Tell Me that My Anger is Justified

So as most of you know, I broke up with my boyfriend last week. I've been happy, but I realized just now he still has a hold on me. I've been thinking I'm free but I'm not because he still won't talk to me (he just keeps on saying "nothing I would say would matter" and I'm still trying to convince him that's not the point) and I can't properly move on until he's told me his response to everything I said.

I am so ing mad, because for a week I've thought myself free and happy and it took me a week to realize I'm in pain still if not in more pain I can't end it like I did last time. I can't end it because he's the only one who can end it and he won't. So I'm stuck here when all I want to do is move the on with my life and I can't.

Tell me now. Tell me it's okay to be angry. Because I want to believe it is, but I'm so mad I feel like I hate him and I don't want to hate him at all.


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The best thing to do is calm down, and let yourself be sad about it. A break up is a break up, and telling yourself you're okay when you've already gotten used to sharing a piece of yourself, takes time. Take time to let yourself grow from what the relationship gave you, not reprimand yourself from not being able to get over it. Don't be the person who thinks they need him. Its just your heart trying to adapt to being alone again. It will hurt, and you'll go through every emotion possible, but just know in the end, you are the one who is stuck with you. Do what's best for you. What made you happy? Bubbles? Playing on the playground? Taking a walk? Long term happiness is something that has always been there and had never failed to make you smile. Go back to that. Enjoy the simple things and let yourself acknowledge the good, the bad, what you won't do again, and what you'll look for in another. And you'll be okay :] Trust yourself hun. Only you know what kind of happiness you deserve.
I'm not really the expert in this field, but all I can say is that it's ok to be mad. He was what, the first guy to reciprocate your feelings? If I am correct. I think it's kind of normal for you to react the way you are, but I think you'll only be able to move on if you let yourself move on. Don't let him make that decision for you. How you feel isn't up to him, but rather up to you. The choice is yours
Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

tanzi666 #3
say eff him he missed out and let the next guy sweep you off your feet. maybe then he'll get the hint
Unnie, it's okay to be upset and mad. It's understandable because he is the first guy (to my knowledge) that has returned your feelings. But with him, he won't let things go like that. Trust me I know. The only best thing to do is not to allow yourself to want comfort from his words, but to find Comfort in God. (Sorry I went off in my preacher mode) But what you're looking for in him, if he ever does it, will probably only satisfy you for a little bit. But later on you will be searching for more and I can tell you from experience that you won't find what you want from guys.