Obscure; The Paradox Application » Han Jihyo

O B S C U R E ; Han Jihyo ; The Tribute


username: River_Song  activity level: 4


Who Am I?

Name: Han Jihyo
Nickname(s): Ji (Friends shorten her name cause they're lazy XD)
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Korean
Date of Birth: 05/14/1995 
Age: 18
Blood Type: B
Height: 166 || 5'5
Weight: 55 || 121
Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea


It's Only A Mask

Apperance: Park Hyojin
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back up: An Sukyung
Links: 1 | 2 | 3


Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Professional: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Formal: Parties: 1 | 2 | 3    Business Parties: 1 | 2 | 3

Other: Tattoo on the back of her shoulder: Meep XD Ear piercings (Standard, 1 in each ear)


Into The Depths of Me


Jihyo is your average teenage girl. Well, kinda, if you dont count the fact she doesnt have to touch stuff to move it. She grew up to love thrilling things like rollercoasters, anything to give her that adrenaline rush. She feels like she forgets everything weird about her and it makes her feel like a normal girl for a bit. She can appear shy at first, but around people she's comfortable with, shes crazy and loves to get involved with anything going on around her, even if it has nothing to do with her (which usually, it doesnt). She likes to grab opportunities as and whe they come, because she thinks that it might be your only chance to do them. This can be a bad trait because it often leads to her making reckless decisions and sometimes even puts her life on the line. She once ended up in an alleyway surrounded by men that were going to kill her. The only way she got out of that was to use her powers but we'll come to that later.

She is generally friendly, however if she doesnt like you, it doesn't look good. For you that is. When she gets angry, she tends to be a very..physical person. That is to say, she wont sit by and cry her eyes out when shes frustrated, she'll actively hit something so just dont go near her when shes like that. As I say, she wont go and cry her eyes out, even when she's actually sad. It has to be a pretty tremendous thing to make her cry, cause believe me, its as rare as finding a river in a desert. She hides her feelings from other people because she feels like she is a burden to them. Although she's quite an outgoing and chatty character, even her closest friends dont know much about her except how she will immediately become quiet and reserved if people ask her about her family or background. She has a strong will, and will see anything out until the end. To her friends and people she loves, she would do anything for them (and in very extreme cases may even die for them) and she is incredibly loyal and trustworthy.

Unlike most other girls, she doesnt mind getting down and dirty, in fact, she loves it! Physically, she stronger than your average girl but with her power on her side she can appear to be intimidating and unafraid.  She'll play just as rough as the boys and prefers hanging out with boys instead of girls, because they're less y and she feels better when they say they dont care how she looks. Thats another thing about her you see, she has really low self esteem. She has no confidence in her looks, or her ability. She feels like she'll never be loved by anyone because, if her own parents dont want her, why would anyone else? As mentioned earlier, she is unafraid, well the only thing she is scared of is being left on her own again. But other than that, shes fine. Stubborn is a word often used to decribe Jihyo. Once shes got an idea or opinion, its almost impossible to change it.


  • Being with the others-She feels like she is part of a real family who accept her, along with her powers
  • Chocolate-She was never allowed chocolate as a child, so she loves to feel like shes rebelling. And it tastes good too
  • Animals-Jihyo loves animals because she used to have a pet cat, who she'd tell her feelings to. She felt like she could let all her feelings out to her cat and not be judged by it XD
  • Anything that gets her going-She loves that feeling of adrenaline which makes her heart pound as it temporarily helps her forget her past
  • Night time-Jihyo prefers the night time because its calm, and she loves to sit and gaze at the stars to calm her feelings and clear her mind


  • Being on her own-She despises the feeling of abandonment, as it left a bitter taste in when she was younger
  • Nuts-Anything nutty, she wont eat just because she doesnt like the taste or texture
  • Herself-She has really low self esteem and finds it hard to open up to people about it. Thanks to her family experience, she kind of feels like shes not worth anything and its damned hard to change her opinion of herself
  • Flies-She really hates the buzzing noise they make :/
  • ing-Jihyo doesnt like it when people about others behind their back, she finds it really disrespectful


  • Reading
  • Taking the first opportunity she sees
  • Eating XD 


  • Flicks her hair out of her face
  • Pouts subconsciously when shes confused
  • Bites her bottom lip when nervous


Who Is This Family You Speak Of?


Father | Han Sukjin | 52

Mother | Han Sunhee | 50

Sister | Han Jirin | 20

Family History:

Jihyo grew up as the youngest of her family, and they were happy together. They frequently visited the theme parks (hence her need for speed :D) and everything was as nice as you could want a family to be. One day, when Jihyo was 16, she took a chance that lead to her being cornered at the bottom of a secluded alleyway surrounded by men who were probably going to kill her. It was the first time in her life she had been so scared. She wished that the men would end up at the bottom of the alley, a long way away from her. When she felt no pain, she opened her eyes and was shocked to find the men were all suspended in mid air. This lapse of concentration lead to them falling down to the ground with a loud thud. They got back up and started running at her, so she tried to concentrate on stopping them moving. It worked. She used her powers to throw them to the ground, and then ran away. She was scared by what she could do so she went home and told her parents and her sister. At first they didn't believe her but when she showed them they were speechless. Their shock soon changed to fear and then to anger. Her sister shouted at her telling her that she was a freak and she should be locked up, whilst her parents packed her bags. See, her family was very..proud..and they didnt want a 'freak' ruining their image. So they sent her off that night with her bags and a little bit of money.

That night, Jihyo wandered about Seoul, looking for anywhere that she might be able to stay, when she spotted a small advertisement on the back of a post box. She was intruiged as to why someone would place an advert in such a weird place. so she looked at the advert which contain an address for 'People who are more than ordinary'. She was a bit doubtful at first, but followed her instincts which told her she should go to the address. After a further hour of wondering, she found herself outside a weird looking building. The man at the recpetion desk smiled at her and asked "Would you like a room for tonight?" Jihyo agreed and was slightly taken aback when he asked her for her name, home address and power. She explained what she could do and the man kindly informed her that her power was called telekinesis. The next day, the same man took her to Obscure and left her with the others, where, after a long period of getting used to everyone around her also having powers, she finally felt like she was home.


My Only Real Family

Best Friend: The Shadow 

?? | ?? | Member of Obscure | Close firends | The Shadow is a quiet person who mostly likes to keep to himself/herself. He/she gives off a scary aura and this is partly the reason they became friends. When Jihyo was a new addition to Obscure, she was told to stick with the shadow, who would show her around and fill her in on what they do on a day to day basis. She happily went along and wasnt the least bit intimidated by the shadows personality. The shadow was surprised that she wasnt put off by his/her personality like most others were. Jihyo kept hanging around the shadow because she didnt really know anyone else, and the two grew to enjoy each others company. They became close ever since, and Jihyo knows a lot about him/her, but he/she doesnt know a lot about Jihyo, just the personality she shows to everyone.


Song Raejin (OC) | 19 | Shop assisstant | friends | The mirror image of Jihyo, Raejin loves to go on an adventure. She is kind hearted, and the only one who didnt care that Jihyo had powers when it became known. They grew up together and their families were close as well 


It's Supernatural

Position: The Tribute
Power: Telekinesis
In Particular: Jihyo's eyes go an intense green, however using her powers for massive things for a long time can tire her out 

Fears: Being abandoned, Isolation
Weakness: Using her powers for a long time to control big things, guys being nice to her, adventure opportunities
Advantages: Partying (Drinking XD), being fearless, using her powers


See You In The After Life

Comments/Suggestions/Questions?: Holy sweet cow this story looks amazing. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Seriously cool, I hope you'll consider Jihyo for the tribute (I VOLUNTEER XD)
Password: Obscure


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