Is it just me...?

Or does no one write stories about some groups *coughBAPcough* where the female lead is older than the oldest members? I mean, I can read any story where the 'you' character is younger *coughallofthemcough*, but sometimes I'm in the mood for a story where the 'you' character is my age (23, considered part of '89 line) and the members of the group are their real ages as well. If that were to happen in most stories, instead of the 'you' calling the romantic interest oppa, the romantic interest would call 'you' noona. Is that too much to ask?  I mean, I know I'm considered an ahjumma (I started an ahjumma corps on here with a friend, lol) on the site, but would it be too much to ask that someone at least write one story that way?



I may end up doing it myself, but I like reading other people's styles more than my own XD  Sorry for the complaing.


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