Need Some Inspiration: You can help!

Hey guys, so I need some dark vampire/werewolf/hybrid stories.


I am starting to write a fiction with Xiumin as the main character, I have the beginning done but lacking idea and inspiration to go on with it.


I don't want it to be another love story, I really want it to be a dark, almost cruel, romance. Hatred, jealousy, envy all kinds of bad things. And how love isnt always fluffy and pink and cute. Forbidden desire kinda stuff.


So if you know any stories, may that be in Aff or Wattpad or live journal or an actual book. let me know and give me the link. I need to get on that mood. PLEASE!!


thank you♥


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read the lyrics for vixx's hyde. c:
nunchii #2
ghj465 #3
err, like husband abses wife because he is afraid he might lose her?? i think i have one, but it has one rated m scene that you might want to skip.