幻影学院 // Kwon Min Jee。




Kwon Min Jee



Hey You

Username: BlackRose001
Activeness: { 8 - 10 }
What should I call you? Andreia


The Archives

Name: Kwon Min Jee
Nicknames: BlackRose, MJ, Min-Min
Age: 19
Birthday: 20/03/1994
Ethnicity: Half Korean, Half Chinese
Birthplace: London
Hometown: London
Languages: Korean, Mandarim, English, French and Spanish.


Princess Perfect

Ulzzang: Jin Jae Young
Back-Up Ulzzang: Lee Yeon Ju
Height:165 cm
Weight: 45 g
Blood Type: AB
Style: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10


Live Like You

Personality: A really funny, dorky, caring and ert girl! A great Mood Maker. Hates to see the people she lves sad, so she will do even the most embarrising thing in the world just to make them happy. A really positive girls that even in the worst situation she can take the positive part of them.
She´s really full of emotions but doesn´t like to le people see when she´s sad or upset. She doesn´t like to bother people with her problems, so she always treis to think everything herself. Puts others peoples feeling first of her and because of that she is a lot of imes hurt but hides it with a smile.
Important Traits: She has problem with her weight because when she was young she was fat and was lways bullied becaus of that. She has a big scar on her back, a tattoo of a black rose on her leg and piercings on her rigth ear.
When she found out her powers, she started being a little cold, but when she meet people like her she opened up again.
Superpower: Telepathy
Backup Power: Time Control

  • Ice Cream
  • White Chocolat
  • TV
  • Computer
  • Wolves
  • Black Roses
  • Cute stuff


  • Bullies
  • Lies
  • Ignorant people
  • Watermelon
  • Insects
  • Sad people


  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Write lyrics
  • Reading books
  • Swimming


  • Being shy around boys that doesn´t know
  • Speaking loudly when she´s nervous.


  • Storms
  • Snakes


  • As a Bat has a pet named Pearl.
  • Is addictd to the computer.
  • Loves radical sports like bungee jumping.
  • Speaks really quick.
  • Can feel others people´s emotions.
  • If she eats t much sugar sh will be wild and even more crazy that wa she is for the whole day.



Look At Your Files

Background: With famous and divorced parents, Min Jee was always alone. She tought that if she started to participate in singing competitions her parents would be together again. With 8 years she started participating in competitions. Her parents would go see her but they never could be ogether again. That´s what she learn at the age of 10 when she heard them discussin about her.
 At the age of 14, she started to feel a lot of pain in her whole body. Her parents were´t worried at all so she had to be in pain for 5 years.
With the age of 19 she started to show pupernatural powers. Something that shouldn´t have happned. When her parents knew about that, they told her to get out of their houses because she ws the shame of the family. 
She stayed in a hotel for a week, until a strange man give her a new opportunity. Go to a school wih plenty of teenagers with powers!


  • Mother| Kwon Stella| 46| Famous Stylist| Cold, Serious, Strict| Alive
  • Father| Xi Lu Qiun| 47| Compositor| Serious, Cold, Strict| Alive




Super Lovers

Love Interest: Tao
Superpower: Time Control
Personality: On the outside he may look a cold persont, but in reality he is a really cute, funny and caring person. Loves to act cute aroud his friends. When he doesn´t kno the people very well he is a little cold and ignores them a little, but when he know them, he is really cute, does a lot of aegyo and is really clingy. Is realle honnest, innocent and hates lies.
Important Traits: Is really inocent so whenever he heards ert things he starts blushing. Has piercings and knows martial arts.
How Do You Meet? When it starts the new semester on th same class, side by side on the tables.
How Do You Treat Each Other? MIn Jee likes to corrupt Tao´s innocence because she loves to see him lushing and stunned. Tao is cold at firts with her  but than starts to act really cute, friendly and clingy.

Back-Up Love Interest: D.O


Thrown To Your Cell

Comments: I am really antecipating for this story and English isn´t my first language hehe >.<
Scene Requests: Min Jee taking care of the sick Tao
Password: *.*

©sapphirefox - used with permission.


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