We need you!

Yes you sitting there and reading this post. 

You're most likely wondering "why?"

I will tell you in a moment. 

But first, I want to test your resistance. 

Will you get to the end of this post?

Are brave enough to do what I will ask you to do? 

You are now wondering.

Curiosity is becoming more and more clear.

"Why would you need me?"

"What is this?"

"Why are you making such a post?"

Because I want to play with you guys. 

I want to see you all, thinking and trying to figure it out.

But I will help you. 

I will tell you why I need you. 

We really need it.



Here it comes. 

Do you want us to help and vote for VIXX on eatyourkimchi.com?


But we really need you guys. 

B.A.P. is catching up and don't underestimate the power of the Blackjacks. 

So please!

If you like VIXX

Vote for them!

Tweet, like, share, thumb up!

(Comment section broke down...) 


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mssavor404 #1
lol I already voted today!