolen from unicornbaby o u o;;)

interrogate me

1. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?

right now, not really. (BEAUTIFUL SOLO~)

2. When did your last hug takes place?

i can't remember actually, probably at school!

3. Are you a jealous person?

yes, yes i am o u o;;

4. Are you tired right now?


5. Do you chew on your straws?

all the time!

6. Have you ever been call a tease?

lol nope!

7. Have you ever stayed awake for 48 hours straight?


8. Do you cry easily?

yeah o n o.

9. What should you be doing right now?

nothing actually, IT'S SUMMER!

10. Are you a heavy sleeper?

NOOO, i wake up even if there's just the tiniest noise!

11. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?

idk, i've never been in a relationship so... (BEAUTIFUL SOLO~)

12. Are you mad at someone right now?


13. Do you believe in love?

of course!

14. What makes you laugh no matter what?

everything embarassing i've ever done in my life.

15. Who was the last one you talked to?

my mom o u o

16. Do you get butterflies around the person you like?

of course, who doesn't? i just become a complete idiot lol

17. Will you get married?

probably XD

18. When was the last time you smiled?

just now, watching an adorable video.

19. Does anyone like you?

idk lol, probably none tho since i'm really boring.

20. Do you secretly like someone?

yes. i'm cheating on jihoon and fell in love with lee chan.

21. Who was the person you talked to today?

isn't this question 15 already o_O?

22. Who do you feel most comfortable with talking about anything?

my friend (you know who you are o u o)

23. What are you not looking forward to?


24. What are you looking for?

idk probably meeting my friends again the day lee chan and i get married jk

25. Has anyone of the opposite told you they loved you and meant it?

nope, it'll probably become really troublematic and i'd feel really awkward too.

26. Suppose you see your ex kissing another person, what would you do?

well it's called an "ex" for a reason, why should I give a f-?

27. Do you plan on moving out within next year?

you mean my house, then no. 

28. Are you a forgiving person?

yeah i suppose so, i don't hold grudge for long.

29. How many true friends do you have?

i have no idea XD but best friends, around 4-5!

30. Do you fall for people easily?

yeah ; A ; i immediately fall for people who have pretty smiles and for my biases, well, it just click!

31. Have you fallen for your ex's best friend?

i never had a boyfriend, how can i have an ex lol

32. What's the last thing you put in your mouth?

fried rice \O/

33. Who was the last person you drove with?

my parents and little brother.

34. How late did you stay up last night and why?

11:30- tumblr.

35. If you could move somewhere else, would you?

yeah, with my family of course!

36. Who was the last person you took a picture of?

my friends but if you count screencaps then...

37. Can you live a day without the tv?

my laptop is forever by my side.

38. When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?

not extremely disappointed, but i just had way too high expectation for our dinner the other day XD

39. Three names you go by?

Jennifer, Thanh, LiChing (i'm sorry, idk how to spell my chinese name)

40. Are you currently in a relationship?

with my imaginary boyfriend, yes.

41. what is your all-time favorite romance movie?

"boys over flowers" will always have a special place in my heart.

42. Do you believe everyone has a soulmate?

yep, and the red string (but that, not as much.)

43. What's your current problem?

i'm worried that i'm completely brainwashed after the summer holiday, i can't remember anything we learned in school the previous year lol.

44. Have you ever had your heart broken?

every time i have a crush, every time. 

45. Your thoughts of long distance relationship?

it's kinda cute but it's really hard to bond with each other i think, idk since i never experienced it haha!

46. How many kids do you want?

two is fine. a boy and a girl o u o

47. Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like?

yes. i never have the courage to, the news just spreads because i told my friends ; A ; i don't want it to be like that tho.


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