Not So Common OTP's One Shot Shop

This is advertising.

I became a writer for a One Shot Shop!

The blog title is the shop's title. It's meant for those pairings that only few ship and not many write about. We will write those one shots for you!

I'm a writer there along with four others. The owner is florkyumin.

Some of you are subscribed to ABCD's of Bromance, so I'm guessing you like my writting? I mean, you wouldnt subscribe if I , right? You guys can go on the shop and request a one shot from me! Or if you like the other writers there, request from them. I'd be more than happy to write a one shot for my special readers :) You guys have the oppurtunity for me to write something JUST FOR YOU. That's if you like my writting.

Chingus~ You can help out by requesting from us if you have a one shot idea. Why go to another shop when your dear friend is here with great writers? And we who write those odd pairings for you that other shops might have rejected. (Keyword: might, teehee)

Please check the shop out. I'd be really grateful.

Right now, we're working on the first couple requests we've recieved. You can see the writers' samples on the staff page. Click on their links.

I hope you decide to subscribe to our shop and start requesting! Thanks in advance for the support ^~^

Here's the link:

Check us out and request away!

감사합니다 and 기다려.      Hope my korean's right :p


i'm bad at promoting but you guys get it right?

i might post another advertisement later that sounds better and written when i'm more awake

anyway, go! Request! And thank you for reading till the end :-)


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