666 - case of the red ruby application




. [ Xian Seyeon] .


▬case of the red ruby▬


 aff information 

AFF Username: Ayu-chan724
Profile Link:

 character information  

I am:
[ ] the school's bad girl
[ ] the fiction freak
[ ] the president of exo fanclub
[x] the member of student body council
[ ] the nerdy smartypants
[ ] the dead's best friend

Name: Xian Seyeon
Nickname(s): Yeon (her older brother calls her that to differate her from her twin)
Age: 16
Date of Birth: July 24, 1997
Hometown: Shanghai, China
Height(cm): 167 cm
Weight(kg): 58 kg
Ethnicity: Half Korean, Half Chinese
Spoken languages: Korean (fluent), Mandarin (fluent), Cantonese (fluent)

prefers to be left alone, sits in the back of the classroom, ignores everyone around her
once something catches her attention she won't leave it alone, doesn't care what excuse you give her or your relation to her; if you break the rules, you break the rules
only towards her siblings, loves to play pranks with her twin
loves animals, takes care of the school's garden (if there is one -_-), secretly takes care of her siblings, always visits an animal shelter to play with the animals there

Seyeon is the middle child of her family. Seyeon was born the older twin in Shanghai, China with a Korean mother and a Chinese father. Her father's family shunned her mother and their kids and forced the parents to split up, causing her mother and children to move to Korea. Despite this happening, her father frequently contacts Seyeon and her brothers. But due to her mother constantly working to support their family, there was no father figure in the household, so Seyeon's older brother had to step up and watch over his younger siblings since his mother couldn't.  When Seyeon was younger, she was made fun of a lot since she and her brothers were half-breeds, and because of that
Seyeon grew quiet and cold, though she still remained the soft and playful girl to her brothers, but to everyone else, she ignored.

-quiet places
-bubble tea
-winter season
-loud/obnoxious people
-summer season
-dark places
-crowded places
-thunderstorms (cuz they're loud)
-tapping foot when listening to music
-singing when she's by herself
-always wears the necklace her father gave her
-wears matching bracelets with her twin (she wears the white one)
-she really wants to adopt a puppy but can't afford it
-is always listening to music, except in class and council meetings
-her older brother forced her to join the student council
-black belt in both tae-kwon-do and judo
-has the school hand book memorized


Appearance:  1 2 3 4 5

Ulzzang name: Lee Dasom

Backup ulzzang: 1 2 3
Ulzzang name: Kim Seuk Hye



Xian Sangkyu | older brother | 18 | high school student | student council president, is very strict with his siblings
Xian Sehyuk | younger twin brother | 16 | high school student | school bully, is often beat by Seyeon because of that. Is called Hyuk or Hyukkie by his siblings
Kim Ahyoung | mother | 47 | lawyer | is barely home but tries to be home as  much as possible, loves her children very much and would die for them

 love interest 

Name: Luhan
Why do you like him?:
Seyeon has to constant stop her twin from picking on Luhan and she wonders why he never stands up to him. She finds it interesting that a boy with such a baby face could be so distant and wonders what secrets he has to hide. During her investigations, Seyeon ends up falling prey to Luhan's smile and unknowingly falls for him, but will always deny it.
Backup love interest - 
Name: Sehun
Why do you like him?:
Seyeon is fascinated by the fact that Sehun holds the record for the fastest runner, since she often sees him running when she's in the garden. She grows suspicious of the record and decides to investigate, but during her investigation, Seyeon ends up becoming attached to Sehun's smirk and realizes her heart starts to race whenever she sees it. She claims that she's just infatuated with Sehun but she knows deep down it's something more. 
How do you act around him?
Slightly flustered, but quickly regains herself and goes back to her cold and harsh self. Gets annoyed by his attitude sometimes.



None I can think of ^^ good luck with the story ^^





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