What I like about kpop ~

So its six grade year and enjoying american music. And something inside of me like I don't I had a feeling american music was gonna hit rock bottom and I wouldn't like anything. And im terrified because music was my escape from the world around me.

And so one night me and my friend are chatting and I asked her what she was listening to. And she sends me two shinee songs. The first was ring ding dong. And the second was lucifer. So i'm sitting there in mute shock because I had never seen anything like that before. You know I liked ring ding dong's music video it kept me entertained and curious (im so curious yeah ~ sorry had to xD).

So at first im just like "oooh k" but the week of school all I kept doing was singing that song. So I asked her for the links and have never looked back. For a year and I half I explored shinee world. I fell in love with jonghyun and minho. I loved onew the prince and key the queen and they're mushroom headed son (/shot).

And what I love about kpop is, is how amazing it is. Like I have never grown attached to my american artists. I have never fan girled over them or any of what I do now. I have never wanted to defend them or cry if they ever left. I never cared of how they were doing or who they were with. I saw a thing were key looked ready to cry and bawled. I have never done that or probably would have if I wasn't a kpop fan!!!

And I love the world I fell into by accident! I love all the fandoms im apart of they feel like family to me (in a sense) I have never not met a kpop fan and not hug them. Like its just so unifying and they teach you lessons. I have always loved music but I can honestly say if I wanted to go into the industry .. I would wanna go into the kpop one, no doubt about it! So thank you kpop for coming into my life and making it a colorful trainreck. Because im pretty sure it would be dull without you. Saranghae ~ <3


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we have the same story... but mine was more...............................................................................................................................................................sad.
banana-milk-unni #2
First song I listened to was Lucifer and I am the Best and I just fell in love with the music. I then started to dig around and I found the fandoms and then saw what beautiful, genuine people they are~! I now don't know what I would do without K-pop, it has livened up my life and I have met absolutely wonderful people on this site. <3 XD
Exactly how unfelt when my friend got me into it. I Now barely listen to American music.
My first was TVXQ's Mirotic, and Super Junior's BONAMANA <3
When I was young, I used to listen to Enrique Iglassias, but indeed, I didn't even know how old he was XD Because I didn't really care!!
But when I met Super Junior and ELF's, my life changed, I become happier, I enjoyed living, I enjoyed knowing about them, and watching thier videos, I just.. Enjoyed life!!!!
Thank you SuJu!! Thank you KPOP!!
Gemslover #5
My first was BoA. And Koyate then DBSK.
OMG !!!! my first kpop love was SHINee's LUCIFER and RDD !!! along with Suju's BONAMANA and Sorryx2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pabo-sshi #7
I started like SHINee AND k-pop when I watched SHINee's hello baby, lol.
Oh~ that's what happened to my friend XD
Without kpop and my job (fangirling) I don't know what I'm going to do now, honestly. Kpop makes my life entertained ^-^
Oh, come to think of it, it's the same for me. Only in kpop did I get myself into heaps of trouble lol simply because I decided to speak up in behalf of them or be honest about what I feel about a certain song or group. I had no feels before when it comes to music. Kpop is like anime, but with living, breathing characters :)
I went into kpop by accident too! My friend forced an earphone into my ear XD
That's how my life of kpop started out too!!!!!!! :)
So sweet~ xD I know what you mean, same thing happened to me! XD