My Writing History *bow*




Hello again my wonderful readers!! *coughs*


It’s me again your lazy bum author joryuchii_20 a.k.a jo-chan


Well, this is my third blog post right? (As if you’ll answer?)

This blog would be composes about my stories, yeah my fanfics and my writing history


HMMM??? *rubs chin* the truth is I started writing when I was 15, a senior in high school


I’m a HSJUMPERS that time, a HSJ fan (Not aware that time about TVXQ). My first story was titled again and again well this story is sort of like a fan going to Japan and accidentally bumps to his idol then blah blah. I think I should write a bit story, for all of you to know

Mind you, I write this for my friend Ms. S (You remember her?)


Let’s say the fan is Jaejoong and his idol is Yunho, the country is S. Korea

The original story was written in my language, translated






“YES! YES! I’m finally here. Woohooo!! This is my chance to meet Yunho”  I yelped enthusiastically, you’ll be happy like me right? Being in your beloved idol country right? Right? Okay, so I was so happy to be here. So happy that you can punch me and it won’t bothered me but then I’m so happy


Well, I did a very great effort in going here; I join the contest of being a student exchange and I win, yes I win and so here I am


Currently, I’m here standing in the somewhere place I don’t know the cab deliver me here in the middle of city called Seoul, If you were in my place you’ll be like me too, believe me! It’s my first time in here so I’m a fool right now but then what’s the use of my brain and still I’m happy


I stared at the piece of paper in my hand where the address I would staying tonight written, I pulled the luggage with me and look everywhere to know where I’m heading to


The driver says that the address is somewhere in here, just ask someone. Such a jerk driver yet I was very fascinated to this city, so modern country unlike mine.

Everywhere I look is beautiful, feels like I’m walking in a paradise. Yeah being an idiot like me but you can’t judge me. It’s really beautiful here. Punch me for exaggerating


Because of my so called day dreaming, I didn’t notice a man heading my way so yeah we bumped each other right in my head, our head


“Ouch! Look where you’re walking?”  OMG! First time in here and I made a commotion already. Guh~~


“Omona, I’m sorry”  I bowed and apologized to him and motioned towards him, It seems he was more in pain than me. I try to pat and look to his head but he swatted my hands

Such a cold jerk person


“Don’t touch me. Aiish!”  he hissed, his angriness is very obvious I guess? I apologized again, I don’t want to have an enemy in this foreign country you know, who knows I would be in jail in no time and that is hilarious

I would really cry, I still have to achieved my mission here and that is to meet my beloved idol


“I’m really sorry. I’m sorry” I bowed again trying to send my apologies.

He seems to be soothing his head, rubbing it with his hands inside his hoodie, I try to help him and he didn’t stop me

Why? That is because he is bleeding for Pete’s Sake Oh! My! Gawd!


“OMONA! Let me see your head”I remove his hoodie and there I see the slash wound in his forehead. Does my head that sharp, so sharp that can wound anyone’s head? I think I should be careful head butting

Back to him, I brush his bangs and put my handkerchief to it, such a mischief I get into in my first day in here



“I’m okay. Just leave me alone” He retorted as he throw my handkerchief and place it with his handkerchief. Such a cold bastard, he straightened himself and seems to be okay when I see clearly his face


His brown orbs

His pointed noise

His arrow bow shaped lips with the infamous mole in the upper lip and his brownish, shoulder length hair


His looking at me, annoyed I may add but I’m so shocked with my mouth gape open, so wide open you can put an apple and it made me a lechon(a roasted pig with apple in the mouth) in the process but hey he is


“JUNG YUNHO!!!!!!! You’re JUNG YUNHO!!!”  I screamed so loudly, so loud the neighborhood would hear. He walked towards me and covered my mouth with his love pair of hands


“Would you shut up?? You’re screaming so loud as if you’re begging someone to help you. Aiish! Troublemaker, you’re trying to call my fans”


OMG! I want to his hands, bite and eat it. Its Jung Yunho hands for Pete’s sake. I’m dying here. Hallelujah!




Okay, so let’s stop there, I just want you to see my very first fic (Don’t you try to request to continue this story because I’m concentrating in Reincarnation and Mystery of the Music Store. Okay! *waves flag* If you’re persistent You should have at least 30 subscribers... hahahaha:D)


Actually this fic was just a plaything you know; I write what I would think and so on. It is just a past time whenever we have a vacant/break time from school. I haven’t read any fanfics that time, a pocketbook.


The second story I write is The day we met, this time I’m a CASSIOPEIA but then it was written sloppily, yeah I was not that good at English that time yet I posted it in LJ( an d I guess no one read it because I don’t know that I should post it in communities but yeah this story was originally written in my native language well my friend in fb like the summary

Mind you again, I post my stories too in my fb ([email protected])


This story popped in my mind, yeah I tell you my pea size brain has a lot of plots *laughs* I’m just too lazy to write sometime

Well here it is readers.. Just take a peek






Chapter 1: The Meeting


It was Monday, the day that Jaejoong will present a report in their class. Because of this report he only slept for two hours due to the preparations he make. His alarm clock start to ring sign that it was already 5:00 in the morning but still he's sleepy so he turn off the alarm clock and return to sleep. 1 hours later, he wakes up by his bugging mother.


"Jaejoong, wake up its already 6:00 in the morning, you don’t want to skip and waste the time you prepare for this day"


When the time he hear her mother say that "its already 6:00 in the morning" he suddenly rose to bed and rush to go to the bathroom, he then dress up, eat, brush his teeth, get all the things he should bring with him and bid to say goodbye to her mother.


 "Oh, no what excuses should I say to my professor, what should I do? It’s my report day, aigoo! What should I do?" he repeated to say to himself while running to a bus stop.

He waited and waited but no bus come and it starting to rain.

 "I dont have a umbrella with me, why it rained suddenly?" He mumbled to himself and run to find a place to protect himself from rain; unfortunately he cannot find a place. The rain soaked his uniform and the entire thing he had with him. He feel defeated to what had happened to him this day and decided to go home but the report popped in his mind and decided right away to go to the university.


"Maybe I could go to a laundry shop and get my uniform fixed" he walked to find a laundry shop. Out of the blue a car splashed a mud over him.


"What the heck? You, that car, stop, you will pay for this, F***********k! Sh*********t, B@@st@@@rd" he shouted. But the car just runs away.


"Why are all this happening to me? Why? Why? What I have done?" feel pity for himself, he walk away to the place and decided to really get home.


"Oh yeah, What a freaking bad day!" It is still raining. He is almost soaking wet that his uniform is revealing his body and his bangs almost hiding his eyes. He didn’t notice a car is approaching to him. The car stop to where he is, the door open, and the owner with his umbrella approach to him. He stops from walking and he was very angry when he sees the familiar car and the owner that ruins his day. The owner speaks to him.


 "I am really sorry for what I have done to you, I am very sorry, I had ruin you and your day, I didn’t mean to do this to you" the man say with a 90 degrees bow to him. ...







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