Have You...

Have you ever feel like a plastic bag--/NO. Okay, have you ever feel like writing down all of your ideas about fanfic, writing on a paper/ms. word/anything. and then realized that you were just fantasizing, daydreaming, and what actually you did is just staring blankly on the ceiling.

Yeah i do.

I always do.

I thought that i could finish my fanfic now.

But then i realized, i couldn't.

Because i was just staring blankly (not the ceiling, it was the computer screen).

And that moment, i encouraged myself.

"It's okay, you can write it tomorrow, it will be better tomorrow"


But tomorrow, the same thing happens.


I kyannot do this.





/ugly sobs/


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wow, so do I, u know?
I'm relieved that someone actually shared the same case. Haha, cause it seems everyone I knew is just godly good at keeping some time to write and finished it, while for me, I start so many fics but finishing them is the hardest thing for me to do *sigh*
*maaf curcol*