幻影学院 // Kim Mia。


Kim, Mia



Hey You

Username: River_Song
Activeness: 9
What should I call you?: River


The Archives

Name: Kim, Mia
Nicknames: Mia, Mimi
Age: 18
Birthday: 06/04/1995
Ethnicity: 1/2 English 1/2 Korean
Birthplace: California, America
Hometown: Busan, South Korea
Languages: English (Fluent), Korean (Fluent) Chinese (Semi-Fluent)


Princess Perfect

Ulzzang: Baek Sumin
Back-Up Ulzzang: Kim Sooyeon
Height: 168cm
Weight: 58kg
Blood Type: B
Style: C A S U A L || P A R T Y ! || F O R M A L


Live Like You

Personality: Mia is an outgoing girl. Shes not afraid to show you a good time, and is always loud around people she feels comfortable with. People may describe her as a social butterfly, as she seems to know just about anyone that passes her in the street. She is extremely stubborn, and you wont change her mind about someone or and idea once its in her head. This trait also makes her a very loyal friend, and someone you can trust with your secrets, because she will not tell anyone.Ever. She was brought up to be very truthful, and thats exactly what she is. This can do more harm than good though, as she'll often speak quite bluntly and will usually end up offending someone in some way or another.

When shes hanging out with her mates, she'll be very flirty with any guy she takes a fancy to, but its never serious-shes just out to have a good time. She loves a laugh and believes that you should enjoy life while you still can. Generally she may seem like a nice person, but that changes when she gets angry. If you've upset her, she's not afraid to have a go at you in the middle of a crowded place, and usually in english too. She'll then probably storm off and find a place to cool down. Her favourite place to calm and de-stress herself is simply somewhere where you can see the stars at night, be it on top of a hill or in the middle of a park. Mia might lay there for some time, enjoying her own company and space to think. She's an independant girl and doesn't often rely on other people, because she feels like they will let you down. This means that she doesnt really discuss her feelings with a lot of people because she doesnt want to burdern them or give them something to manipulate her with. 

Important Traits: Social | Stubborn | Truthful | Flirty | Loyal
Superpower: Intangibility

  • Stars
  • Spicy Food
  • Skinship
  • Animals
  • Blue


  • Nutty foods
  • Being corrected
  • Being on her own
  • Yellow
  • Betrayal/lies


  • Reading
  • Speaking English
  • Eating XD


  • Flicks her hair out of her face
  • Fingers twitch when shes nervous
  • Talks fast when shes scared/nervous
  • Plays with her hair when bored


  • Monophobia-The fear of being alone


  • Adopted by her 'Family' when she was 9 years old
  • Allergic to nuts
  • Right handed
  • Talks to herself when focusing on something
  • Doesnt mind skinship
  • Wanted to be a ballerina when she was little
  • Only found out she had her power by accident
  • Shouts in english when she gets angry
  • Doesnt celebrate her birthday because she believes it brings bad luck
  • Never takes the bracelet that Kai gave her off, even though he bought it for her birthday


Look At Your Files

Background: Mia was originally born in California, America, to a Korean father and an American mother. They were really caring parents, who brought her up well mannered and generally a nice kid. Her family lived in America until Mia was 8 years old, when they moved to her fathers hometown of Busan because his mother was taken seriously ill at the hospital. Her parents would visit the hospital every few days, and sometimes they would stay overnight whilst a baby sitter took care of Mia. On Mia's 9th birthday, her father got a call saying that his mother required emergency heart surgery to try and stabilise her condition. Distraught, her parents packed an overnight bag for the hospital and left Mia with her baby sitter, apologising for this commotion on her birthday. They promised her they would take her out at the weekend to celebrate her late birthday and make up for not being there on her actual birthday. Mia only half understood what was going on because she was so young, but she had gotten used to her parents not being home some nights, so she wasnt worried. Little did she know that was the last time she'd see her parents again. The next morning, the baby sitter had awoken to the sound of police at the door. The police told her how both of Mia's parents had been involved in a car collision with a lorry, and they had both died almost instantly. Mia was listening at the top of the stairs, crying quietly to herself and wondering why they would leave her. Since she had no other family, the police then took Mia to a care home, where she was put up for adoption.

She hadn't been up for adoption for long, when an older looking boy dragged his father over to her and begged him to adopt Mia since he wanted a little sister. The father reluctantly agreed and Mia became part of the Kwon family (She still kept her last name of Kim). They were filled in on her past and her personal details, then after a lot of paper work she was finally allowed to go home with them. The boy introduced himself as Jisuk, but said she could call him oppa. From that day onwards, Mia and Jisuk became much closer and they attended the same school. Mia gradually got over the deaths of her parents, finding her confidence and building up her circle of friends again. By the time she was 17, she was one of the most popular people in the school. However, all was not well at home. Her step-father, Jijoon, had began to get more and more drunk every time the two came in from school. One day Mia got home slightly earlier than Jisuk, to find that her step father was ridiculously drunk and in a foul mood. In no time, an argument broke out between them and he went to hit Mia with his empty beer bottle. That was how she discovered her powers. Instead of the bottle making contact with her skin, it passed straight through her instead. Both stood there completely shocked, unable to understand what had just happened. 

Scared, Mia ran out of the house and straight into Jisuk. Seeing his sister as shocked as she was, he knew something had happened and, Mia being her usual honest self, told him exactly what had happened. Instead of freaking out, he became more protective of her and promised he would support her and help her explain to their father what had happened. Feeling slightly better than before, they both entered the house to find Jijoon still stood on the same spot when the incident had happened. Jisuk sent Mia upstairs so he could talk to Jijoon. After what felt like hours, Jisuk came upstairs to find Mia had fallen asleep on her bed. The weeks that followed were awkward and Jijoon only spoke to Mia if he wanted her to get something for him. Her friends didnt know that Mia had this weird ability, she had made Jisuk promise not to tell anyone at all. About  a month after the incident, Mia and Jisuk both came home yet again to a very drunk father. He told Mia to fetch him another beer from the fridge, and when she refused, got angry with her. Jisuk stood up for her, and his father got into a heated argument about how she wasn't even his real sister. Jijoon then threw the tv remote at Jisuk, who ducked, where it passed straight through Mia and smashed against the wall. That was the last straw for Jijoon. He yelled at her to get out and take her filthy power with her. Mia ran upstairs and packed her bags, closely followed by Jisuk. He didnt want his sister to leave, but knew that it was probably the right thing for her to do at the minute because his father might do something stupid like getting her locked up. He helped her pack, and before she left, he told her about this place he had been secretly looking into for her, and said it was a school for people like her. He gave her the details of the place and the contents of his wallet, and helped her get a cab. Mia was scared and alone, and didnt really know where she was going, but she trusted her brother. She ended up outside a huge castle like building in the middle of nowhere. She cautiously entered the premisis and explain her situation to the receptionist, who asked her for her name and her power. Mia described her power to the woman, who then asked her to prove that she wasnt a fake just trying to spy on the school. Mia got her to throw her pen at her, where it passed right through her. Satisfied, the lady showed her around, and so came the start of her stay at Phantom Academy.

Father | Kim Minsuk | 45 | Manager of a nightclub | Laidback/Caring/Understanding | dead 

Mother | Kim Amber | 46 | Fulltime mother | Gentle/Kind/Wise | dead

Step-Father | Kwon Jijoon | 48 | Banker | Harsh/Proud/Drunk | Alive

Step-Brother | Kwon Jisuk | 21 | Employee at a local cafe | Soft-hearted/Protective/Funny | Alive


Super Lovers

Love Interest: Kim Jongin (Kai)
Superpower: Teleportation
Personality: Kai is a funny, outgoing person. He's known in his group of friends to have the most fun, and can sometimes get a bit carried away if he's enjoying himself that much. He's a bit of a flirt, and isn't shy about flirting with girls he's just met. He's a very kind and caring person and, though he may not look it, hes very understanding. He has an aura about him that makes people feel comfortable around him and he often uses this to help people who feel down. Kai uses his powers mainly for fun, making the other exo members jump, playing pranks and generally being mischevious, but can be serious if its required of him. He gets very protective towards s and people he really cares about, and will get angry if someone starts on them. The only people he allows to call him Jongin are his fellow exo members (and later on, Mia) because he prefers to be known as Kai. He loves making people laugh and often thinks of himself as the joker of the group.
Important Traits: Flirty | Kind | Outgoing | Protective | Funny
How Do You Meet? Mia first met Kai when she was being showed around the school for the first time. She passed him in the halls where the receptionist asked him to show her around because she had other things to do. Kai agreed, and at first it was a bit awkward between the two. They eventually got into a comfortable conversation whilst he was showing her around, asking stuff like, "Sooo, whats your name" and "what kind of power do you have then?". Mia asked if it was okay if she could hang out with him for a bit since she didnt know anyone else. He introduced Mia to the rest of the exo members and their powers. Mia continued to hang around exo for a while, as at least one of them was in pretty much every class she had. She soon found that she was noticing more and more about Kai-the way he laughed, his habits, how his eyes were a perfect shade of brown, and realised that she had feelings for him. 
How Do You Treat Each Other? They are both really comfortable with eachother, and often joke about and flirt with eachother. Mia doesn't tell Kai that she likes him, because she's convinced that he will reject her and it will ruin their friendship. However, Kai does feel the same way, but is kind of in denial about it. He tries to convince himself that he just likes her as a friend. The other exo members notice that both of them like each other, and often tease them about being a couple, which makes both go awkward and shy. Kai bought her a bracelet for her 18th birthday, even though she said she doesn't celebrate it, and she never takes it off because every time she looks at it, it reminds her of Kai. Kai only knows that she was fostered by a family, he doesnt know that her biological parents died in a car crash. Mia calls Kai by his real name, Jongin, and she's the only person he lets call him that except the other members, which is why they know he likes her. Mia will call him Kai if shes angry with him, and he finds it amusing when she starts shouting in english. He knows where to find her if shes angry too-on the school field in the middle of the night, watching the stars, and will often seek her out and join her. Mia usually doesnt like it when other people watch the stars with her, but she doesnt mind if its Kai. Both of them are quite straight forward about skinship, they both dont really care, and Mia will openly hug Kai when she's upset or scared about something, and Kai will gladly hug her back. Kai is the only person she'll talk to about her feelings (except her feelings for him) and he's always there for her when he needs to be. Mia tries to subtlely tell him that she like hims by hinting at things like "Theres this guy I like, but I dont think he likes me back and I dont know what I should do". 

Back-Up Love Interest: Oh Sehun


Thrown To Your Cell

Comments: This story looks awesome author-nim, I hope you will consider Mia ^_^
Suggestions: Not that I can think of
Scene Requests:

  • Where she first discovers her power
  • When she first meets Kai
  • When Kai buys her a bracelet for her 18th Birthday
  • She gets upset or mad, and he goes and finds her on the field watching the stars and comforts her

Password: Wooo


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