Life ... Sometimes


I guess I decided to start writing a blog now~ Though I don't know whether I'll update it as much as I updated my fic...


Well, first of all, I updated "Aeternus Eternus : Forever". Actually I put it on hiatus since I'm having trouble with that fic.. I mean, I'm kinda confused with choosing between Gikwang or Doojoon. Seeing from the current flow, I guess Aegi will end up with Doojoon, seriously. BECAUSE... Gikwang is too nice~ *bangs head to desk* And it seems that he's lacking in action to show Aegi that he loves her... still loves her. I guess, probably it was because Aegi has rejected him... not just once, but twice.. or probably more~ *rolls eyes* Yeah, I guess... you can call Gikwang as persistence guy.. but I guess he doesn't want to lose. Not after more than a year keeping a feeling toward a girl~ *sigh* and making AEF, suddenly makes me realize that my life is misrable~ seriously... I'm having no boyfriend and my life just revolves between house, work and stories~ Sounds boring,  isn't it? *facepalms* Hum... I wish to have a guy like Gikwang sometimes...who loves me for more than a year and still waiting for me. Coz, eventually I'm sure that I'll fall for him~


Maa, nevermind... it means... next... I'll try to update Without You again... that fic is nearly reaching its end~


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hwaiting unnie~ ^^