♫ Muse's Bassist and Rapper ► Yoon Soo Rim


Greetings! I am Muse's Bassist and Rapper Yoon Soo Rim.

dominikaq92 |
Yoon Soo Rim | 20 | Bassist and Rapper | Kim Jong In (Kai, EXO) | Sassy Firecraker


Behind The Musician's Mask

Username: dominikaq92
Activeness: 4


You Don't Know Me

 Name: Yoon Soo Rim
          Nicknames: Suri (called like that by everyone, her parents, her siblings and her friends)
 Age: 20
 Birthdate: July 12th, 1993
 Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
 Family Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Seoul, South Korea
 Residence: Seoul, South Korea
 Ethnicity: Korean
 Blood Type: B
 Languages Spoken: Korean - fluent (native), English - basic






Me Myself and I

Personality: She may look all innocent and good, but she definitely isn't. She is a one piece of charismatic, sassy, dirty-minded troublemaker. She is an owner of a really bad attitude, never-ending confidence and sharp tongue that are responsible for a lot of people to dislike her. She isn't concerned at all. She is a one fierce diva with a husky voice and incredible talent who was able to steal hearts of bunch of a guys. She is called a heartbreaker because she usually isn't that intrested in them, as she always says unless you're Big Bang's T.O.P, you have no chance. She isn't all that clever, but she is really cunning instead. She knows a way to cheat in every possible game, and she usually uses this knowledge. Her social skills helped her to meet everyone worth knowing in her school and she has a bunch of friends as well as enemies, but still, she likes her band mates the most. She is very out-going person, who likes to party (and drink) a lot. She isn't the best in drinking so she often comes home completely drunk. When she decides something she stick with it, but making the decision takes her really long time. Her actions are usually really funny, mostly because of her clumsiness, who shows especially while she is drunk. She has a great sense of humor and she can make people smile and laugh at ease. Suri may be a little irresponsible and arrogant from time to time, and her temper is no joke, she gets mad easily and when it happens, you better run, devil run...

Background: She comes from a musical family. Her parents both are musicians, her mother composes songs and her dad is a professor of traditional music, they both can sing and play a lot of instruments. Her older brother, family's black sheep, left the house when he told parents that he wants to become a doctor. He rarely speaks to their parents and their youngest sister but he has a really strong bond with Suri. Her younger sister dreams about becoming a world star and that is why she takes every possible music lesson - singing, dancing, composing, instruments... She isn't as talented in composing and playing instruments as Suri, but she is very talented when it comes to singing and dancing. She wants to become a trainee in one of the biggest entertainments and become an idol.

Suri never was really obedient student, she usually slept on the most of lessons and she always had one of the lowest scores in school ranks, mostly because of her laziness. From the very beginning her goal was to become a musician so she tried really hard while learning music, but she didn't care about other subjects. She was raised in artistic atmosphere full of playing instruments, singing and listening to music. She knows classical music and traditional Korean music as well but it's not something that she is really interested in. Since very young age she was always called a genius when it came to playing instruments and hearing music, so her parents would always turn a blind eye on her poor grades and bad attitude.

In her life there were only two guys that she really liked her first love and Big Bang's T.O.P, who she may not know, but she loves him sincerely. She fell in love with her first love when she was 16, he was a Chinese student who came to Korea on exchange, he was three years older and he was the man that girls were crazy about. Mostly because he was tall, totally handsome and he had a Canadian blood in him (his English was totally a thing that turned all those girls on). For some reason since the beginning Yifan (yup, EXO's Kris is the one I'm talking about), was interested in her and soon after he became her first boyfriend and her first lover. Unfortunately he had to came back to China and he left her with broken heart. Since then she always says, that she is waiting for T.O.P and no one else, as she stated that she is his future wife.

Because of her grades she had hard time, trying to get to good school, but thanks to her parents influence in musical world she was accepted to Seoul Arts University. Because her parents live nearly her school she didn't have to change her home, but she usually thinks about this as a bad thing, because she would really like to move out from her parents house.

Present: She still lives with her parents and she still has to take care of her sister from time to time, but she looks for some place to live, she would like to share an apartment with her bandmate so she started to work in cafe near university, to have money to pay rent. She also teaches kids playing piano, guitar, violin and contrabass. She loves to party with her friends and because of that she is rarely at home as she studies, works and is going out or practise with band almost every day.


  • going crazy
  • rapping
  • CL from 2NE1
  • tall guys, especially if they have nice abs
  • T.O.P from Big Bang
  • sleeping
  • everything about music
  • eating cereals all day
  • watching Running Man with her brother in his apartment, she always roots for Yoo Jae Suk, Gary and Haha
  • parties and drinking
  • skinship


  • any kind of excercise or sport
  • studying
  • being woken up early
  • boredom
  • living with her parents and her younger sister
  • smarty pants
  • her chubby cheeks
  • the fact that she gains weight easily
  • her short height
  • countryside and nature


  • playing instruments (she can play bass (and contrabass as well), guitar, piano, violin and harmonica)
  • rapping
  • composing music
  • eating
  • partying!

Habits: she is a sleep-talker, she usually curses while sleeping; she always dances SNSD's Gee when she's drunk (even though she at dancing) but she always denies it even if all her friends saw it; she tends to smoke when she is extremely nervous
Other Talents: cheating in every possible game (?), she knows smoking tricks (as smoke ring gun), bartending (she is really good with making drinks), she can whistle every possible song

  • she says that her future husband is T.O.P
  • she is a multi-instrumentalist, but she isn't all that good in singing, she doesn't like it that much either
  • she started to learn rapping after listenning to 2NE1's CL's rap
  • she totally at dancing
  • she hears that she looks like Chinese a lot
  • if she could go back in time she would like to meet Elvis, go to a Beatles' concert and get drunk with Kurt Cobain
  • she at driving, she still doesn't understand how on Earth she got her license
  • she knows Seoul really well, she is like living GPS in this city
  • she doesn't like the fact that her sister wants to become an idol altough it could be a good opportunity for her to finally meet T.O.P
  • she is a crazy Big Bang fan, she knows all of their songs
  • people often get mad at her because she never remembers about anyone's birthdays and important dates, she usually forgets even about her own birthdays
  • she is a really good cook


Seoul Arts University

Grade/Year: 1 year at University
Years in school: 1 year
Clubs: Cooking club (mostly because she can eat during meetings), drama club (but she doesn't act or anything, she usually takes care of music during shows)
Course: Composition


Definitely My Style

Face Claim: Ahn So Hee (Sohee, Wonder Girls)
Picture Links: 
Back Up Face Claim: Jung Eun Ji (Eunji, A Pink)
Picture Links: ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ 
Height and Weight: 158 cm, 47 kg

Home: ♪ ♪ (When your character is just at home)
Casual: ♪ ♪ (Going out with friends... or not)
Party: ♪ ♪  (Dress to impress?)
Date: ♪ ♪  (If you're lucky, maybe. Does how you dress different when you're with a guy you like? Delete if not.)
♪ ♪  (How your character dresses at formal events)
Swimsuit: ♪ ♪  (Oops.)
Performance: ♪ ♪  

Extra Info.: Ear piercing and tatoo


Without You


» Father | Yoon Joon Guk| 52 | Professor (traditional music) | easy-going, funny, stubborn, self-confident| her father loves her very much, but he can't really understand her, he usually doesn't know what to do with her so he would just let her do whatever she wants, they aren't very close, he loves her of course, but it's hard for him to hide that he loves his youngest daughter the most | He really wanted for Suri to become an expert in traditional music and he wasn't all that happy when she chose composing as her major. He likes to act 'cool' when he's teaching classes.
» Mother | Yoon Je Ah | 49 | Composer | creative, focused, determined, talkative | her mother loves her, obviously, but for her, Suri's younger sister will be always the most important, she never even hid this, they can't understand each other and they don't really talk, they aren't close | she composes classical music as well as more modern one, but she never in her life wrote something that good, she is a little jealous because of Suri's talent.

» Brother | Yoon Ji Suk | 24 | Medicine Studen | determined, firm, serious, protective | Ji Suk is the closest family member to Soo Rim, they are good friends and they can always talk to each other about everything, she visits him whenever she can't stand her parents and sister | he is a 'family's black sheep', because he never really was interested in music and he always was more focused on school, he has no musical talent
» Sister | Yoon Soo Ji | 15 | School Student | confident, stubborn, self-centered, determined | they aren't that close, but she is closer with her than with their parents, she is usually the one that has to take care of her, Soo Ji hates riding with Soo Rim anywhere because of her awful driving skills, but she doeas anyway because she has no other choice | she wants to become an idol really bad, she is taking a lot of music lessons and she goes to every single audition, but it's hard for her because she isn't even half as pretty as her older sister, she has a huge crush on her dance instructor


» Ahn Hyo Jin (EXID's LE) | 22 | photography student, underground rapper | self-confident, charismatic, erted, bossy | they know each other very well, and they are similar to each other, Hyo Jin was the person who introduced rapping world to Suri, they are very close and they can alway count one on another, they love to party together and Hyo Jin is usually the one to keep her hair while she's throwing up | Hyo Jin is an underground rapper known as LE, she was the one to learn Soo Rim how to rap


» Kim Jong Hyun | 23 | composition student, waiter | charismatic, loud, cocky, funny | They are classmates so they spend a lot of time together, they always joke around and like to prank other people, he usually goes partying with her, he has a little crush on her, but he knows that she isn't interested | he is a vocalist of a rock band and he can play guitar very well


Position: Bassist and rapper
Persona: Sassy Firecracker
Stage name: Suri
♪ ♪ 
Talent: ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ 



How long have you been friends with the Muses? (The muses were friends before becoming a band. Was the band already formed when you became friends with them?)

› I met them, when they were already a band, I wasn't with them at beginning, but it looked like they really needed a bassist and a rapper and since I have both those skills I joined them later. I know them since I was still in high school.

Since when did you join the band? 

› It was about a year ago? Maybe a little earlier, I'm not good with dates...

How long have you been playing drums/guitar/keyborad?

› I've been playing bass since I was ten, before I've learned playing bass I've already knew piano, guitar and violin, yes, I know, I'm amazing. No, just kidding...

Who are you closest to in the group?

› (The person closest to her by age? Sorry, don't know who you will accept) and a drummer, I love drummers, I totally think that they are pretty awesome

Have you ever fought with the other members?

› Obvy, since I am really hot-blooded... But I can't hold grudges so I usually forget a couple minutes later that I was even arguing with somebody

How do you act around the others?

› I'm pretty easy-going I think, I'm quite social and I have no problems talking to people. I am usually talking with everybody, I sometimes help others if they have problems with music since I'm older and I'm studying composing... But for some reason those youngsters never ask me for help with their school stuff... Still don't know why.

What are your plans with the Muse?

› Muse? Eeee... Hello... We are going to rock the world! I can already see tours around the world and fans... And T.O.P who is so impressed with our music that he asks me to be his wife (sights)... So what I was talking about?

Do you have any plans on going to stardom? (Like finding an entertainment company for Muse or do you want to stay in where you are?)

› No, I don't think that we need any of this. The problems with entertainments in Korea is that they interfere too much in our business, and they would probably like to change a lot. I don't think we need any of this.


Love Bug

Love Interest: Kai (EXO)
Age: 19
Date of Birth: January 14th, 1994
Occupation: Student, dance teacher
Personality: This guy can't bring you nothing else than troubles. He may be only nineteen, and he may still be only a student but he already had a huge base of fans, mostly because of his smexy dancing and extraordinary look. He is totally a god, with his amazing charisma and confidence (and his totally dirty minds), and a bunch of noonas that are chasing him ready to do anything he wants just for a little bit of attention. He is flirtatious, charming and dangerous. He is really hard-working and focused on chasing his dreams though. He wants to become a professional choreagrapher and he does everything to make it happen. He usually isn't really interested in most of his noonas but he uses them from time to time, when he needs something or when he's ually frustrated
. He left his home in Busan after high-school and came to Seoul because here is more possibilities. He lives by himself in a small apartment and he is able to pay for it himself.

Type of relationship: boy crushing on girl
How you met: Kai is a dance teacher of her younger sister (Soo Ji) and she also has a huuuuge crush on him. Soo Rim comes to her sister's lessons from time to time and to pick Soo Ji up. Soo Ji is so obsessed with Kai that she always stays in room even after her lesson ends just to stare at him and to talk to him. Soo Rim always has to work really hard to take her from there, but because of that she met Kai. She had no idea that he noticed her since she entered his classroom very first time and that he thought that she is really cute and very close to his ideal type. After that he paid more attention to her and he started to ask Soo Ji (who was delighted that he even talked to her) about her older sister. He did anything he could to talk to her when she came to pick up her sister, and he would even stop Soo Ji to stay after her usual training to have an opportunity to talk to her. He didn't do much more as he was used to girls chasing him and he never really had to try hard, he wasn't sure what he should do, he didn't want to look desperate so he tried control himself but as timed passed he found himself more and more into Soo Rim.
How you act around each other: Soo Rim acts like always, she doesn't even notice him as a man (she still waits for T.O.P :D). She enjoys talking to him, but since he is younger and all, she isn't that interested. He becomes unusually shy in front of her, he doesn't always know what to do and he is always distracted during lessons when she is watching. He likes her more than he wants to admit. He feels like he wants to know more of her so he always tries to talk to her and find out something new.





Back Up Love Interest: Kris (EXO)
Age: 23 
Date of Birth: November 6th, 1990 
Occupation: Student (Asian Studies), Basketball Player
Personality: Kris is really cool heartbreaker, he is a tough, strong-minded and charismatic guy, full of confidende. With his impressive height, hot body and totally handsome face he was always surrounded by girls. He is confident person that you don't want to mess with, he is quite funny when he isn't trying to act all cool. He is totally a walking (and talking) . He is very social and he never had a problem with talking to anyone. 
Type of relationship: Ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend kind of relationship
How you met: Kris came on a student exchange from China when Soo Rim was 16. She had a huge crush on him and he was also interested in her, and soon they became a couple. They were quite interesting couple as they both liked skinship a lot and their height difference was a little obstacle, but it didn't stop them. You could often see them kissing or making out with each other (they looked like this or this, you know, height difference). When he had to come back home they decided to broke up, but they were heartbroken. He came back to Korea to study and to play basketball, she was also partially a reason, because he didn't get rid of his feelings yet.
How you act around each other: When they met first time after he was back in Korea they just rushed at each other and started kissing. It took them quite some time to stop doing that and to start talking. They both knew that they have feelings for each other but since it was quite some time and they could change they decided to be friends for a while (of course it didn't go that well, mostly because of the chemistry that was between them, they ended up making out a lot), when they were going out together they would even end up sleeping with each other at his apartment. They aren't an usual couple, they argue a lot, mostly because of Soo Rim's hot temper, but they really like each other. Because of their chemistry they would usually try to keep themselves away from each other until they will finally decide to dating again. Soo Rim is a little skeptical because he left her once already, and because she felt like it was unfair to T.O.P who (as she believed) was waiting for her. However Kris quickly became tired of being so close to her and having too keep away from her that he decided to do something about that. He stopped trying to be far from her, furthermore, he decided to do anything for her to become his girlfriend again. So he becomes extremely provocative with her and he uses all her weakness (as f.e. showing her his abs, absolutely accidentaly of course, or his lips (also accidentaly, obviously) or speaking in English what always worked really well whenever he wanted to turn her on.

Other info: Sooner or later they will be dating again.




The End is the New Beginning

Feeling: Badass :D
Comments: Nice idea, that's fun that the story will be more focused on their academic life as band than like a 500000 others applyfics on being an idol group.
Suggestions: nope
Scene request: Girls playing concert and Kai comes to watch pulled by Soo Ji, and she meets him after show, but she doesn't look interested in him at all, so other girls from band tell her that he is totally hot and that he looks like he has a crush on her. And try to see what she's thinking.

She goes to a party with girls and she ends up drunk and dances 'Gee' and brings laugh to others.
Kai finally decides to ask her for date when they are left alone by Soo Ji who went to change. She is really surprised and she says him that he is too young for her. But this made him wanting her even more so since then he starts to take some acctions ane he does anything to get close to her, he loses his shyness in front of her and becomes his normal self, he comes for her to her campus and starts spending time with her. He reminds her of Kris so much that she finally agrees to go on a date with him.
A scene where they are playing something with girls but she cheats as always and wins.
A scene where she finally meets T.O.P but she is so paralyzed that she just stares at him from afar. And when after seeing him she waits for a bus and falls asleep, he is the one to cover her with his coat.

Password: Wake Up by Sung Joon (from Shut Up Flower Boy Band)

Freedom!: Yay.


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