Female President Application


Name :  Yoo Sun Bi 

Other Names : Silver (given by one of the members, I don't know who....)

Nick Names : Yoon Yoo (Yoon means general), Bam-e bi (Because she's an owl, likes to stay up), ChanBi (Means cold rain, she's cold)

Stage Name : Joo Eun (means silver pearl)

Birthdate : March 3rd 1996

Age : 17

Ethnicity : Korean, granparents are half Americans

Bloodtype : O

Birthplace : Namwon, North Jeolla Province, South Korea

Hometown : Namwon

Languages : Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English 

Personality : Sleeps little but the most out-going member. She acts cold towards strangers but when you know her, she's very warm and nice.                                    Members say that she makes rapping sounds horrible, likes to eat but seldom put on weight.

Background : Her father died when she was young. Lives with her mother and two siblings.

                          She does well in school. In the school choir and volleyball team.  

                         She's not so popular in school but she is also not a nobody, people just don't realize her talents



Idol Name : SNSD Jessica

Links/Tumblr : http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/snsd-jessica (not mine)

Back-Up Idol Name : Rainbow Woori

Links/Tumblr : http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/woo%20ri (not mine)

Height : 173 cm

Weight : 58 Kg

Style : 1) http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_WCYKh7fia58/S_JxpRGlvWI/AAAAAAAAAP4/ciwRKqyVPK4/s1600/A1642123.jpg




5) http://www.gorodmod.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Juicy_couture_spring_summer_2013_collection9.jpg


7) http://tastyprettythings.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/dress.jpg

8) http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/722476165_1/2013-new-Peter-Pan-Collar-Cute-Strapless-Office-Dress-High-Street-Vintage-Sophisticated-Skirts-Womens-Casual.jpg

9) http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR8NxH5emhzuZ3auMwtB4LXqJflF4JwnkiCl2hzoFKoSk8LANT3Bw

10) http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ9GeV2Kekw68undTW4GZf5Xe1ZNV1cnzhV3ykjRG3uYBhVGeh_5Q

11) http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTh6e1YTWW3IKCWQW7YJY_udZo-RIC1St3eI4iR5z5nVKcf8t8w


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTn98DCsfWrZdyZ6jkYjSa   Kara_Goo_Hara_sweater_jumper.jpg

Family : Mom-Owns a restaurant in Namwon

              Brother(TVXQ YunHo)

                 -Name: Yoo JunKi

                  -University student, barista (part-time job) (age: 21) 

              Sister(KARA Hara)

               - Yoo Sun Jee

                -High-school leaver (graduated) (age: 19) (working as a sous-chef in the mom's restaurant)

Bestfriend : Moon Geun Young (same age, ultimate bff) because they are childhood friends, share secrets, same dreams and wishes

Friends :  Honoka Miki (met through a student transfer programme when Sun Bi was 15-trainee period)

Rivals : SNSD Yoona because they always get compared with and Yoona tries to steal SunBi's boyfriend, After School Jungah because of their powerful vocals


tumblr_mj9eb2YAhA1r8ymllo1_500.gif Foto-Donghae-Super-Junior.jpg

Lovers name : Super Junior Donghae

Age : 19

Personality : Fishy, naughty, nice and warm

Relationship : more than friends, not yet lovers

How long have you been togther : not yet dating

How you treat eachother : He treats her more special than any other female friends he have, she treats him more than a friend but afraid to show that she loves him

Request? : i don't understand this question but I do hope you let Hae become her boyfriend



Back-up lovers name : G-Dragon

Age : 21

Personality : good person, talkative, cool

Relationship : friends

How long have you been togther: no

How you treat eachother : like friends but he likes her secretly

Request?: Still don't understand but they're not in love with each other, one-sided love




Likes : 1) Elegant dresses

             2) Likes singing and dancing

            3) Likes volleyball

           4) Likes food

           5) Likes minimal make-ups

          6) Likes fashion

Dislikes : 1) Dislikes too floral stuffs

                   2) Dislikes drawing because she failed her test in drawing (hehehe... nonsense I know)

                   3) Dislikes pumpkins and jackfruits

                   4) Dislikes the colour orange because it makes her look ugly

                   5) Dislikes summer because that's when her father died

Hobbies : Singing, Listening to music, Dancing, Cooks, Ballet

Habits : Leaving open like an 'O' shape, Says "Aahhh..." when annoyed or frustrated

Weakness : Although her hobby is cooking but she is not a good cook, innocent that she doen't understand some sort of sacarsm

Trivia : 1) Never has her hair short until her debut

               2) Her favorite season is autumn

               3) Calls Moon Geun Young every day



Featured in:

  1.   U-Kiss Dora Dora
  2.   B2ST's Beautiful Girl
  3.   B2ST's Soom
  4. Davichi's Missing You Today
  5. 2AM One Spring Day
  6. 4Minute I, My, Me, Mine Backup dancer
  7. G.NA I'll Back Off So You Can Live Better backup dancer

Made appearance in:

  1. Iris 2 (3 eps)
  2. Flower Boy Next Door(cameo 1 ep)
  3. Faith (1 ep)
  4. Love Rain (2 eps)



jessica-126.gif tumblr_mangz4msPW1rhnmuco1_250.gif

Persona : Teenager, innocent, independent

Position : Power vocalist

Back-up Position : Main Dancer

Personal Fanclub Name & Color

  • Name: Joo Eunited Kingdom 
  • Colour: Purple and Silver and white


Trainee Life : Partly good, partly bad because people thinks she's very giddy but she's not. She's a hardworker or a workaholic. She respects her sunbaes, often fetching them water bottles after their practices. Because her family lives outside Seoull, she seldom sees them. She doen't have enough money so sometimes she couldn't go home during holidays. She eats a slice of bread every day to save money. Eats only twice a day. She  quite tall so sometimes people call her Giant Bi. 

Trainee Years : 3 Years 2 Months



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comments : i love haesica in real life..!!!!

request : none so far

suggestions :-



Love Scene Request? : according to you.

Show Request ? : we got married

Song Suggestions? : Oh! Echo! Boyfriend, Crying


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