My birthday ~

First of all, I wanna thank you very much for all the love comments and greetings I had, so THANK YOUUUUUUU !! ♥ ♥ 


Now, for those who are interested, Im gonna explain how my party went ♥ 

It actually was a mini-party because I only invited Marina. Yeah, we kinda, uh, had friends problems and I didn't want to mess it up by bringing everyone at the same time. I'm gonna hang up with the others later, yeap, but that day, I didn't want a cat fight in my house so I  only invidted my bestfriend.

She came around 16:05, which was the time I had asked her to come. Then, we climbed up to my bedroom and laid on the bed, and we made out a little. JK, we just watched 'Heaven's Postman' haha. Sis don't get mad ♥ ♥ 

When the movie ended, we ate a little before going to main thing. My grandmother who was sweet enough to bring me a cake from Portugal, bought me a delicious portuguese cake. I lit up the candles by myself, but I had an accident... I was going to blow the match, but I accidently blew off the match and both candles before we even sang Happy Birthday =.='. Marina was like,


'Uhhh honey u know, u can't lit 'em up anymore'


But I still lit them up.


Then, there was some confusion. Because my grandmother can only speak portuguese and we didn't know in what language we should sing.

It ended up like this:


Me and Marina sang in english.

My sister in spanish.

My grandmother in portuguese.

My brother in laughish.


After I finished up singing with Marina, I blew the candles... but only the number 1 lit off. But, since portuguese 'Happy Birthday' song is so long, my grandmother was still singing it and whe she finally ended, I blowed the last candle... even though it didn't want to be blowed at first D3.

Then, me and Marina played some Wii Sports♥ ♥  We played tennis and baseball♥ ♥ She won tennis but I won baseball for 4-3♥ ♥ 





After that, we just chilled down and watched some TV while sitting leisurely in the couch. I showed her EXO's new MV and talked to her about their sasaengs. I even showed her a TV report about sasaengs and she got so mad.



Well, that pretty much says everything ! Annyeong !! ♥ ♥ 


PS: I know my back seems weird. I've spent some days in the hospital, reason why I haven't updated in a while, and my back hurts so much that I have to crouch it down like that :'(

Don't think I am crazy for shouting K-Pop names. I actually have Miis of them, that's why I was saying their names. Dae Sung is a meanie X)


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Is it too late to greet you? XD
Happy birthday!!!!!!
happy birthdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!! I love you so much,Mari <3
haha, you guys are cute ^^