
I miss Blogging!!! 


although I blog Freaking useless stuff

Well anyway, :))

I just miss AFF


It's been like Freaking months since i last open my account


ANd.. and i just wanna Share to you Guys that BIGBANG  WON THE EMA"S  AWARD

*throws confetti*

I know that you already know that, but i just can't stop blogging about it

they were so AWESOME


actually they were the first  Asian artist to win the EMAs and they won it with a record breaking number of 58 million votes. 

can you believe that.. 

I was really happy for them like to the highest level ! !!

They were so Lucky !

they really deserved it :)))


i was SPAZZING the whole period during our class,



V.I.P forever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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