❤Sunshine❤Sang Hee Park/Lucy Park❤Wild Kitten/Flaming Charisma


Sunshine Sunny

❥ Sang Hee Park

dominikaq92 ¦ 9 ¦ Dominika

Full Name: Park Sang Hee/Lucy Park

Nicknames: Sun (because sang hee means sun light), Hee (by her family)

Birthdate: (05.25.92)

Ethnicity: Korean

Birth Place: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: New York, USA

Blood Type: O

Height & Weight: 169 cm, 46 kg

Languages: Korean (fluent), English (fluent), French (conversational), Chinese (basic)


Personality: The first word that comes to mind when you think about her is diva. This girl is a fierce kitten on stage and off stage. She doesn't have to change at all as in her every day life she is extremely self-confident, she knows how much she is worth and she is always shining. She is really clever and can manipulate people easily. She is a born liar, she can lie straight to your face and you will never see that coming. In her every day life she is wild and hard to control, she is independent and strong-minded person, who knows extacly what she wants, nothing less. She is a flaming charisma as she has really sharp tongue, great sense of humor and unusual intelligence, and she knows extacly how to use those features to her advantage, she doesn't talk when it's not needed but when she speaks she is usually right. She isn't a girl who will chase guys or the one to depress over them, she usually has her cool face on with boys around. She is a tough chick, who never cries and is proud of that. She can judge people really well, and she is rarely mistaken.

She is annoyingly fussy with everything, food, clothes, boys. Her stubbornes is endless, she rarely changes her mind. Because of her confidence and sharp wit she may look a little mean and she definitely is from time to time. She isn't the friendliest person out there and it's really hard to get close to her as she is usually really hard to approach. Her appearence and attitude may be intimidating to others. It is really hard to ruffle her feathers mostly because in her oppinion temper is a really harmful weakness. She is way to proud and she can be really bossy.

Background: She was born in Busan but she never really lived there. She was born while her parents where visiting their families in Korea. She lived in New York all her life and she definitely thinks about herself as an American more than Korean. Her parents were always very persistent about her Asian roots and they always pressed her to learn Korean and Chinese, even if she wanted to learn French more. She comes from a good family, where her father works in a good company and her mother is a lawyer. Since she was young she was always attending ballet classes and singing and piano lessons. She always liked them a lot because she likes music. She is an only child that why she is a little spoiled, she always had what she wanted and she never lacked anything. She was a student in the best schools on Manhattan and she always had a really good grades. When she was seventeen her parents send her to Korea because they wanted for her to get to know her Korean family and Korea. While she was shopping in Seoul she was scouted by someone from SM. At first she refused the offer because she wanted to focus on her school and be accepted by her dreamt college - Harvard, but after deeper thoughts she decided to accept offer, mostly because she realized that she loves music more than she would ever love a job as lawyer. Her parents weren't happy with her decision and they threatened her that if she won't come back to the US, they will cut off her money supplies. She didn't come back, she decided to stay in Korea and to start her life as a trainee. Because of her status change she worked really hard to become independent from her parents. Her family in Korea was extremely happy with her choice and her grandmother was always praising her whenever she had an opportunity. They wanted to support her with her every move, but she didn't feel comfortable enough to accept their help mostly because she didn't know them really well. Since she started training she hasn't spoken to her parents once but she became closer with her grandparents and cousins.

Fashion Style: She is a fashionista, she is very stylish and chic. She loves to wear good clothes but since she left New York behind she couldn't have all those designers clothes, still she was able to look good wearing anything and she easily adjusted her her style to chain stores. She has no problem with being y but she usually doesn't wear those kinds of clothes. Her personality is so colorful that she doesn't need bold clothes. Because her trainee's life is really busy she stopped caring about her look so much and now she wears almost only modest clothes, or those really casual like jeans and T-shirts.

Others: She has a small tatoo on her wrist, with the word 'freedom'. She also has couple earrings in her ears.



  • Music (listening as well as playing piano and singing),
  • Dancing,
  • Sport (she is really fit, she jogs every day),
  • Running Man (she thinks that this is like the best TV show ever), especially Yoo Jae Suk,
  • Reading,
  • Cooking (she is an awesome cook), and eating,
  • Bossing around,
  • Tall, charismatic guys,
  • Ice Cream, especially those lemon flavoured,
  • Big Bang (she is a huge fan),
  • Partying,
  • Drinking,
  • Penguins of Madagascar,
  • Everything about Johnny Depp,
  • Watching cheesy dramas (but nobody knows about that),
  • Coke Light,
  • Guys' hot, chocolate ABS.


  • Stupidity,
  • Brussels sprouts,
  • Boredom,
  • Driving (she in driving),
  • Bugs,
  • People who mind her business,
  • Uncomfortable beds (especially the one that she has in dorm),
  • Cleaning,
  • The fact that she has no aegyo,
  • Skating (when she was five she had an accident on skates and she had a surgery),
  • Cold (she loves to sit in warm places).


  • Music (playing piano, singing, rapping),
  • Dance (ballet and other styles that she had to learn when started training),
  • Reading books,
  • Sport (running, playing baseball and volleyball),
  • Partying,
  • Cooking


  • She is a sleep-talker, she speaks and curses while sleeping,
  • She always tears bread apart before eating,
  • She her lips when she is thinking hard about something,
  • She scratches her neck whenever she is embarassed,
  • She smokes when she is really nervous or worried.


  • Her ideal type is T.O.P, from Big Bang, she also thinks that he is the most handsome men on Earth, together with Johnny Depp.
  • She is a crazy fan of 'Penguins from Madagascar' and her favorite character is King Julien.
  • She knows capital of every country in the world.
  • She is vegan.
  • She is afraid of birds.
  • She loves to run, she jogs every day.
  • She has a very strong gaze that can intimidate people.
  • She loves extreme sports, she isn't afraid at all when it comes to bugee jumping.
  • Her favorite girl groups are miss A and 2NE1 and boy group is Big Bang.
  • She can play on piano extremely well. She even won couple of contests.
  • While she was younger she wanted to become a primaballerina, but later she decided to become a lawyer.
  • She usually has a very good memory but she always forgets about other people birthdays and other important dates.
  • She always forgets to take her phone.
  • She has a huge collection of caps and lipsticks.
  • She is always first one to wake up.
  • She is allergic to cats' fur.
  • Her favorite color is white.
  • She read every Stephen's King and Agatha's Christie book ever written.
  • She is really attractive to guys and she usually can't get rid of them while she is in club.
  • She smokes but only from time to time.
  • She is learning rap because she wants to rap really good, but it's not her strongest point.
  • It's easy for her to learn new languages.
  • She has a really y image on stage.
  • She has no sense of direction, she is always lost.


Family Members:

[Park Min Hee/Park Christine (her English name)|46|Mother, they relationship always was rather rough but since Sang Hee decided to start training they don't talk to each other.|Lawyer]

[Park Song Jo/Park Eric (English name)|47|Father, they used to be pretty close, but after she became a trainee they aren't in touch|Company Worker]

Best Friends:

[Kim Jong Hyun (Jonghyun)|23|idol/singer, member of SHINee]

[Choi A Reum|21|photography student]


[Lee Soon Kyu (Sunny)|idol/singer, member of Girls' Generation]

[Ahn Hyo Jin (LE)|idol/rapper, member of EXID]

[Luna|idol/singer, member of f(x)]

Idol Fanboys/Fangirls: since she is y and all :D I will go crazy here :P


[Jay Park|-]




[Jonghyun|C.N Blue]

[C.A.P|Teen Top]


[Yesung|Super Junior]

[Sungmin|Super Junior]


Faceclaim: Park Sora

Backup Faceclaim: Jung Min Hee


Love Interest: Kris (Wu Yifan)

Age: 23

Personality: Kris is extremely cool. He is a charismatic, though guy that is loved by a lot of women. He is a good leader, and even though he looks like insensible jerk outside he is very sensitive and caring person inside. He doesn't usually show this side of him. He is social and he can talk to anyone. He isn't a person that you want to mess with though. He is really popular not only with fans but idols as well. He is self-confident and totally a -god. It's always his way or not at all. He can attract women easily. He has a great sense of humor. When it comes to Lucy he becomes jealous and possesive, even though he usually isn't. 

How You Met: They are both in SM. They met first time while they both were trainees and they were training together. They had a dance training together and they were dancing next to each other. It clicked automatically and they started talking to each other and they get to know each other better.

How You Interact: There is a lot of chemistry between them. They know each other very well and they are good friends who both have a crush on each other. They always tease each other and joke around a lot but they can be serious too. They are both jealous of each other and they sometimes stop talking or argue after one of those attacks. Kris can't stand when she talks to another guy, even if it's one of her friends. She also isn't very happy when he talks to another girl but she hides it better. They had couple incidents like making out after company meeting, couple times... They would like to start dating but both of them think about their careers. They know that it would be dangerous. Still, when love rival appears and he obviously wants to date Lucy Kris starts feeling unsure and decides to make a move.

Relationship: Good friends

Backup Love Interest: Kai


Love Rival: Sung Joon (actor)

Age: 23

Personality: He is a really good, intelligent guy, really attractive as well. He is confident and really funny. He can always make Sang Hee laugh. He is really caring. He is hard-working and ambitious. His weakness are beautiful women.

How You Met: They've met long time before Lucy debuted. While she was still 17 and he wasn't famous yet. They met on street. She bumped into him. They were automatically attracted to each other and they started to talk, later they go on a date. They were dating almost 2 years.

How You Interact: They were all lovey-dovey while they were dating, but he broke up with her unexpectedly and since then she became really cold to him even though he showed that he regrets the fact that he broke up with her (he did it because he thought that he fell in love with another girl, but he didn't, he missed her right after he broke up with Lucy), he tries his best to recover her, but it's not easy. He does a lot of romantic things, sends her flowers etc. but she doesn't want to forgive him.

Relationship: Ex-Boyfriend

Backup Love Rival: Kim Bum


Rival: Jessica Jung

Age: 24

Occupation: singer/idol, member of SNSD

Personality: she is really hard-working and ambitious, called Ice Princess because of her cold personality. She is a little vain as she usually looks at look first. She is very serious, though y and can be really alluring. She know extacly what to do win a guy's heart. But she is usually jealous.

How You Interact: Even thouh they are in the same company they don't really like each other, and the fact that there are some similarities in their personalities doesn't help them building bridges. They just try to ignore each other.

Why Are You Rivals: Jessica is in love with Kris and she wants him for herself. Lucy knows that. She really doesn't like the fact that Jessica really likes Kris, because she becomes jealous, she also doesn't like the fact that they are compared to each other really often.

Backup Rival: Krystal Jung


Stagename: Sanghee

Persona: Wild Kitten, Flaming Charisma

Position: (bold first choice, italic and bold second choice)

Leader, Main Vocalist

Main Dancer

Main Rapper

Maknae Visual, Vocalist

Maknae, Lead Vocalist, Visual


Personal Fanclub Name: Sunbeams

Personal Fanclub Color: Purple

Singing Twin: Ailee

Dancing Twin: Jia (miss A)

Rapping Twin: Miryo (Brown Eyed Girls)

Talking Twin: CL (2NE1)

Trainee Years: 4

Trainee Life:

  • scouted while shopping
  • at first it wasn't easy, since she still didn't know Korean all that well and a lot of people looked down at her since she was from US, but because of her strong personality nobody would dare to bully her.


Comments/Remarks/Suggestions: -

Scene Requests:

A scene were Lucy and Kris are talking after performance on some show and then to her dressing room courier brings a huge bouquet of red roses from Sung Joon and Kris becomes super jealous.

A scene were they both just can't control themselves and end up making out after some company party.

Kris finally decides to date her, because he worries about Sung Joon and Lucy.

A scene where Kris and Jessica hug each other, he just wanted to comfort her because she was 'sad' and Lucy sees it and ends up totally pissed off but she pretends that everything is OK, but starts to be cold to Kris.



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