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❤ M&M MULTI SHOP ❤ - Hiring! ; GIVEAWAY #2 W/ EXO XOXO ALBUM ; CHAPTER 8 ^-^ - graphics request review you hiring posters advertisement - main story image


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First place 

EXO-K/ EXO-M XOXO ALBUM + 100 karma points + 20 textures (if you need them) + 4 upvotes and subscribes to ALL your fics!

Second Place

80 karma points + 15 textures (if you need them) + 4 upvotes and subscribes to ALL your fics!

Third Place 

60 karma points + 10 textures (if you need them) + 3 upvotes and subscribes to ALL your fics!

Fourth Place

40 karma points + 2 upvote and subscribes to ALL your fics!

Fifth Place


20 karma points + 1 upvote and subscribes to ALL of your fics! 



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RealityStruckMe #1
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