Yongsan Academy « dorm project Hwang Sunhwa (Sunny)



Yongsan Academy




Character name : Hwang Sunhwa

Other names : Sunny

Birthdate : 29/03/94

Age : 19

Ethnicity : 1/2 Korean 1/2 English

Birthplace || Hometown : New York, America || Busan, Korea

Currrent Residence : Lives in an appartement in Seoul

Languages : English (Fluent-Born in America) Korean (Fluent-Moved when she was 14) Japanese (Conversational-Takes classes)

Dorm name : Dorm 2

Yearbook Photo

Ulzzang name : Kim Shinyeong Ryu HyeJu


Back-up Ulzzang: Lee Soobin     

Style: Sunny prefers comfort over style. She'll usually wear jeans (1) with a tshirt and a pair of boots (2)/sports shoes (3), along with her beloved leather jacket (4). In summer, she wears dresses (5) and shorts with a vest top (6), and will probably be sporting some sort of necklace (7) as well. You cant see her anywhere with out some sort of hat (8) or headband, and they're her favourite items of clothing. 

Extra: 2 earpiercings (1 in each ear lobe) Small tattoo on the back of her right shoulder (sunny~)

Height (cm) || Weight (kg): 168 || 58

Beautiful Stranger


             Sunny is quite a cheerful person, who generally has a lot of friends. She is chatty and loud to people who know her, but becomes reserved and shy when meeting a stranger. She is very insecure and thats partly due to the fact her dad left her when she was younger. Since then she hasn't been able to trust people a lot, and lost a lot of confidence in her abilities and her looks. She wants to be good at everything, and shes so determined she'll stick with anything till the end. Stubborn is a trait people would use to describe her and although she'll never give up, this can be a bad thing because she often overworks herself. She'll go back to the dorm with loads of injuries from training too hard (as its her passion), but she'll shrug it off and tell the others not to worry and this results in her usually limping about for a few days more than if she'd have got it seen to. 

Shes a tough cookie, a more of a tomboy than a girly girl. She prefers to hang around guys as they tend to not as much, but dont be mistaken, she can most deffinitely keep up with the guys. The guys even consider her more of a guy because of her dirty sense of humour and her physical strength. She also hangs around guys more simply because most of the students in dorm 2 are guys, you dont get many girls who can kick as bad as she can ;) This is also the reason why she is quite close with the other girls in dorm 2, because there aren't many of them. Although she herself isn't confident, she still enjoys to flirt with guys and make hinting remarks at them because she likes it when they flirt back-it makes her feel wanted. She loves a good laugh and anyone that can make her laugh gets her approval. She loves to calm and de-stress herself by staring up at the night sky looking at the stars. You could probably find her on the grounds in the middle of the night just star gazing.

Despite her apparent outgoingness, she doesn't really show her emotions to other people. She believes that you can get hurt more if people know whats hurting you because they can use it against you. This is also partly the reason why she doesn't trust many people. She only shows her emotional side to someone that she really cares for, even her mother and her closest friends struggle to know what shes thinking and how she feels. The only emotion she will show freely is her anger. If you get her angry, go back to your dorm and lock the door. Seriously. She oftens starts cursing and shouting in english when shes mad, but thats just the beginning. She'll come after you and you wont know whats hit you. Her temper is one of her worst traits, and when she gets angry she'll end up hitting someone. To avoid an incident like this though, she goes back to the training room even after a full days worth of practising, and beat the crap out of the punch bag/wall/whatevers closest to her. She doesnt care if she hurts herself in the process because she feels like she's relieving stress and tension. You'll know when shes just been beating the wall/punch bag because her knuckles will be either bright red or bleeding. She rarely cries, and when she does it's due to something big, and she wont let you see her cry. She thinks that other people see crying as a weakness as she doesnt want to look weak in front of others.


Spicy food, Guys ;), being able to defend herself, Stars (like the ones in the sky XD), animals, blues/greens


Nuts, pink, being on her own, people assuming stuff, feeling vunerable, losing unfairly, writing stuff, people who think she is weak



Bites her lip when annoyed or fed up, blinks a lot when sleepy


Sleeping and eating (I like how you think ;D), martial arts, sports clubs, reading


Really good at most martial arts and can pick them up quite quickly, very flexible, can touch her nose with her tongue, can speak 3 languages


Educational stuff like World history, geometry, algebra etc


Allergic to nuts, always wearing a hat and a necklace (unless shes training), monophobia (the fear of being on your own), when Kai buys her a necklace, she never takes it off. ever. except when shes training but that because she doesnt want to break it

Friends, or Foes?


         - format : Jung Daehyun | 20 | Idol | Kind, Funny, Hungry all the time | Sunny first moved to Busan when she was 14 years old. Her neighbours introduced themselves and thats where she first met Daehyun. They grew to become close friends, you'd never see one without the other. When Daehyun went off to become an idol, Sunny cheered him on and she still keeps an eye on his activities. They still call each other when they have free time, and they share everything boy/girl trouble, family trouble, their deepest secrets. You name it, they know it.


Hwang Chansik | 46 | unknown | Harsh, Selfish, Independant | Father | Sunny's father wasnt around for long and, even when he was, he wasn't the bonding type. He left when she was 5 and she hasn't seen him since | Unknown

Hwang Kelly | 46 | Owner of a big clothing line in America | Kind, Understanding, Patient | Mother (American) | Sunny gets on with her mum because she's the only family shes really got. Her mum is very understanding about her problems and always has a piece of advice to hand. | Alive-Living in Busan

Rival : 

       - format : Kim Himchan | 23 | Funny, Flirty, Patient | They are rivals because they both feel insecure about the others ability in martial arts. And it doesn't help that Sunny beat Himchan in that contest either  | dorm 2

Enemy :

         - format : Kim Hyuna | 21 | y, Arrogant, Independant | Sunny and Hyuna were'nt really enemies when Sunny first got in, but Hyuna had this arrogant demeanour that really put Sunny off of her. She has a crush on Kai and at first this didn't bother Sunny but as she got to know Kai and develops feelings for him, it really did start to bother her. Sunny feels insecure as it is, so she hates being around Hyuna because, as much as she hates her, she admits that she is incredibly pretty and y. Hyuna doesnt like Sunny because she looks down on everyone as it is, and when she starts seeing her hang around Kai she hates it, so everytime Hyuna is around Kai and Sunny, she'll use lots of skinship and become all flirty | dorm 1

Time Capsule

Background Information: Sunny was born in New York, America. As her mother owned a wealthy clothing store, she was quite well off, but never spoiled. She lived in America for most of her life until she was 14 and she moved to Korea with her mother. She moved because her mothers clothing store was opening a new store and they needed her to manage it. They moved to Busan where she befriended her neighbour, Jung Daehyun. She attended a school in Busan until she was old enough to audition for a place at Yongsan Academy. She had always wanted to go there, and so did her mother, because it had such a good reputation. From a young age, Sunny was enrolled into martial arts. At first it was just something to do to stop her getting bored after school as a kid, but it soon grew to be the thing she loved to do most. When she had mastered a martial art, she would move on to the next one, but she would still train for the other martial arts, so she never forgot one. When she was 17, a new multi-martial arts hall opened in Seoul so her mother paid for Sunny to live in an appartment in Seoul so she could attend this multi-martial arts place. She went there every day of the week, and she focused so much on martial arts that she started to neglect her studies and her grades were slipping. Through this experience she learned to balance her time between practising and studying-she would practice less often for more hours instead.

Specific Background: Sunny's Dad left them when she was just 5 years old. He divorced her mother and presumably went back to Korea, but she hasn't heard anything, not one birthday or christmas card. Nothing. Sunny knows how to speak english because she grew up in America, until she moved to Korea at the age of 14. She found it hard to learn Korean, and she had a private tutor to teach her. Daehyun would also teach her the culture, day to day life and slang words of Korea, and through this she became fluent in korean (though she might sometimes pronounce stuff wrong sometimes). She also knows a bit of Japanese because she took extra cirricular lessons, and when she got accepted into Yongsan she was happy that you could take it as an optional subject. She likes to read because her mother used to read her stories when she was little, she especially loves fiction. What really got her into reading though, was watching Matilda when she was young. She wanted to be just like Matilda and so she started reading more books. She has monophobia. The fear of being alone. She loves being in groups of people, and she developed monophobia when her father left her at the age of 5. She was never 100% sure if her mum would do the same thing.


Love Interest:  Kim Jongin (Kai) | 19 | Dorm 1

Personality of love interest : Flirty, Confident, Kind

How they met : Sunny was taking part in an 'in-school' competition and she was in the finals. The school (split into 3 sections for the 3 dorms) was watching and she felt a load of pressure. Her final opponent was a guy called Himchan (yes, the girls do fight the boys). She won the fight by a margin, and Jongin and some of dorm 1 came down to make fun of Himchan for losing to a girl. Kai came over and congratulated her on winning. That was how they first noticed each other. As time went on, the two kept noticing each other around, but never really said anything. Eventually, Dorm 1 got into a fight with Dorm 2 about which group was more arrogant, and Sunny was part of this argument (for dorm 2 that is) whilst Kai was on the side of Dorm 1. After the fight had cooled down, they spoke to each other properly for the first time and ended up hanging out, laughing at how the argument was ridiculous. They started meeting up more and more until one day, his other friends spotted them together and pulled Kai away from her, deeming her 'Dorm 2 scum' and 'You dont wanna hang out with people like her, she'll give us a bad image'. However, Kai kept meeting up with her and his friends decided they couldn't do anything about it, but they still didn't like it. She starts to open up emotionally to him, something shes never done before, and because shes so insecure shes afraid Kai will hurt her.

Current residence of love interest : Seoul, South Korea

Love interest's background : Kai was born into quite a well-off family, who wanted to give him the best education possible. Kai decided that the thing for him was performing, so his parents immediately got him to audition for Yongsan Academy because it had the best reputation. He made friends there, and became one of the most loved guys in the school, especially by the girls. He gives off a really confident vibe and some students think that its arrogance (Dorm 2 especially XD).

When did they begin having feelings for each other : After their first meeting, both started to become more interested in the other, but it was when Kai still met up with her even after his group of friends told him not to that really did it for Sunny, she was touched that he'd still come and see her. He bought her a heart necklace as a symbol of their love friendship, and she never takes it off. It makes him happy when he sees her wearing it XD



Why they are in the dorm they are in : Sunny learnt martial arts from a young age, and is experienced in many different forms of offence and defence. She enjoys training, rather than be one of the arrogant students she does it because its fun. And because she can kick if she needs to. 

Best Subject || Worst Subject : P.E/Bravery Class || Algebra, World History

Optional Subjects : Japanese + Swimming

General Grades: A's in all subjects to do with martial arts and sports, B's in mostly everything else but she has to study harder for Algebra and World History as she's only just getting B's in them

Your speciality : She has been doing martial arts for a long time, but her very first martial art she mastered was Judo, followed by Taekwondo

What made them audition for the school : Her Mother made her audition for the school when she moved from America because she wanted her to be successful and have a good education. 

Persona : The Kick- Foreigner: Her mates think that shes fun to be around, but they know when to not bother her, she can be scary when shes angry. They admire her skill and enjoy training with her. Some of the people in other dorms dont know what to make of her, and some dont like the fact shes half english either. But those people dont say it to her, cause they're intimidated by her. Her closest friends know that she is really insecure and they try and help her with those insecurities.

History : Before attending Yongsan, Sunny lived in America where she had a part time job at her mothers clothing store.

What do you expect to gain from attending the school : She wants to get a good education and know that she has tried her best and had fun

The Mastermind


Anything elseSo this story looks really awesome >.< I really hope you'll consider sunny for your story ^_^

Scene Suggestion- -Scene of the competition where her and Kai first meet

                        -The argument between the two dorms and them meeting up

                        -Scene where kais friends tell Kai to stay away from her but he still meets up with her

                       -Scene where Kai gives her a heart necklace

Dont worry if you cant do my scene requests (I know theres a lot XD), i'll still be glued to the story no matter what! Fighting <3 ^_^






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Ummm, the app form looks weird, would you mind fixing that?
I was randomly skimming over this, and just thought I'd say if you wanted her to be 19, her birthday should be 03/29/94. 95 would make her 18 ouo