Dragon Slayers application

  Dragon Slayers Application Form 


Password: Rose


Username(Link it) : BlackRose001 

  The Royal Dragon Slayer  

Name: Kwon Min Jee

Kingdom: Rose Kingdom

Element: Diamond

Eye colour: Light brown and when she uses her powers turn purple.

Occupation: Student (Senior Year)

Personality: She´s cold. She doesn´t like to show her real emotions to anyone. Well...... that´s what she shows to the people she doesn´t know. In reality she is a really funny, ert and caring person. She likes to make the paople she loves happy and free from problems. Doesn´t like to bother anyone with her problems, so she always tries to fix everything alone.
When she´s mad no one can stop her. If she needs to figth she will and send the hurted people to the hospital. Don´t you dare mess up with her or the people she cares, she wont mind to kill you if it is necessary.
When she´s sad or simply upset she won´t show any emotion at all and wants to not be bothered at all.


- Reading books

- Coconut ice cream

- Basketball

- Black Roses

- Wolves

- Listen to music

- Write stories

- Write lyrics

- Darkness or the night

- White chocolat


- Snakes

- Lies

- Bullies

- Ignorant people

- Watermelon


- Dancing

- Singing

- Figthing

- Boxing

- Skating

- Play the guittar

- Swimming

- Listen to music


Good ones:

- Having always great manners

Bad ones:

- Speaking quickly and loudly when she´s nervous.



- Love


- Isn´t short tempered

- Can make important decisions in a second, especialy in cases of death and life


- Trust people to must

- Impatient

- When is really hot days

- Her "family"



Family Background: " I never knew who my family was. I was always alone. No one cared about me. Without a family, without their love I was cold. Always cold to people that tried to destroy my protection walls just like the black roses. Roses that mean death but at the same time mean mistery. But... at some time, maybe when I was 12, a girl with the same age as me came to me and told me that I should live a happy life. I didn´t get to know her name but I started thinking on what she told me and I started to open a little. I started to hev friends and they were suprised at how caring and protective I was towards them. They were always there for me. I could have no family but they were my new family and their own families said that I was family to them to. I was happy. I couldn´t ask for anything else.

When I was 15, one of my friends was hurted really badly. I couldn´t do anything to protect him. I just wanted to help him. That´s when I decided to learn how to figth. I had lot of money because ever since young I would find jobs to have money to eat and to have a place to sleep and know money is what I have to much. I became an expert on figthing. I wasn´t afraid to get hurt. Finally I could protect them- my own FAMILY!" 

  • Min Jee deosn´t know her family. No one knows. The only things that the people told her was that she was left on the orphanage at the front door and she only had a few days since she was born. But there was one thing that the people had left her in the orphanage. It was a BlackRose ring and they also left a letter:

                                                                  " Dear Min Jee,

                                      We really love you so much, but we an´t be with you. It´s for your own good. You in here ae protected but if you are with us they could kill you. For the moment you have read this we will be dead. We love you. Never forget that. Stay strong. When you turn 14 a mark will appear on you (the black rose tatoo) and so your powers. You need to be carefull with them and don´t let anyone know about that. When you turn 16, believe me, there will be someone that will come to save you."

  • Min Jee is always alone because she is afraind to hurt someone with her power. She has times that couldn´t control it very well. Know she controls it and has some friends (2NE1 and BAP) but she doesn´t want to have anymore. It almost her 16th aniverssary and maybe she will go away. She doesn´t know.
  • She works on a Café has a maid and she is very well paid. Sometimes she works at night in a club to have extra money for things that she needs, like clothes and food.

Family Members: None...



Ulzzang Name: Lee Yeon Ju aka Mikki

Picture links: LYJ, LYJ, LYJ

Clothing style(Underline preferred style):  

Dress | Skirts | Blouse | Normal T-shirt | Jeans | Hot pants | knee-length pants  

Tomboyish | Girlish | Casual

Height(cm): 165cm

Weight(Kg): 50kg

Scars: On her back.

Piercings: On her right ear.

Extra: And a black rose on her back too.


Love interest: Kris

Back-up: Tao

How she is around him: She at first is cold and ignores him a bit. Later she starts to open up to him and starts to care for him. She just feels to hipnotized by him. " Why do I care so much? I don´t know him that well. He is just another normal boy.... Right?"

How he is around her: He is really curious about her. He wants to break her walls. He wants to understand her and know everything about that. He starts to care a lot about her and can´t stop to think about her.

His personality: He normaly is cold to everyone but when he meet Min Jee he could only feel curious about her. He cares a lot at the people he loves, really protective about them. 

Extra: /


Questions: None ^^

Comments: I so want to read this fic as soon as possibly ^^. Hope I can be choseen :D


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