
Okay so here's the dealio to anyone who is reading this and reads my stories. This is my explanation to why I vanished for so long if you're curious. This past year, my brother in law attempted to kill my sister and being a witness, I have been juggling court dates, work and school. I've been behind on a lot of my payments so I usually have to work 12 hours a day 6 days a week. After a good solid 9 months my brother in law was found not guilty and has been released so I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get my sister out of the house that is in her name and his. For now I'm paying for her place and mine that I share with my roommate, that's over 2K a month! Anywho needless to say I've been a zombie. But I finally got out of this rut I'm in and I'm back. Sorry it's a whole lot of nonsense. I know. But bear with me, I will be finishing those stories because each one is dear to me and I really don't want to let any of you down.


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and take care
oh wow and hope your sister is ok .