▌U4RIA - Sora Hayashi ▌



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Username: dominikaq92      What can I call you​:  Nika        Activity level:10/10

 ★Sora hayashi 


Nickname(s): -
Date of Birth + Age05/06/1992 + 21
Place of BirthSapporo
Ethnicity: Japanese-Korean
HometownTokyo / Sapporo
Japanese (fluent)
Korean (conversational - she still makes mistakes, and she speaks better than reads and writes)
English (basic)


 ★JUng min hee 


Backup ulzzangPark Sora
Appearance: She looks like Ullzang. She usually prefers to keep her hair not too long (like, not to her waist but to her ) and she usually dyes her hair red or brown. She isn't flat and she has rather feminine body. She is quite shaped as for an Asian. She has couple of tattoos (1  2  3) but because they (tattoos) are not well welcomed in Korea she usually has to cover them with either make up or clothes. She also has an ear piercing.
Styleher style is rather tomboyish. She isn't a usuall girly girl, even though her taste isn't that feminine she still manages to stay fashionable (Ulzzang Style - 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10). She likes rocky style (studs, leather) mixed with funky and colorful clothes. She also likes to wear heavy shoes especially wedges and high heels because of her short height.
Height & Weight162 cm & 51 kg



mint-flavoured ice cream
snow & winter
BIG BANG (it's her favourite band ever)
trying new (especially dangerous like sky diving etc.) things
partying & drinking
tattoos & piercing
really spicy food
tall, charismatic guys
her short height
being woken up early 
when it's too warm outside
people who mind her business
healthy (diet) food that she has too eat to not gain weight)
showing her aegyo or acting cute
sport & physical activities
smoking (when she's nervous)
sleeptalking (she curses while sleeping)
rubbing a moon tattoo on her wrist when she thinks hardly or is embarassed
composing music
She really likes Korean music, usually the rappers in the group are her biases, she learned how to rap in Korean by listening over and over to BIG BANG, B.A.P and 2NE1.
T.O.P (BIG BANG) is her ideal type.
She gains weight easily so she has to excercise a lot, but because she really hates sport she usually just practise her dancing more.
She is really messy and she doesn't like to clean, she can cook really well though, she usually doesn't cook in dorm as she sometimes likes to add too much spicy flavours.
The only kind of sport that she likes are extreme sports because she really likes to take risk. Her friends usually think that she's not a human because she looks fearless.
She starts to act comically when she's listening to the music she likes, dancing with her whole body and doing really funny facial expressions.
She would really like to have more tattoos but she can't do one, because SM isn't tattoo friendly company.
She isn't an animal person, she doesn't really like animals (she is scared of dogs, even those little ones, but she usually hides it really well so no one really knows about this), she is also allergic to fur.
Her older brother is also her best friend.
She is really a good driver and she really likes to drive, it's one of her favorite things, unfortunately she doesn't have a car in Korea, so she only drives when she's in Japan.
Her father is a famous ski-jumping trainer.
She likes to play games and she knows a way to cheat in every possible game, that's why she usually wins.
She is the member that forgets song lyrics the most except from her rap parts, those she always remembers.



Bloodtype: B
Personality traitsSelf-confident, individualistic, sarcastic, forgetful, self-centered, dirty-minded, independent, wild, tempered, careless, boyish, fearless, stubborn, decisive, charismatic, strong-minded, straight-forward, impatient, social
Appearance: This girl is a one piece of a charismatic, sassy, diva with a hot temper that can only bring trouble to her. She has a never-ending confidence, bad attitude and sharp tongue, that she often uses. It's hard to control her since she always does whatever she wants not caring about others opinions and when someone tries to order her around she becomes even wilder and will definitely not listen. She is the one that always depravates younger and more innocent members with her dirty jokes. She is often scolded by leader or manager because of her careless words that can hurt other people as she is usually too honest. Patience is definitely her weak point. She becomes really nervous if she has to wait for anything longer than couple minutes. Because she is hot-blooded she may be a little arrogant, and she becomes mad/furious quite easily. She sometimes focus on herself too much and forgets about other people. She isn't a person to hide her feelings and she will tell if she's not pleasant with something.
She is very individualistic. She always goes with what she thinks is right rather than just follow others opinions. She always has her own opinions. Her sense of humor is really sarcastic and full of irony. She is very independent, she rarely asks other people for their help, she usually prefers to do everything her own way. She is very brave and she's not afraid of taking risk, it's really hard to scare her. She is always the first one to try new things. When she decides domething she sticks with that to the and what has good and bad sides, she is also very stubborn and she doesn't like compromises. She is good with speaking and because of that she is often called flaming charisma. She is very social and she can talk to anyone without hesitation.
BackgroundShe grew up in Sapporo, with her dad and older brother. She has never met her mother and she doesn't know where or who she is, beside the fact that she's Korean who once came on winter holiday to Sapporo where she met her dad. Nine months later her dad found Sora in front of his front door. Her older brother was adopted by her dad later, when Sora was four. Her brother was a son of her dad's best friends who died in a car accident. She was always surrounded by people and snow, as Sapporo is a winter capital of Japan. Her dad is a famous ski jumping coach. Because she lived with her quite introverted dad and older brother she was always quite boyish and she never really felt good in the girls' company. It was her brother who introduced dance to her, he was her first teacher and he always taught her rather manly choreographies, and she was really good with those, she had to just watch it once to remember and dance perfectly. Because of that at first she had some struggles with y and cute dance moves that she had to learn after she was scouted. Her father isn't the most caring person and he is rather rough, so he would just always let his kids do whatever they want but he loves them very much and he wouldn't change having kids for anything.



father - Shou Hayashi - 50 - introverted, rough, reserved, calm - alive - 3
brother - Ryouta Takenaka - 24 - self-confident, hard-working, organized, ambitious - alive - 5
friend - Naomi Saito - 21 - talkative, social, indecisive, crazy - 4.5
friend - Kim Jong Hyun (Jonghyun) - SHINee - 23 - charismatic, self-confident, dirty-minded, funny - 4
friend - Park Chan Yeol (Chanyeol) - EXO - 20 (will be 21 in November) - funny, open-minded, optimistic, self-confident - 4
friend - Zhang Yi Xing - EXO - 21 (will be 22 in October) - naughty, forgetful, quiet, reserved - 4
friend - Kwon Yu Ri (Yuri) - Girls' Generation (SNSD) - 23 (24 in December) - charismatic, funny, hard-working, self-confident - 4
Jung Soo Yeon (Jessica Jung) - 24 - Girls' Generation (SNSD) - cold, ambitious, picky, persistent - Jessica is in love with a guy that Sora likes. She doesn't really like Sora, because she doesn't like (in her opinion) her love interest as much as Jessica does, yet he is obviously interested in Sora.
Lee Chae Rin (CL) - 21 - 2NE1 - charismatic, tough, cool, outgoing - it's a friendly rivalry, they like each other and they are in good conditions, but they are rivals because of their skills, and similiar stage charisma.




Positionchoose your top three [1, 2 & 3]
[   ] main vocalist
​[   ] 2nd main vocalist
​[   ] lead vocalist
​[   ] 2nd lead vocalist
​[   ] triple threat
​[ 2 ] main rapper
​[ 1 ] lead rapper / supporting dancer
​[ 3 ] main dancer / supporting rapper
​[   ] lead dancer / supporting vocalist
Persona: Sassy Firecracker
Fanclub: Divas (because of her Diva-like image and her fierce and sassy behaviour on stage)
Special talent: boy group dances, beatboxing


 ★Kris (Wu yifan) 


Backup love interest: Tao (Huang Zitao)
Personality: Kris is a guy, that is always admired by women and girls around. He is the one that steals your first look. He is extremely confident, even cocky sometimes, he has an authority amongst other SM artists and trainees even if he's not the oldest or the most experienced one. He may be intimidating. He treats girls that chase him rather cold but he is extremely charming to females that he knows and likes. He is straight-forward and social person who easily talks to people, he is out-going, playful person who likes to party and hang out with his friends and bandmates. He is dirty-minded and erted.
How you met: They met on a company meeting, when U4RIA was introduced to the other labelmates. She found Kris very attracting and y. Kris at first didn't really pay attention to her as in U4RIA were other, iee and more physically attractive members. When after their usual company meeting they later went all together to a party with labelmates he finally noticed her, when she was rocking on the dance floor together with Lay (that's how Sora and Lay became friends). He thought thas she was quite y and pretty. They started talking later, next to bar, while drinking, that's how they became friends.
How do they act around each other: their relations are friendly with a lot of chemistry. They usually look funny while being together because of their height difference, but it's not an obstacle for them to have fun together. They are quite similiar in characters so they get along really well. They are both quite bold and dirty-minded so they usually exchange dirty jokes or have similiar bawdy associations. From time to time they argue about something and then they are both quite explosive. When they argue they usually feel their chemistry stronger than ever and that's why they always end up kissing in some dark corner or a staircase on 3rd floor. None of them wants to admit that there are feelings involved and they always say that those are just meaningless incidents. They are extremely jealous about each other though. Sora becomes really jealous especially when Kris is with Jessica and Kris pays with the same when Sora is with her guy friends. They are both really possesive and they like each other way more that they want to admit.
Relationshipfriends (with benefits)



Song suggestions
'Feel Good' EXID
'Ma Style' miss A
'Lips' miss A
'I Am The Best' 2NE1
'Get Out' AOA
'The Boys' SNSD
'Bad Boy' SISTAR
'Nobody' Wonder Girls
'Be My Baby' Wonder Girls
'Like This' Wonder Girls
'Volume Up' 4minute
Scene requests
A kissing scene between Sora and Kris (when they look much like this)
A scene where girls are on some variety show and she stammers because she forgot some Korean word
A scene where girls are supposed to show their special talent and Sora shocks everyone with her ability to dance boy group dances as well as originals
A party scene, where all girls spend time with their labelmates and Kris becomes jealous, because Sora spends most of her time with her guy friends
Running Man scene, where there is a challenge with bungee jumping and she's the first one to volunteer, what saved more scared bandmated and Running Man cast. She jumps without hesitation withe a huge grin and laughing.
sorry for not adding much Japanese people but I'm not really into J-Pop and I don't like to write things that I don't know well. I hope I wrote everything.
sorry for any mistakes, English isn't my first language
I hope that you liked my app
↪ Fighting!
Thank you for applying, and good luck!



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