Which VIXX Member Am I (Stolen from SeemsToBe)

[] You can dance
[] You’re tan/dark-skinned
[] You’re the shortest among your friends
[] You’re very social
[] You’re easily scared
[] You’re a leader
[x] You’re sassy
[] You love taking selcas
[] You’re mother like
[] You own many hats
TOTAL: 1/10 
[x] People think you’re a cold person
[x] You’re extremely shy
[] You have a soft voice
[x] You’ve taken a marital arts class
[x] You’re athletic
[] You love coffee
[] You can sing high
[x] Your favorite sport is soccer
[x] You love children and/animals
[x] You think before you speak
TOTAL: 7/10 
[] You like to make cute/funny faces
[] You can beat box
[x] You like One Piece
[x] You love chocolate/sweets
[] You have a long nose
[] You have a bright and cheerful personality
[] You look completely different than before
[] You can sing very well
[x] You can draw
[] You have a weird talent
TOTAL: 3/10
[] People assume you’re older
[x] You can rap
[x] You like to exercise
[x] You’re laid-back
[] You wear eyeliner often
[x] You take naps
[] You wear hats often
[] You’re very fashionable
[] You snore in your sleep
[] You like to write
TOTAL: 4/10
[] You like acting
[x] You’re trying to learn to play the guitar
[] You have dimples
[] You like to clean
[] You love photography
[] You’re left-handed
[] You’ve had lung surgery or some kind of surgery before
[x] You’re favorite color is navy/dark blue
[] You laugh a lot most of the time
[x] You’re quite snarky
TOTAL: 3/10
[x] You’re the youngest in your family/group of friends
[] You’re tall 
[x] You’ve had/have blonde hair
[x] You did very well in middle school
[x] You’re an EXO fanboy/girl
[] You’ve cosplayed before
[] You’re very ambitious
[x] You’re treated like a baby sometimes
[] You like Naruto
[x] You’re mischievous
TOTAL: 6/10
Most Like Leo ^_^, Least Like N O.o Dont worry, I LOVE YOU ALL THE SAME<3 <3 


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