A-Z quiz

A: Availability

Availability of what ?


B: Birthday
December 6th


C: Crushing on

Well ... you know who .... Just kidding, not crushing on anyone xD

D: Drink you had last



E: Easiest person(s) to talk to

My bestfriend


F: Favourite song(s)

I have many songs I like but I have been addicted to Seung Yoon's Wild and Young recently


 G: Grossest memory

I am not sure but there was this time when I was in Kindergarten that someone in my class vomited and it was .... Ewww -_-


H: Hometown

Busan. I hate that cause of the dialect T_T


I: In love with

Real life? None


J: Jealous of

People who can play several instruments. And people who are extremely talented.


K: Killed someone

I wouldn't be here at the time if I did kill anyone


L: Longest friendship

8  years , And it will be going Forever ^^


M: Milkshake flavor

Straw berry Vanilla

N: # of siblings

Forever Alone

No siblings.

I am miserable T_T


O: 1 wish


P: Person you last called



Q: ?'s you always ask

I don't know ??

Why ?

Why is __ named like this ??


R: Reason to smile

I like to smile so I can smile at everything


S: Song last listened to

Just the way you are - Bruno mars


T: Time you woke up

Around 5:15 or something like that, I am having hard time sleeping lately T_T

U: Underwear color

Whut ?? Are you serious ??


V: Violent moment you had

I was angry so I shut the door so hard and the keys in it broke xD


W: Worst habit

Sleep Talking. I talk about everything in my sleep.


X: X-rays you had

Again, why should I answer that ??


Y: Your last time you cried

About 2-3 days ago.


Z: Zodiac sign




Stolen from -MyungKitty- . I had fun reading hers :)


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