Love is to Blame || Kwon Tiffany - Incomplete

Kwon Tiffany

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The Pianist

don't wait for a miracle

Your name: Melly

Username/Link: Mellychau /

Activity Level:  All day!C:


there's a rough road before us

Name: Kwon Tiffany [American] / Kwon Hyo Ji [Korean]

Nickname(s): Fany / Tiff - Short for Tiffany

                   JiJi - Parents call by Korean name

Age: 19

Birthdate: 08 / 04 / 1994

Birthplace/Hometown: Toronto, Canada / Beijing, China

Languages: American English - Fluent

                Madarian Chinese - Fluent

                Korean - Conversational [Still learning, barely Understanding]

Ethnicity: Chinese - 75% - Chinese; 25% - Korean  [Mom - 100% Chinese; Dad - 50% Chinese and Korean]


with a future that can't be known

First Ulzzang Choice: Choi Seo Hee

Picture Links: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |

Second Ulzzang Choice: Choi Haneul

Picture Links: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |  


Casual Outfit: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Date Outfit: | 1 | 2 | 3 | [Night] | 1 | 2 | 3 | [Day]

Weather-Related: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Dorm/Pajamas: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Beach: Beach

yet i won't change, i can't give up

Plotline Applying For: The Pianist

Personality: She is very Cheerful, bubbly, and energetic. She can be very sensitive when people mock her, because she is near to deaf. But she still consider being deaf a gift from God. She has some issue when if comes to trust. The only people she trust is Henry, her parents, and her piano teacher.

Major: SongWriting [Piano]

Musical Talent: Piano

History in your Major: Tiffany was never into the music kind. She didn't really like music when she was little. She always though music would bring her tears. Her hears were infected when she was little. Technically she is almost deaf. She wears an ear piece for her to be able to hear clearly. Since she always thought music would bring tears, because whenever Mr. Kwon would listen to music, Mrs. Kwon would always cry. Tiffany doesn't like to have her love ones to be sad and cry. So he stop playing music. When she meet Henry in 4th grade, she disliked him. The first few words he said was "Hi, My name is Henry Lau, and I love playing the piano." She knew she would hate him. But fate decided to play. Henry saw Tiffany was an intresting girl. He tried to get close to her. And everytime he try, it was end with a SLAP in the face. ouch. He still didn't mind getting slap. He still continued to bother her. Until she gave up and opened up to him. They were friends for 2 years. During the period of the two years, Henry tried to get TIffany to listen to music or play any instruments. Henry never minded when Tiffany was deaf. He always was there to protect her. One day, Henry heard someone try to play the piano. Which was really terrible. Tiffany was trying to play the C scale, but missed the keys and hit wrong notes. Henry laughed at Tiffany tries. Then he was anticipating Tiffany's failed key playing but it was nothing. He heard commotion and peeked and saw Seo Hyun and her girls cornering Tiffany. They were mocking her and hitting her. Henry ran and pushed Seo Hyun and hugged Tiffany. Henry started screaming for the teacher. Luckily, the teacher was close by and heard what happen. Tiffany was embrassed. Henry dragged Tiffany to the piano and started playing the C scale for her. The C Scale was the most basic notes. Whenever Henry learned something new, he would always teach Tiffany to play it. Tiffany also taught Henry new songs whenever she learned new ones.


-Music = Piano

-Slow Dance


-Scaring people

-Home Alone or with Henry

-Sleepover with Henry






-Seo Hyun


-Loud Party








-Keeping a schedule

-Saving money



-Stage nervous

-Getting sick easily


-Near Deaf

-Perfect Eyesight


-Know American Sign Language

-Own 4 Pianos: Keyboard [1], Upright Piano [1], Grand Piano(s) [2]

-Clean-freak person

keep your love unchanging
Background: Kwon Hyo Ji was borned on August 4, 1994. She is the youngest of the three sibbling. She was born premature, 2 Months. The doctor at first had her examined, but there was no sickness, or disablilties. Hyo Ji was a really quick leaner. By the time she was 4, she was about to speak normally. But at age 5, she started to lose hearing. She couldn't hear as clear as she did when she was 4. The doctor was able to help her, by giving her hearing aids. When she was 8, Mrs. Kwon started to get ill. She died from Brain Cancer. Mr. Kwon was always busy with his job. He would usually drown himself into a case until Mrs. Kwon or his friends dragged him out. Mr. Kwon is the kind of lawyer to work his off for a case. He won't leave till he finishs. He meet another lawyer after his wife's death. Agatha was able to be a great friend and suppose him. One year later, when it was Mrs. Kwon's death anniversary, he got drunk and Agatha. He thought that is was Mrs. Kwon. She was later pregnant with his child and they got married. He loved her, and was a loyal husband.
Tiffany tried her best in school. Jayden wanted Tiffany to go to a All Girl Deaf School, but Tiffany refused because she wanted to be with Henry. She put up with all the abusive words, and mock and put up a smile, but once she gets home she would cry and cry. She would never cry in school to show her  weakness and  especailly when there is Henry.
Family Members:
Kwon Taec Min [Jayden / Jay] | Father | 41 | Lawyer | OC | Barely home; Supportive; Blames himself for the death of this wife, and Tiffany being deaf |
Kwon Yeon Wul [Agatha / Ace] | Step Mother | 37 | Lawyer | OC | Very different from other Step Mother; Caring; Treats Min Huk, Yoon Ri, and Tiffany as her own Children; Even though she is a lawyer, she still always have time for the Min Huk, Yoon Ri, and Tiffany; Wants Henry and Tiffany together |
Kwon Yul Na [Hester] | 40 | Decreased Mother | Died at age 30 | OC |
Kwon Min Huk [Roy] | 21 | Older Brother [Twin Brother of Kwon Yoon Ri] | OC |Cafe Owner [Cafe Clover] | OC |Let Henry and Tiffany play at their Cafe; Overprotective brother; Mess with sister; Take Yoon Ri, Henry, and Tiffany to school |
Kwon Yoon Ri [Amiee] | 21 | Older Sister [Twin Sister of Kwon Min Huk] | OC | Cafe Owner [Cafe Clover] | OC| Let Henry and Tiffany play the piano in their Cafe; Supportive older sister who is somewhat jealous of her relationship with Henry |
Kwon Yuri | 10 | Half Youngest sister | Idol | Love Tiffany the most [Favorite sister]; Henry and Tiffany and Yuri act like a family |

Best Friend: Lau Henry | 19 | Best Friend | Performance [Piano] | Idol | See Musical History |
Im Yoona | 20 | Friend | Performance [Piano] | Idol | Works with The Kwon Twins |
Lee Taemin | 26 | Piano Teacher | Idol | Taught Tiffany and Henry how to play the piano |
Rival: Seo Joo Hyun | 20 | Rival | Performance [Piano | Idol | Crush Henry; Always the one and only Seo Joo Hyun |
i love you, just like this

Love Interest: Henry Lau [Super Junior - M]

Age/Birthdate: 19

Major: Pianist [Performance]

Personality: Henry Lau is the kind of guy who is protective of their girl.Henry have been there for Tiffany since the begining. Tiffany like going to the gym, but she doesn't like going alone. She dragged Henry with her. Henry likes to show off. Even though she is a girl, he like to show off his amazing toned abs to her. He would run around the gym with her and bare hug her shirtless. Henry have the cutest dimples ever. He would laugh out loud, and his dimple would show. Even just a small smile would show his dimples. He would have a way to make Tiffany laugh whenever she was down.

How did/will you meet?: It was the first day of 4th grade. His introduction was: "Hello, My name is Henry Lau. I love playing the piano, and I am a 4th Grader." He kept on irriating

Relationship: (together? for how long? or is it a crush? do they hate each other? how do you interact? make it applicable to the plotline)

How do you interact?:


Back Up Love Interest:




How did/will you meet?:


How do you interact?:


together until the end, into the new world

Comments: (anything extra you wish to add?)

Scene Requests: (the story is still being planned out, so if you're chosen there's a high chance you'll get at least one scene request! ^_^)
Other: (you should know what to put here. kekeke.)


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