The person who posted Leaked Growl Audio

So I have been around youtube and decided to search for that person who doesn't respect SM and EXO so she decided to just post Growl.


I haven't listened to it, neither watched the dance practice that was leaked, because guilt will just hunt me. Another reason was because I want to enjoy it with all the other fans, when it is OFFICIALLY released.

 I mean .. It is interfering with their own buisness. People should just appreciate that SM are going to release a repackged album. I mean we all know.                    

SM = Troll

But no this person decided to post a whole speech in the describtion box. And I was reading the whole thing she wrote with my sound muted.

RLABCREW·1 video


Published on Jul 27, 2013

I pitched this song btw.
So it's a little higher than the original.
OH and I also have the dance practice. But I don't want to upload to much so this is it.
I'll upload it whenever it's the right time to.
I honestly don't see what the problem is if people hear/ watch Exo song, and leaked dance practice.
It doesn't make you not a true exotic if you watched their leak stuff or not.
I know some people that are really big fans of Exo and watch their leaked stuff including me. So before you call me not a true exotic learn my background I'm one of their biggest fans tbh.
I ing love Exo, I've been listening to Kpop for over 4 years now and I've never bought any single album until Exo debuted. I just fell in love with them I had to support them by buying their album. So... If that doesn't tell you something I don't know what will.
Just because you "True" exotics say, I'm gonna wait till exo wants me to watch this.
That doesn't make you a true exotic. So I'm a true exotic and I watch leaked videos? Doesn't make me untrue it means that people who want to watch it are impatient and curious.



She even disabled adding comments, cause I bet she knew people will nag on her to delete it


Well whoever this person is she is so disrespectful, an not even grateful for EXO.

I hope fans like this will disappear one day ^^



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-walks away-
What the fck ! Well YOU AINT NO TRU EXOTIC *sassy--face*
Well i actually watched the leaked version of wolf , NOT the dance practice but like wayy before we knew they were having a comeback , when somebody leaked the WHOLE freaking album and i think that only exo-k was singing it and even though it sounded more crappier than the official song i actually REALLY came to love it and yeah i feltn guitly but by the time exo came back i forgot about the leaked version :/ but i still felt guilty . It was on a tumblr post andi was curios so i looked up on youtube wolf - exo and there were ALOT of effin videos of the audio and thats when i listened to it and when i heard it for the 1st i was like WTF but as i listened to it i also became to love it :P and i wasnt an EXOtic at that time , i didnt even really know anything anout EXO :P And i dont know why i just told you al that XD

BUT the thing is YOU my friend ISNT a TRUE EXOTIC -SMH- if you uploaded that maybe you could become a saesang cuz look at you saying you ING LOVE EXO ugh
-smh- ive also been listening mto kpop for 6 or 7 years and i STILL dont have a kpop album O_o *sassy--face* SO SHUT THE UP MOFO >.> okay ill be taking my leave now baiiii~
AZN_Ninja7 #3
My bad, cut out the "yet" from my comment. I don't plan on watching the leaked versions EVER
AZN_Ninja7 #4
Fcking btch.
I was thinking the exact same thing the comment below me said.
And if you don't RESPECT exo, then you AREN'T a true EXOtic whether you like it or not you sht *^*
People like that p.iss me off so fcking bad DX

I haven't watched the leaked dance practice or song yet either and I didn't watch any of the leaked Wolf videos either (I would've felt guilty too). And Wolf wasn't as popular/didn't sell as well as it would have if it wasn't leaked =.= Do you still call that being a true EXOtic?
she does know that exo get pays how many views they get right in the REAL mv not the leaked ones right? and also the fact that the reason why exo get to be on variety shows is because of how popular their new song is the producers usually check sm's official video's to see how many views it gets and stuff
That just crazy
Don't understand why people leak stuff ..
Like, just wait for it to be released god dammit!
My friend watched it and like, I can't even .... ><