APPLICATION Lee Soo Man Three Hot Daughters

Name: Lee Muto Juriki

Pictures of Character:  [SHIRAISHI MAI]

Birthdate: 08/14/1996

Height: 160 cm

Weight: 43kg

Personality:Juriki Is princess like but isn't snobby or anything bad she energetic gets easily excited and when she gets eaily excited she can be pretty loud.She is picky and can be self absorbed,she doesn't really like skinship between boys that much,she gets distacted easily if she isn't doing anything im portant.when she is in princess she can complain alot and have her fail moments.She is aggressive and clumsy and quite forgetful,she smiles alot and rarely gets annoyed or angry and she can be careless sometimes.When she is bored she would make weird faces take pictures of herself and be nosy.

Talent: musician(plays the drums)

Style:her style is cute,refreshing,kinda dressy,simple,and airy she often just wears light colored dresses

Hobbies: Taking selcas,riding her bike,trying to get out of drum practice,collecting jpop and kpop CDs and posters,playing video games

likes/dislikes: she likes the color pink,traveling,small puppies,fruit,watching anime,she dislikes too much skinship,sour candy,big animals,having her stash of bubble gum being taken away,annoying people,being left out of things

Love interest: EXO Sehun,EXO Tao,Infinite Dongwoo








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emanresu #1
Congratulation! I actually like your character (: You shall be the youngest sister of the three (: