Can somebody tell me?

So this few weeks I heard about Krystal being a and yeah~ y type girl. I'm not their fan but I'm not their antis so I don't know anything bout this except about Sulli. Yeah, about one guy said she needs to lost some weights. Okay so those who know, please tell me! I wanna know too >.<


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She get's misunderstood because she's really shy.People think she doesn't pay attention but she does,she's not good at expressing her feelings so people think she's y but she's not.
Another thing is that she's the center of f(x) but Sulli is the visual.People hate her because of that. [Which I think is immature because SM put her there]
to be honest I also donno what to say
Right now I was confused...l donno to believe who either people say she's kind or people who say she is type
to be honest I also donno what to say
Right now I was confused...l donno to believe who either people say she's kind or people who say she is type
I think that a few of her words have come off the wrong way more than anything else :)
But I don't really know f(x), but I think it's the way that she says things, more than what she says ^^