▲┊❛ THE ASYLUM // Choi Daeyin



River_Song / River or Rio is fine ^_^ / activeness 4.5 / Antisocial Personality Disorder
 Choi, Daeyin 

full name » Choi Daeyin 
nickname » Dae (Her sister called her this) D (The other patients called her this, she doesnt like being called Daeyin) Yinnie (Kai either calls her by Daeyin or Yinnie-she really hates both)
d.o.b + age » 24/06/94 (19)
ethnicity » Korean
birthplace + hometown »  Seoul, Korea
languages »  Korean (Fluent) English (Conversational - self taught)

 it's a different style 

ulzzang » Kim Jayoung
backup ulzzang » Byun Jieun
appearance » 3 ear piercings (1 on her left ear and 2 on her right), Scars on her arms and legs, most noticable scar is across her left eye, small birthmark in the shape(ish) of a cresent moon, Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes (can sometimes appear like they're black), 5'6 & 53kg
style » Daeyin doesnt really care too much about fashion to be honest, shes more a throw it on and keep it on if its comfortable kind of girl. She often wears jeans (woosh) with flat boots (zoom) with a plain top (Rawr) and a leather jacket (boo!) Most of her clothes are a dark colour, dark green, navy, black with the occasional splash of white or grey. Because of how she dresses she appears quite itimidating and people are scared to approach her.


 you know you wanna let out the beast 

traits » Angry | Violent | Quiet  | Unloved | Rejected
personality » Daeyin is quite an angry girl on the inside, shes always angry at something, whether it be herself or other people. The smallest of things can set her temper of and its not nice when that happens because she gets very physical. In a bad way. She not your typical 'not do anything about it' type of girl. If you get her angry she will hit you so your best bet is to probably just run away. Although she has an explosive temper, she puts on a calm and uninterested exterior, and people usually struggle to tell what shes feeling. She doesn't speak unless she has to (when she does she doesnt hold back), and she'll only speak to a few select people anyways. She feels unloved by her family (you'll se why in a bit) and society, for they locked her up and branded her with 'antisocial personality disorder'. She didn't like being branded and she felt like society was rejecting her by doing so. People would always treat her different when they found out she had that disorder, so as a consequence she stopped talking to people pretty much all together (with the exception of the other prisoners).

family background » Daeyin was brought up in a family consisting of herself, her older sister and her parents. Her parents favoured her sister over her because she was multi-talented. She could do everything from singing to getting the highest grades in school. One night, she over heard her parents discussing whether or not they should put Daeyin up for adoption because she was 'useless, a pain and untalented'. She became really withdrawn after that, and stopped talking to people. Her parents started getting reports from school saying that she was displaying 'Violent tendancies' and she was talking back to the teachers. Her sister on the other hand, was all shining stars and example student. They took Daeyin to the doctors where she was told she may have signs of Anitsocial personality disorder and if things get worse they may have to take her away. Word got round the school and she became alienated from other pupils and started getting bullied (why she was violent to them).

When Daeyin was 14, tragedy struck the family. Her sister had been involved in an accident and had died almost instantly. Her parent were devastated but Daeyin kinda felt..nothing. She was emotionless. Her father started drinking and beating Daeyin when she came home from school (which is why she has scars all over her body) and one day she had enough. She spoke (well, shouted) for the first time in months, shouting curses at her father, how she hated this family, how they treated her like scum since she was born. Her father in return smashed his empty beer bottle at her face, which left a scar across her left eye, stopping just above her cheek. Her father then dragged her to the asylum where she was locked up til this day. At first she was viloent towards the nurses and doctor, but eventually became unresponsive to the nurses who tortured her and tied her up to stop her lashing out at people. The time she spent in her cell allowed her to think what she would do to everyone who hated her if she ever got out of that place. And, well, she got her wish.
trivia » 
-Uses violence when she feels threatened

-Only talks to the other patients and to Kai

-Only Smiles (rarely) around Kai

-Ambidextrous (Can use both hands)

 i shed tears at this painful reality 

family members »
— Father » Choi Sukjin : 47 : Alive :  Manager of a restaurant : Proud, Drunken , Violent : Daeyin doesnt have a relationship with this man who calls himself her father, she dispises him. He used to beat her when he was drunk after her sister died because he believed it was her fault


— Mother »Lee Jisoon : 48 : Full time mother : Proud, Strict, Pushy : She used to get on with her mum until she over heard her discussing if they should put her up for adoption. She was forever bossing Daeyin about, but was completely the opposite with her sister, who she was kind a caring towards

— Sister »Choi Daerin : 20 : Dead : Student : Kind, smart, funny : The two sisters got on okay, as in Daeyin didnt hate her. But Daeyin was jealous of her.  She grew up in the spotlight and attention of her parent and when she died they were devistated, but Daeyin was surprisingly emotionless at her sisters death-She wasn't bothered about it, but she wasn't exactly happy either.

friends »
— Sister » (Same as above) : Daeyin didnt have any friends, but the closest thing she did have to a friend was her sister, even if she was jealous of how she got everyones attention. 


 i lost my mind the moment i saw you 

love interest name » Kim Jongin (Kai)
personality traits » Outgoing, Flirty, Kind, Understanding
personality » Kai is really social, the complete opposite of Daeyin actually. He loves to go out with his many friends (hes a really popular kid), and flirts with anything and everything he sees. However, when you get to know him, he is really kind and understanding. He sees things from an objective point of view and understands other peoples feelings especially well. If you dont know him, he'll just appear to be a bit of an idiot :/
meeting » Kai is just strolling in that part of town when he sees the gang escaping from the asylum. He follows them for a bit but is  caught off guard when Daeyin spots him. She grabs him by the collar and asks him what the hell he thinks he's doing. He explains that he was curious as to what they were doing and when Daeyin tells him, he doesn't believe her until he spots the girls with blood on their clothes. 
relationship » Daeyin is as surprised as the other girls when she talks to him upon first meeting him, as shes usually really awkward around strangers. He actively shows that he isn't intimidated by Daeyin and this is a new thing to her. He is intruiged by her and finds it funny rather than annoying when she doesnt talk to him. At first, after their first meeting, she doesnt talk to him at all, and he usually just stands their and talks about things which he doesnt need her reply for. Eventually, she starts to talk to him more and more, and she finds herself opening up to him more than anyone before. She doesnt usually smile, but Kai makes her smile and he becomes happy when she smiles, he tells her she looks prettier if she smiles. Kai thinks that shes pretty even with her scars, and wishes she would be a bit more outgoing. He tries to make her laugh and be generally happy around her, and sometime he can see a bit of her he's not seen before. He is the only one she allows to called her Daeyin or Yinnie though she really hates it.
backup love interest name » Kyungsoo
personality » Understanding, Social, Kind, Curious
meeting » (Same as above)
relationship » (Same as above)

 i fell into her hands long ago 

why would you join the gang » Well, im not too good on my own, I've got nowhere to go so this was my best option I suppose.
closest to » Dissociative Identity Disorder
least closest to » Depersonalization Disorder
what do you think of your boss » Shes actually pretty alright, I'd say shes probably the best in the group. Not that I'd ever say that to her though. She makes a decent leader and she doesnt question me like society does. So, yeah.


 my eyes shake as i ask an important question

comments » Wow, this story looks soo interesting XD Hope you consider Daeyin for the antisocial :)
scenes suggestions » 

Meeting with Kai

How she got the scar on her left eye

Kai making her tak to him and making her smile

anything else » The Asylum XD





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