❝龍❞ Where the wind b l o w s ↷ Nam Seohwa ⋮ Wood


Can You Overcome the Wind,

✼ nam, seohwa ?

✼nam, seohwa ?

✼nam, seohwa ?

aeterniti〉 | 〈 9/10〉 | 〈 Mei



care to explain yourself?

storyline :  Wood

name :  Nam Seohwa

*nickname(s) :  Moss - dragon (Once, there was a time when she was mad, so in an attempt to lighten up the mood, he cracked a lame joke while they were flying that she was like moss clinging to a tree.)

age birthdate :  19 : August 9th

star sign :  Leo

languages :  Korean - fluent, Chinese - mostly fluent/intermediate

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who do you take after?

ulzzang :  Lee Dasom

pictures :   

back-up :  Seo Seri

pictures : 

appearance :  She two piercings on one ear but none on the other. She has a crow tattoo on the nape of her neck. 

height weight :  164 cm : 49 kg

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 what makes you different?

persona :  imperious, impetuous, supercilious, transparent, deafening, vagarious, candid, histrionic, cagey, pessimistic, hypocritical

personality :  Seohwa was born for a solitary lifestyle. There are not many people who can stand to be in the same room as her, listening to her incessant blabbering or what she's blabbering about. Perhaps it is because of that, that she can't help but be bossy. She always has to be the one domineering the conversation, without letting anyone get a word in edge-wise. She tends to look down on others, and while she doesn't demand the loyalty of those around her, she may demand something to drink to quench her oh-so-parched throat. Because as she says : it's my way or the highway. 

Due to her parents' neglect, Seohwa grew up without ever learning of a verb called 'thinking'. And she definitely has never heard of the age-old adage: Think before you act. Seohwa always plunges headfirst into a situation, acting without her head or thinking of the consequences that may result from her words or actions. She is unable to think of what her actions and words may cause. All she can see is what may happen in the short run, but her brain can't think as far as considering what may happen in the long run. Once she has her heart set on a course of action, it is impossible to dissuade her. 

Of course, it is possible to stop her. Her face is like an open book, inviting those to read her thoughts. She fails at trying to hide her feelings or thoughts, though most of the time, she doesn't even bother. Seohwa is downright terrible at evading the question or lying, which is probably why she hates confrontations. Her face becomes even more transparent when she has something to hide. 

With her lack of social skills, Seohwa has the large tendency to look down on others from her high pedestal that only exists in her imagination. Rather than focusing on a person's strengths, all she can see is their weaknesses. Because of this, she tends to underestimates what the people around her are capable of. She sees the people around her as people who are meant to do her bidding. Obviously, she doesn't see herself the same way.

Loud and wild. That's a good way to sum up Nam Seohwa. Though she doesn't mind telling others what to do, she doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do, especially to quiet down. Seohwa has been deafening the ear drums of those around her ever since she was born. She's like a wild horse - uncontrollable. She does what she wants, whenever she wants. She's usually used to having her way since she's extremely self-centered, but when she doesn't have her way, it's almost impossible to reign in the yelling, crazy child. 

Since Seohwa is insensitive to the feelings of those around her, it would make sense to say that she is extremely candid. She doesn't bother worrying about coating her words with sugar and honey. She just says the harsh truth as she sees it. Or, most of the times, she says the truth in a way harsher than she she sees it. She can't help but be honest and say everything that comes to mind, without thinking of the word 'tact' (then again, she doesn't know the word 'thinking' either). 

Her reactions are always over-the-top. If she is merely questioned innocently, she becomes very defensive, yelling at the top of her lungs. She can be a bit - no, really - overdramatic. One could say that she has the flair for dramatic. She interprets everything differently from how the speaker intended it to be. She over-analyzes every action differently from how the doer thought it would come off as. She interprets things her way, making small, innocent or harmless words and actions into a bigger fuss. 

While she may seem rambunctious and boisterous, she is constantly passing off pessimistic remarks, trying to dissect the inner motives of others, even when there is nothing but pure sincerity. She trusts no one wholly, paranoid that they have a motive of inner gain. As a result, she rarely accepts help from others. One can obviously see from her character, that almost everything about her screams 'hypocritical'. No one has enough courage or wit to stand up against her and teach her the Golden Rule yet. As for pessimistic, she takes it upon herself to give other people reality checks, thinking of the worst possible scenarios in a situation and voicing them aloud. As she always says, "I wouldn't be surprised if something terribly awful happens right this moment." 

That's the outside Seohwa. But it wouldn't be surprised if Seohwa is just putting up a facade to cover all her insecurities and hurt because only the tough can survive in this world while the vulnerable are left to the mercy of others. 


blood type :  O

likes : 

✼ Food (Since she never has enough food, when she sees food, she'll take as much as she can possibly get.)

Small spaces (She likes holing herself up in small boxes or enclosures with the feeling of the walls surrounding her, giving her a sense of security and safety - something that she secretly yearns for.)

✼ The dark (She likes the night especially because it seems to her that a curtain of calmness cloaks everything when the sun disappears.)

✼ Cats (She thinks they're adorable, the little things. She remembers putting out food for a kitten once when she was younger.)

✼ Singing (Especially at the top of her lungs when no one's around. Usually there's no one around, because her voice scares everything away.)

✼ Winning/Being right (She'll do whatever to rub in the fact that she won or was right.)

✼ Privacy (She values her privacy probably more than anything. Away from the prying eyes of others trying to read her like an open book, she can sort out her thoughts or yell them all out without anyone to hear or see her. Of course, there are also things she wants to think about when no one's around.)

dislikes : 

✼ Losing (She's a rather sore loser who takes a very long time to accept the fact that she lost because she's so busy denying that she lost.)

✼ Fire ants (There was an unpleasant episode in her childhood when she once sat in a discreet pile of fireants. To this day, she always checks the ground before sitting down.)

✼ Owls and dogs (Nothing like some hooting or barking to wake her up from her much-needed sleep.)

✼ Secrets (Especially when she knows something is up. She'll question and question and question, but her efforts usually result in nothing but a parched throat.)

✼ Puzzles/Complicated problems (She can't wrap her mind around the complexity of the enigma or problem. All she wants is a solution, but she doesn't know how to get to it. Anything that requires brainpower makes her brain hurt, so she quickly gives up. Most of the time, she doesn't even attempt it.)

✼ Having choices (She would rather have a set course of action or only one option. Having more than one option requires her to think and ponder long and hard. She would rather not waste her time on such trivial matters - in her mind, that is. She would rather have someone make the decisions for her, so her brain doesn't have to work.)

✼ Fairytales (She thinks such things as a 'true love's kiss' or 'dreams come true' are just nonsense. She won't hesitate to crush little kids' dreams of Prince Charming because she thinks deluding kids into believing in such false hope is worse than the harsh truth. Why believe in something that isn't even real? She likes to give reality checks on a daily basis.)

habits : 

✼ Whenever she's in a good mood, she'll randomly call a person over and over again even once she's had their attention. If she's in an extremely good mood, she'll proceed to attack her target with hugs.

✼ Whenever she feels like crying, she'll wrap her arms around herself until her nails pierce skin.

✼ Whenever she's frustrated, she'll moan and groan at different tones and pitches while constantly sighing and pulling her hair. When people start yelling at her, she'll yell at them to scram before continuing her and groaning.

✼ Whenever she's nervous or lying, she'll look sideways twice before itching behind her ear.

✼ Whenever she's sulking or seething, she'll glare at everyone she sees while gnashing her teeth.

✼ Whenever she's angry, she will hit or yell at the closest thing or person until she's finished venting her anger.

✼ Whenever she's excited, she'll jump on one foot lightly while waving about her hands animatedly.

✼ Whenever she's surprised, she hits whatever surprised her the minute she gets over her shock. If she surprised herself, she'll hit herself on the head.

✼ Whenever she doesn't have her way, she has the peculiar habit of answering everything and speaking only in 'meows' like a cat. This can go on for an indefinite period of time before her target eventually gives in. If they beat her or punish her, she'll stay away from that person for days until the person comes to find her.

✼ Whenever she's confused or bored, she'll often talk to herself or inanimate objects just to feel like she's doing something. If she's confused, she'll often talk to herself out loud, trying to sort out her thoughts. If she's bored and no one's around, she'll talk to whatever she can find.

hobbies : 

✼ Climbing trees (She likes climbing up into high places to rest. She climbs for two reasons. If she wants to relieve her stress, she'll climb up a little to have some peace of mind. If she's in high spirits, she'll climb as high as she can and look down for a thrill of exhilaration.)

✼ Drawing (She'll draw with whatever she can find. She'll draw in the dirt with a stick or on a stone with some chalk. Of course, her drawings often reflect her mood. Plenty of her artworks consist of mainly scribbles and curse words.)

✼ Daydreaming (Whenever she's daydreaming, she'll stare intently at a person while absentmindedly her hair even though she's not particularly daydreaming about the person she's staring at. She daydreams often - at school, on the go, in middle of walking - often distracted by the smallest things and details. It often takes a good whack on her head to bring her back to reality.)

✼ Sleeping (Probably one of the hardest things ever is to wake up Seohwa. She sleeps and only wakes up when she feels like it. She'll wake up briefly to punch the person trying to wake her up before falling asleep again. Sleep is the only place where reality doesn't reign, so she'll take as much as she can get - she has this mindset for many things. She likes to sleep during the day while roaming out and about at night.)

fear(s) : 

✼ Water (There was a punishment her mother once devised whenever she thought Seohwa was lying which involved submerging Seohwa's head in water for one minute or until the girl decided to confess. It did wonders for her lung capacity but not for her mental development, which is why she always gets nervous whenever she tries to lie. Another thing that attributed to this was watching someone drown in the lake. Of course, even at a young age, she always put herself first before others and ran away while she could. To this day, she avoids water, either because she truly is frightened of it, or she wants to avoid the guilt that presses down on her shoulders everytime she thinks of her childhood involvment with water.)

trivia : 

✼ Whenever she's mad at her dragon, she'll go up to a random tree (or any piece of wood) and kick it while cursing at it and pretending that the tree or wood is Yixing.

✼  She's resorted to thieving and stealing before in the past when she was desperate enough. She won't hesitate to do it again if she needs to. 

✼ She despises tying her hair up because she doesn't like the feel of the wind on her neck (and because she doesn't like people gawking at her tattoo and asking why she got a tattoo of a crow).

✼ She hates repeating herself more than once. She hates it when people repeat themselves also.

✼ She likes to spend most of her time in the forest rather than in the village.

✼ When she's tired, her eyes widen in an attempt to keep them open, but once her head touches any surface, she blacks out.

✼  Her fear of water only applies to large entities of water such as lakes, rivers, and wells.


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 why have you come this far?

idol :  her younger sister

background :  Ever since a young age, Seohwa couldn't help but feel inferior to her younger sister. They were always compared side by side, with no remarks made in Seohwa's favor. Her younger sister was more delicate, more obedient. The percentage chance of her sister not getting married was equal to Seohwa's percentage chance of ever getting married. Her father never really had any time to pay attention to either of them since he was usually away on trips. What little time he did have, he spent telling Seohwa that there really was no hope for her. They had hoped for a son, and they had gotten a daughter instead. And a useless daughter at that. He would often demand that she reform her lifestyle, but the more she heard him demanding her, the less will she had to listen to him. Over time, hearing her flaws listed over and over again, she became insensitive to people's remarks about her. She began dressing and acting like a boy, hoping that she would become the son that her parents had wanted in a way. Once her mother heard of that, she made sure to put a stop to it, doling out punishments and chores left and right. Her mother was always the one who characterized Seohyun as the epitome of perfect, while Seohwa was the epitome of all things bad. Her mother always made it a point to tell Seohwa what a disappointment she was to the family. While Seohyun was always rewarded, Seohwa was always punished, especially for the things that she didn't do. 

It came to a point where Seohwa just gave up on trying. She figured that whatever she tried to do would displease her family, so rather than wasting her time and efforts to please her family, she would do whatever she wanted, displeasing her family without the wasted time and efforts. This enraged her mother further, of course, seeing Seohwa purposely talk back, trail mud into the house, and stay up late making as much noise as she could. She shut Seohwa inside the small shed for days on end without food or water. Seohwa felt wronged to see through the small window of the shed that Seohyun was throwing Seohwa's things out of her room, so that Seohyun could also use her room as a mini-parlor to entertain her friends. On the sixth day without food or water, she heard the lock to the shed click. Faint from starvation and dehydration, she could barely process what was going on. She slowly dragged herself out of the shed to find a small bowl of porridge outside, still hot. Not once did she bother to think of who opened the door.

Feeling a bit better, though still dizzy, Seohwa made her way back to the house in the dead of the night. She forced her way through the windows (they didn't have any glass - just curtains and some vertical bars) and gathered the remains of her belongings that lay rotting in the trash. She ran away from home at the age of fourteen to live in the woods instead. She grew up herself, rough and uncouth. As of now, she is still a drifter, wandering about the towns and villages. 

lifestyle :  Nam Seohwa currently spends - or rather, wastes - her days away doing nothing. All she focuses on is surviving in such a judgemental, hypocritical world (herself included). She wakes up whenever she pleases, spending most of her time scavenging for food. She'll make the occasional visit to school and to her parents' house even though those visits don't really end well. Her father doesn't even notice that she's been gone for five plus years now, while her mother cannot stand being in the same room as her. Her mother usually rants and rages at her for being such a disloyal daughter from another room, while Seohyun just leaves the house whenever Seohwa comes over, as if there is an infectious virus that just entered the house. Seohwa can't seem to find an aptitude for anything, and she simply fails at any of the jobs she's tried out for because she's lazy. Of course she knows there much more to life, and she can't possibly spend the rest of her life lazing around, but at the moment, she can't be bothered to try to find out what more there is to life. She's a bit lost right now, not sure of how she wants to spend the rest of her life. It's probably why she constantly walks throughout the village trying to think of some things that she might be good at. Most of her life right now consists of sleeping or (making an attempt at) Taming. She still can't figure out how to get this whole Taming thing right. 

occupation :  She usually spends her time being a bum or thinking of new ways to rebel against her parents (just to rub it in a bit). She walks throughout the villages, trying to catch bits of gossip or news. Her only occupation that she really considers an occupation is stealing the occasional piece of fruit or food that falls onto the ground or is at the edge of the vendor's stand when no one is looking. There are moments when she feels like she should make an effort to reform herself, but she quickly loses all commitment. Perhaps she was born for this rugged rebel life. 

family : 

 FatherNam Woohyun38 former tamer? no woodcutter⋮ aloof, selfish, detached, critical, abrasive, analytical, perfectionist alive Nam Woohyun is someone who strives for perfection. He doesn't make an effort to connect to others because he's simply too busy degrading and putting them down in his mind, and his family is no exception. He usually leaves them alone for hours on end while shutting himself into his own room. No one is really sure what he does in there, not even his wife. Most of the time, he's off in the woods, looking for new prospective places to start cutting down trees. He's all about perfection and profit. When he's not busy trying to figure out how to maximize and double his money, he spends his time nit-picking on everyone, though mostly on Seohwa. He believes that if he just drills into Seohwa's head what is so wrong with her (attitude and lifestyle-wise), she'll stop marring his otherwise perfect life with her imperfections. In a way, he sees Seohwa as a flaw in his life and just wants to see the end of her in his life. As long as she's gone, he's happy. When she does drop by on her unpleasant visits, he just quietly criticizes her in his mind because it would a stain on his perfect life if he dared to stoop that low as to talk to her. + 4/10

 Mother⋮ Nam Eunji⋮ 36 former tamer? no⋮ housewife⋮ acrimonius, miserly, bigoted, coarse, inexorable ⋮ alive Nam Eunji may seem like every other friendly housewife and caring mother, but she's a devil at home. Appearances are everything to her, and she doesn't want Seohwa tarnishing the family name. At home, is twisted into a permanent scowl which immediately becomes a smile for Seohyun. Eunji would often blame all her troubles on Seohwa, complaining that if it hadn't been for her getting pregnant with Seohwa at such an early age, she wouldn't be chained to Seohwa's father, suffering life as a housewife. She insists that her harsh punishments on Seohwa are only what she deserves. Ever since young, Eunji was the one in charge of Seohwa's discipline. Before Seohyun was born, Eunji thought of many punishments to exact on Seohwa if the young girl stepped just over the line. She was never moved by her daughter's cries or begging. She was merciless and unrelenting. When Seohyun was born, Eunji was certain that her new daughter would grow up to be everything that she wanted her to be. Seohwa became little more than a little slave helper to help out around the house. Eunji justified her biasness towards Seohyun, saying that Seohyun was actually 'wanted' while Seohwa was nothing but the result of a careless mistake. + 0/10

 Younger sister⋮ Nam Seohyun⋮ 14 former tamer? no⋮ middle school student⋮ pampered, pompous, picky, smug, refined, cultured ⋮ alive Seohwa can't help  but be in awe of her younger sister. A little part of her wonders where she went wrong when she looks at her younger sister. Nam Seohyun is everything that Seohwa isn't...almost. Even though Seohyun may be more 'refined' than Seohwa, she still has the same disagreeable personality like Seohwa. The only difference is that one sister makes sure to always put on a mask in front of others while the other just flings the mask aside. Seohyun had been taught from young by her mother to treat Seohwa with contempt, as someone to look down on. Whenever Seohyun sees her older sister in the village square or at home, she makes it a point to flaunt her fortune in front of Seohwa's misfortune, taking every opportunity she can to embarrass Seohwa. Sometimes, Seohwa wonders as she observes Seohyun around her friends that if she had only listened to her mother a little more, would she be like Seohyun too? Seohyun is the only one who makes Seohwa wonder if rebelling is the right thing to do sometimes. 

best friend(s) : N/A

friend(s) : N/A


rival : 

Choi Sekyung18 tamer? no, but she is determined to become one high-school dropoutambitious, covetous, imprudent, headstrong, undauntedaliveChoi Sekyung is always the one who would steal from one of Seohwa's successful stealing escapades. Her personality and attitude is quite similar to Seohwa's, though she has more brains and wit than Seohwa. The girl has a one-track mind, which is probably how she ends up getting everything finished. She won't rest until she sees something to the end. Of course, the same thing didn't apply to high school. She was like Seohwa: someone who was looking for a way to rebel. In a way, she's always following Seohwa's footsteps, though not in a good way. It's not a look of admiration in Sekyung's eyes, but ambition. Because Seohwa has the one thing that Sekyung is just waiting to snatch out of her grasp. Of course, Sekyung could get easily find another, but she only wants Seohwa's dragon. 

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 where did you learn it all?

behavior :  determined, committed, meticulous, exact, demanding, innovative, tireless 

tamer :  

It seemed that the odds were in Seohwa's favor the day she was thrown out of her family's house on one of her infamous visits. She had just argued with them while her mother had raged about Seohwa's ongoing rebellion. More so, that the dragon was more gentler than she had grown up believing. In a way, becoming a Tamer was based on one of Seohwa's more selfish motivations to prove herself. Nevertheless, she strives to do her best in anything she's committed herself to. Once she made up her mind, she would carefully sneak into the library or records office at night in order to sift through any old records or accounts that may give her an idea of what to expect when training a dragon. The fact that she spent most of her nights, when she could've been sleeping instead, in a dusty old library, reading dusty old scrolls and books is a testimony of her dedication and proof that she really intends to work on this. 

When she began taming her dragon, there wasn't much taming to be done. He was nothing like the fiercesome dragon she had read about, but that was probably because she had wasted her time studying about the wrong type of dragon. She was surprised at how much he knew already and how easy he was to boss around. Feeling like she wasn't doing such a great job at Taming, she brainstormed hard and long, hoping to find a way to prove herself worthy of taming a dragon. She spent days and nights on end practicing with him over and over again until everything was perfected to just the way she had read about in the books. Taming was one of the only things that she actually enjoyed and sought for perfection in. It was rare enough to see that she was actually putting effort into something at last. When she was Taming, she began to understand (just a little) why her father sought for perfection so much. 

Sacrificing her sleep, she began to invent new games and tricks for him to master, mostly to give her an excuse to keep herself occupied and busy. She worked tirelessly, trying to make up for the fact that she wasn't properly disposed to try Taming a dragon. She was determined to prove that she didn't need to be properly trained with the help of professionals to properly Tame a dragon. This is probably why her behavior in school and while Taming are completely different. If it's something she's passionate about, she'll put 98% effort in rather than 20%. In school, she just didn't have the will to try. Through Taming, she discovered a new side of her who actually was determined to do her best. Even trying to prove herself to her mother didn't bring this side out of her, leading her to believe that maybe she never wanted to please her mother in the first place. 

They spent most of their time inventing games and challenges for each other. When she was Taming him, it felt more like playtime than Taming. They spent most of their time in the forest doing whatever to pass by the time. Of course, she likes to take all the credit, but it was mostly due to the fact that he was easier than other types of dragons to tame. Her Taming couldn't actually be seen as professional like those who train for it with fancy teachers and what not. She just did whatever she thought was right, teaching whatever she thought might come in handy someday. She was lucky that she had found a peaceful Wood dragon rather than any other type, otherwise she'd probably be toast by now. 

weaknesses :  

Impatient - A minute or two is all it takes for Seohwa to blow. She wants everything to be fast and efficient, insisting on her own way, which may include shortcuts or whatnot. She doesn't pay attention to any steps or precautions that she deems unnecessary. She is quick to lose her temper at the slightest things, especially on one of her bad days. Once she loses her temper, she constantly yells and nit-picks at everything if it's not going the way she wants it to. If something isn't completed fast enough, she won't hesitate to give the person hell about it. 

Easily distracted - Especially since they are training in the forest, Seohwa can't help but be easily distracted. She often veers onto a whole new tangent if she sees something that merely catches her attention. When she's talking, she often rambles on and on for a while, eventually forgetting what was the point of her speech in the first place. While it is easy to distract her, it is hard to get her back in focus. 

Doesn't know when to stop - She's extremely pushy and demanding. All she can see is her goal in sight, not how others are feeling. She often forgets to factor in how someone might feel about something. She often doesn't know when is the right time to stop nagging. When he is feeling tired, she cannot see it in his lagging steps, tired, dropping eyes, and labored breaths. She just keeps pushing  him to the limit tirelessly. 

✼  Stubborn - She's very stubborn to the point of where it's a flaw. She never knows when is the right time to back down for her safety and for those around her. She doesn't know how to back down even if it's inevitable that she will lose without a doubt. Perhaps it's because of her pride that she doesn't want to admit that she may be in the wrong or that her behavior was wrong. Perhaps being stubborn is a good thing, but having too much like Seohwa can make a good thing into a fatal flaw. 

status :  Pessimist/Brawn - Otherwise known as the pessimistic brawn. Although she is not particular bulky, she won't hesitate to step in for a fight if challenged to do so. With her fiery temper that is quick to jump to accusations, she gets into a lot of fights (verbally and physically) and scuffles, mainly in the town market. Trust Seohwa to say something absolutely dreadful and pessimistic at the wrong time. She defends herself, saying that she's merely being realistic. Otherwise seen as a little too morbidly realistic. 

when did you start? :  18 to be exact. The first half was mainly research and trying to gain his trust. Awhile after she turned 18, she began venturing out farther into the woods so that she could pracice Taming him. To this day, she is still trying to get the hang of this "Taming" thing. 

how did you feel? :  Determined to kick . Honestly, at the time she made the decision, Seohwa was feeling a mixture of emotions - shock at her good luck, excitement, wonder, awe, anticipation. The only thing she didn't feel was worry that something may accidentally go wrong and end badly. She was too consumed by her determination and caught up in the heat of the moment to worry about something like that. However, it wasn't long before her pessimistic side was back in control, and she had negative thoughts that she would either hurt the dragon or herself. Nevertheless, she persevered on, mostly fueled by her selfish motivations, while thinking morbid thoughts the whole time.

what do you know about your preceeders? :  

He preferred not to talk about the past, saying that holding onto the past never brings anything but pain and bitterness. And he ends it at that. Seohwa's frustrated with him because he won't tell her. She complains that by withholding such important information from her, she'll be at a disadvantage. Any knowledge she can find would help her tremendously. They once had a terrible row, and he finally told her exasperatedly that if she cared so much, she should just look through the records of dragons and Tamers and such. After that, she buried herself among dusty old records, trying to figure out what his past Tamers were like. However, to this day, she still goes to the library and office of records every weekend at night, scrutinizing records over and over again because no matter how hard she tries to search, she still can't find his name anywhere on the records.

However, through her extensive research, she managed to find out a lot about other Tamers. She noticed that there were more records of Wood dragon Tamers than any other type of dragon. Remembering that her dragon was also a Wood, she spent most of her time poring over those specific past files. During her research, she noticed there was a mix of good and bad Tamers. It wasn't that the Tamers were necessarily bad, but their relationships with their dragons were constantly rocky and tense. She also noticed that there were several dragons whose names appeared constantly on the records. It made her wonder whether her dragon was ever tired of being constantly tethered to a human. It made her admire his gentleness and patience with her. For the first time in her life, she was actually grateful for something. She was grateful that she met a Wood dragon in the woods rather a Metal, Earth, or Water dragon. She didn't really pay attention to the other types of dragons because she doesn't think any of that concerns her. Long story short: she doesn't know anything about her direct preceeders, but she's determined to find out. 

who do you best get along with? :  Dragon (Yixing)

why? :  He makes her feel at ease, and she feels like he actually doesn't mind her attitude and personality. He treats her kindly, like an older brother, yet whenever he worries about her, he nags at her like a mother would. She likes that. Hearing someone nag her out of pure concern for her health and safety is something that she considers rare. He's always looking out for her, and she finally feels like there's someone she can call 'family'. 

how do you treat others? :  Seohwa usually tends to stay aloof of those around her. She likes to keep the interaction with others to a minimum and only when necessary because she's just too lazy to make an effort to get to know people or to interact with them. She's also too lazy to maintain a friendship because she absolutely despises putting up with another person. She constantly hears snatches of gossips and whispers behind her back because everyone knows about her, the rebel. She doesn't really acknowledge the gossip or the existence of people most of the time though because she's too busy sleeping. She neither shows respect nor shows disrespect to those around her. She only blows up when someone disturbs her.

how do they treat you? :  Everyone knows about Seohwa's story - but only the twisted version of it. Everyone was lead to believe that she constantly caused trouble for her parents, upsetting everyone around her. They say that she always went out of her way to make trouble for her poor mother and father before she voluntarily left to leave the house. The teachers are all wary of her whenever she chooses to come to school and are always relieved when she goes to sleep almost immediately because a sleeping Seohwa is a good and quiet Seohwa. The students are always excited to hear the latest gossip, which, of course, includes far-fetched rumors about Seohwa. Some admire her, some look upon her with disdain, while others fear her (or rather, the rumors about her). Those who usually try to approach her for whatever reason are ignored. Those who try to wake her up are immediately smacked. 

•    •   •    ✼ ✼ •  •   •    • 



when did this all happen?

your dragon :  Zhang Yixing

back-up :  Lee Byunghun

*nickname(s) : 

✼ Lay - He himself made the name up, and it is currently the name he goes by whenever he's with Seohwa. When they first met, he led her to believe that Lay was his name. Seohwa's still not sure whether he's lying or for reals. She's tried asking, but he won't answer.

appearence age :  20

human height :  179 cm

star sign :  Libra

personality :  sensible, idealistic, diplomatic, tactful, level-headed, considerate, temperate, slow to anger, composed, careful, warm, well-behaved

occupation :  Waiter/Busboy

who was his tamer before? : 

Since Wood dragons are usually the easiest to come upon, Yixing has had more Tamers than he can count. Many of them have just passed like the wind, or so it seems to him. He tries to enjoy their company as much as he can, but he always knows that pretty soon this Tamer will die, and his contract will pass onto someone else. After his first couple of Tamers, he learned how to control himself. He learned that it was better not to get too attached to certain people, because all mortals eventually die and pass away like the wind. 

His first Tamer was a kind man who first found him in the woods. The man, Park Sooha, trained him with a gentle hand and helped him to adapt to human life in the village. Sooha had a daughter, Sookyung, who became Yixing's Tamer right after her father's sudden death from a heart attack. Their bond started out as strong as her father's and his bond had been. But it was only a matter of time before their bond began to crack and crumble. Yixing was thrown to the side as she got married to another man and became a mother. Nam Sookyung was different from Park Sookyung. Yixing was treated coldly by both her and her husband. Their children were raised to believe that they must stay away from dragons at all costs. It was then that he began venturing out into the woods to brood and frolick around by himself. He wasn't free to take back his dragon pearl as Sookyung was still alive, so he waited until she died. After she died, he took a break and secluded himself in the dark woods, staying away from humans. But it wasn't long before he came back to human interaction having felt too lonely all by himself. 

With all his Tamers afterwards, he kept a safe yet close distance with them. Having a Tamer always reminded him of Sookyung, but he would rather endure the painful memories than ever be lonely again. His third Tamer was a man who took the Taming thing a little too seriously. He pushed Yixing hard and mercilessly until Yixing snapped. Having such a harsh Tamer so soon after the senstive Sookyung incident, pushed Yixing over the edge. It didn't go well after that. Yixing left one village, trying to find another. His fourth, fifth, and sixth Tamers were all meek men and women who died early of natural causes such as sickness and physical injuries. Yixing mourned them like a friend would, but he couldn't help but feel lonely again. After that, he was constantly in search of a companion, but hadn't found one until Seohwa came along because there were rumors that misfortune surrounded a certain Wood dragon. 

his contract :  On her back, right between her shoulder blades. It's a little towards her left side  and lower where her heart would be, though still for the most part, right in the middle of her back, between her shoulder blades.

how did you met? :  

Seohwa hadn't been so successful stealing some food for the past couple of days. Every time had ended up in her getting caught and whipped or dropping the food. She tried to scavenge some food from people's trash, only to find meager offerings. One day, as she attempted another grab-and-run, she was chased into the woods. After losing the men and women chasing her, she placed the food she had stolen onto a placemat and left it for a little while to go pluck some berries to accompany her meal. By the time she had returned (which had only been a few minutes), half of her food was missing. Jumping to conclusions, she was enraged, thinking some woodland animal had taken off with her food. She was yelling throughout the woods, threatening to kill whoever or whatever had taken her food when an apple core dropped to the ground. 

She looked up to see a young man lounging among the branches of the trees hanging over her head. He smiled amiably while holding up a piece of cheese next. "Looking for this?" he called down. She immediately began yelling at him, while attempting to climb the tree. She demanded that he find a way to pay her back for the food he had stolen. She chased him from tree to tree (with great difficulty on her part) until she fell from exhaustion and an empty stomach. Almost immediately, the young man jumped down, checking to see if she had any injuries. As soon as she opened her eyes, she slapped him across the cheek, demanding that he give her back the food that she had worked so hard for. He only smiled as a red handprint began to blossom on his cheek. He sat back before replying, "Technically, I don't owe you anything. You stole this remember? So correction: I stole from you who stole, so I don't owe you, but the people you stole from." 

This only made her angrier and she was almost on the verge of crying (because she had been so close after five days of trying and some stupid handsome stranger just had to ruin everything) until he took something out of his pack and handed it to her. She stopped raging and looked at the piece of paper in her hands. It was a coupon for one free meal at the village's cafe. As she stared at him in surprise, he got up and as he brushed himself off, he casually said, "You shouldn't eat the cheese or the apples. The cheese is getting moldy and the apples are rotten." She didn't say anything, not wanting admit that he might possibly be right (after seeing the fuzzy white and green mold growing at the edge of the cheese), but she just watched him leave without another word. 

The next day, she found a crate of oranges sitting by the the vendor's stall and snatched it while the vendor wasn't looking. When she reached her tent, she found a plate of steaming hot food next to her backpack. As if on instinct, she looked up and saw him sitting in the tree again, watching her with a bemused smile. She was about to ignore him and the hot food out of pride and settle down with her crate of oranges instead until he pointed out that half of the oranges in their were spoiled and moldy. 

Begrudgingly, she began to eat, and after some time, she felt bad and offered him a piece. He jumped down from the tree and joined her. They asked each other about each other until Seohwa popped the question, "Why are you helping me?" He simply shrugged while taking another bite and answered, "Maybe I felt a little lonely." 

They began spending their afternoons together in the woods (where they both happened to live - what a coincidence). Seohwa was oblivious to the fact of Lay's (or so he had instructed her to call him) true nature for a long time before he asked her if she wanted to hear a secret. She was eager to hear, but he warned her: Once you hear it, you can never go back. 

how do you act around each other? : 

It took a while for Seohwa adjust to being around another person, but Yixing, easygoing as ever, quickly made her feel at ease. He's always laid-back, listening to Seohwa boss him around and rage at him. He takes everything in a good stride, staying quiet whenever she's ranting. He waits for her to calm down again before trying to reasonably and calmly point out all the flaws in her argument. She hates it, and he knows it. Even though he knows it, he won't hesitate to side against her if he knows she's in the wrong. Yixing speaks the harsh truth to her because he wants her to open her eyes to see the bigger picture in this flawed world. He's constantly watching out for her, and he's the only one who cares enough for her to make sure that she doesn't lead her life blindly because of false words and assurances. 

Seohwa often lets out her inner immature child tantrums whenever she's with Yixing. She confides in him about everything, like a little kid telling their mother how their day went. Yixing constantly always has something to say in opposition to Seohwa, and it drives her mad. He constantly interrupts her to just point out little errors (such as grammatical errors) or flaws in her sentences and reasoning. When Seohwa goes to steal some food (because Yixing doesn't have all the resources to give her free food everyday), Yixing sits in the same old tree waiting for her to return. He pretty much spends all his time just lazing about in the forest. Whenever Seohwa returns to the forest, she always tries to prank him but to no avail. She often complains that he's a dull bore, and he'll just smile and ask her what he should do so that he's not a dull bore. And from there, the games and humiliating punishments ensue. Seohwa is extremely playful whenever she's around him, always getting into trouble some way or another. She lets loose her wild personality and takes it all to another level. Whether she does it to irritate Yixing or not, he isn't sure. She's constantly trying to look for ways to bother him to see if he actually is all that patient and gentle. It can only be a little while until he blows, she figures. 

Yixing is constantly watching her to make sure that she doesn't cause a ruckus. He's like her damage-control as sad as that may seem. Sometimes he can't help but wonder who's the Tamer and who is the one being Tamed. 

how does he act if he is seperated from you? : 

He keeps calm whenever Seohwa goes missing because he knows how she has a mind of her own. He usually figures that she's wandered off by herself for some alone time or went to go do something. It's not uncommon for her to disappear for small periods of time. He takes her disappearances as a 'grace period' where he can relax without her constantly pestering him. He usually naps when he discovers that she's left. Only when he wakes up after several hours and she is still not back, he begins to worry just a little inside. He worries that she might be out and about causing some sort of trouble again. Seohwa always tells him if she's going to be gone for a long amount of time. He dutifully goes all over the place looking for her, calling out for her until she reappears. When she does, he only asks her where she's gone and what she's been up to if she has a dark look on her face (which usually means she went to go see her family). He has a strong urge to nag at her and scold her but decides against it for the time being until she's in a better mood. 

•    •   •    ✼ ✼ •  •   •    •


how are you dealing?


, i can bring you peace forever, my rebel 

 your weapon :  bow and arrows

contracts :  He remembers his second Tamer. She was the daughter of his first Tamer. Yixing watched her as she grew up into a lovely young lady. They often spent much of their free time together, and she didn't hesitate to display her affection for him. She started off giving subtle hints that gradually became bold declarations of love. Yixing, too, was attracted to her, and they started having secret trysts behind her father's back. When her father passed away suddenly due to an untimely demise, Yixing didn't hesitate to give his dragon pearl to her, thinking that the contract would bind them together forever. She accepted it excitedly, telling him how much she loved him. But as the days passed, she became more and more distant and aloof. It wasn't until later when he overheard a conversation between her and another manthat he realized it. She had led him on, tricking him into giving her his contract all in order to fulfill a bet with another man. A man who she later married because of the stupid bet. Because of the bet, he had to live watching her with another man, standing in the shadows. She didn't talk to him after that. She didn't associate herself to him. The only thing that linked them together was the contract. A stupid contract that restricted him to stay by her side. He tried to shake it off, but he still remembers the incident after she died. He doesn't think that the contracts mean anything because he thinks they don't hold any significant value. There is no deep bond between the dragon and the holder of his dragon pearl, but only superficial value. There are no feelings to be felt or loyalty to be owed. He thinks of the contracts as just useless marks on the human that shows who is the owner and who is the one being owned. Basically, the contracts are something he had begun to despise because it made him believe and feel that there was some special bond between him and his Tamer when there actually was none. The only reason he keeps to the contract system is because he doesn't want to feel lonely. It was something he experienced while he was with his second Tamer, and he does all he can to not ever experience that feeling again. 

is he really that gentle? :  Yixing is constantly watching out for Seohwa. He never yells at her or gets mad at her. Seohwa can't help but admire his self-control. She's constantly trying to get him to lose his temper but to no avail. In all honesty, Yixing isn't gentle at all once his temper blows. He's learned how to keep it under control over the centuries. He's trained himself to take everything in a good stride, and to have a positive outlook on life. But you can't contain a volcano forever. What may trigger the eruption is unknown even to him. 

their ease :  Perhaps it was because he had gotten so used to constantly being by someone's side that he felt so lonely after his second Tamer when he disappeared into the woods. He tried to find ways to pass the time, but he found himself soon missing the sounds and chatters of humans that he had gotten so used to during his time with his first Tamer. After a time of debating with himself, he decided that being bound by a contract  and being controlled was a small but necessary sacrifice to make so that he would never feel lonely again.  

limitations :  Living for a long time amongst humans taught Yixing a lot of things, including patience and gentleness. His patience meter has an amazing endurance and is not likely to run out. He's levelheaded and knows how to keep his cool. Whenever he's tired or in pain, he still makes an effort to show a bright smile to everyone. It's been a while since he's blown a fuse, but he always feels a little bit of anger boiling inside him, threatening to take over his senses whenever he feels wronged unjustly or betrayed. Of course, he may get mad at small things, but he knows how to contain his anger for the little things. It's only when he feels like someone has betrayed his trust or stabbed him in the back does he lose all control. 

his rebel :  Many of the villagers were shocked that Seohwa out of all people would become a Tamer without any formal training or instruction. Others scoffed at her, wondering why a dragon would choose her out of all people. But the ones with the worst reactions were her family members. In fact, the whole reason that Seohwa was determined to become a Tamer was to rebel against her parents. While she still lived with them, her parents often expressed their disdain about dragons and their Tamers, thinking of such a practice as nonsense and a disgrace by associating with "monsters" and that their family would never interact with such creatures. So when they found out, it was just like Seohwa was blatantly spitting on their face and laughing at them. Needless to say, her parents did have such a good reaction. In fact, no one did. Seohyun has yet to state her opinion on the situation, seeing as how she won't even talk about the topic.  


his eyes :  an ice crystal blue with a hint of silver. 

his scale :  metallic/shiny aquamarine with streaks and flecks of silver

his height :  2.4 m (8 feet) 

his rival :  Nam Woohyun - Seohwa's father is one of the most well-known wood-cutters in the village. The amount of trees he chops down and sell is tremendous. Yixing once met him in the woods when he saw him cutting down some trees before he met Seohwa. They got into an argument about what cutting down all the trees were worth. From the moment he met Nam Woohyun, Yixing couldn't help but have an intense dislike of the man. There was something about Nam Woohyun that was familiar that set him off, which was quite rare. They often see each other in the woods or in the village, leading into heated arguments. To this day, Yixing doesn't know that Woohyun is Seohwa's father while Woohyun doesn't know that Yixing is Seohwa's dragon. 

his ally :  Yixing is typically friends with everyone he sees, but he feels especially close to the Water dragons. He used to come by several while he was roaming the thick depths of the forest. He admires their gentle nature accompanied with their knowledge, hoping to learn from them. He is usually friendly with all other dragons but he feels that the Water dragons are closest to him in nature and personality. 

his status :  

strength :  7 - He's not extremely strong or forceful, but if he tries his best, then he can make a rather powerful impact. He doesn't really like using strength, so he doesn't hone it, thus explaining why he's not as strong as he coud've been. 

evasiveness :  2 - Like a tree, he is rather rigid without the fluidity of water. Though he has quick reflexes, he cannot easily twist, curve, or dodge. 

endurance :  9 - Given that he's a Wood dragon, he is incredibly level-headed and knows how to keep his cool. Of course, he's not the perfect Wood dragon, so he still has his moments where he can't control himself that well. Whenever he struggles, he successfully stsays as a human while exercising his self-control. 

agility :  3 - He's okay with his agility, but he doesn't have any spectacular grace like that of a quick and nimble gazelle. He doesn't lag behind slowly, but he's not exactly agile either. 

speed :  6 - With his quick reflexes, he can move rather fast for a Wood dragon of his size though probably not fast enough to compete with other types of dragons.  

stealth :  4 - Though he may have speed on his side, he cannot very well run throughout the forest gracefully. He's not like a nimble gazelle, running gracefully, but rather like a lion charging. He's never really tried to act stealthy because he doesn't need to. He's not clutzy or loud, but he lacks the quiet movements of a predator. 

intelligence :  8 - He has quick wits and fast thinking, so he knows how to get out of a sticky situation. He knows how to pick and use his words carefully to get answers and settle arguments. However, he's not very good at piecing things together or picking up on hints or tell-tale clues. He can't detect whether someone is deceiving him until it hits him right in the face. 

mentality :  9 -  The willpower of his mind and his strong mindset overall is firm and resolute. 

intuition :  8 - He often trusts his gut feeling when it comes to important decisions. Most of the time, he's been right, so he's learned to follow his hunches when something is bothering him.

trust :  2 - He may seem like an out-going guy who has many friends, but in reality, he can't bring himself to place any trust in a person after what he's been through. When he was younger, he learned that you can't entirely trust a person no matter how well you think you know them. 

persuasion :  7 - With his tact and friendliness, he is able to persuade others to see his point of view and to believe him with his quick wit and words.

socially :  10 - He cannot endure the feeling of loneliness, so he spends all the time he can with people. As a result, his social skills are excellent - and perhaps, unparalleled. 

team work :  9 - He's great at teamwork and basically anything that has to do with people. He listens to others, hearing them out while voicing his own opinions. His amiable attitude also plays a large part in working with a team. He works very well with Seohwa, tempering her fire. 

bravery :  72 - Yixing can be seen as brave by many. He's selfless and isn't afraid to help others. However, he's deathly scared of being hurt again and tends to shy away from situations where he thinks he may feel hurt.

devotion :  92 - Yixing is someone who used to be extremely devoted towards humans in general. That was when he was young and naive. Over the years, he's seen some things that make him start to doubt his devotion to them, but for the most part, he enjoys being with humans.

sacrifice :  89 - Yixing isn't entirely sure how much he would sacrifice for Seohwa. He finds himself taking tiny, cautious steps to see how much he would sacrifice for her without falling and getting hurt. Of course, his willingness to sacrifice for her has significantly increased from the first time they met. 

his heart :  50 - In terms of sibling love, he loves her a lot. To the ends of the earth, in fact. But he's scared and guards his heart, not wanting to let her in just yet. He's on the line, unsure of himself and of that tiny 1% more that could change everything. 

obedience :  

Although Yixing is easy-going and polite to everyone he sees, Seohwa is a different case. Even though he's not sure of his feelings, he does know that Seohwa is more special to him than the other villagers. He can tell how vulnerable she really is inside and he feels a strong urge to protect her from any harm if he can (whether out of an older brother's concern or love, he's not sure). He tries to go out of his way to help her while cleverfully disguising it in some form of teasing or lecturing. 

He doesn't mind taking orders from Seohwa, but he enjoys occasionally ruffling her nerves and making her think that he won't listen to her. Of course, he would do anything she asked - that is, anything reasonable that wouldn't harm her. He almost always by her side obediently though Seohwa is just too thick-headed to see it. It is only when she tells him to go away that he will respect her wishes though he will not hesitate to put her welfare and safety above her wishes however mad she might get. He isn't afraid to go against her by doing what he thinks is best for her. 

dragon pearl :   

I'm actually debating about this. But it's definitely an earring. 

cartilage 1 2 3 or helix 1 2 3


•    •   •    ✼ ✼ •  •   •    • 



want to add anything more?


 the dragon's pearl :  is the heart    or heart 2 - can't decide, sorry >.<

comments :  Wow...this was...very long. Honestly, for their 'theme' song, I kinda wanted to link an instrumental song, but I wasn't sure if you would accept it. TT TT So I linked two songs. Sad songs. So they definitely wouldn't work for them happy moments. I'm not sure what I've done with my character OTL I didn't want her to be perfect and since the theme was 'rebel', I ended up making her rather flawed and annoying. I might have also contradicted myself somewhere. My mind is so jumbled and erratic right now I'm not very sure. I read it over, but I'm still not sure. Sorry about that. I usually don't do apply fics but yours sounded wayyy too good to pass up. 

questions? :  So I made Seohwa's father a wood-cutter since Yixing is a wood dragon. If her father chops down trees, does it affect him indirectly? Like losing energy or something? Just  a little plot idea in my head. 

ending :  I'm not picky at all. Whatever you do with them, I'll be happy. Whether it be a reunion or them marrying or something. The only thing I ask is that it be detailed so that there are no loose ends. In fact, a vague ending that is up to my interpretation is also okay. ^^

death :  I'm pretty sure no one wants the dragon to die. XD But yeah, I'm the same. I'm totally chill if Seohwa dies (though I hope her end is something that'll bring tears to my eyes) but I'd prefer that Yixing live (or even end where he's tending her grave or something. I don't know.)

scene requests :  Honestly, I'm just going to list them vaguely. You're free to write out the scene however you wish. 

✼ A flashback to when they first meet

✼ A confrontation between Woohyun and Yixing (with or without Seohwa, I'm not sure because Yixing doesn't know that they're related)

✼ A little Yixing soliloquy where he thinks back to his past

✼ An instance where Yixing loses it (I think the only way he would lose his cool would be if Seohwa betrayed him. Or if he thought she did.)

✼ Yixing closing himself off from her as he struggles to sort out his feelings

✼ Goodness, these are all Yixing scene requests OTL. I really have no requests with Seohwa. You're free to do whatever you please with her. ^^ 

✼ Seohwa near death? 

✼ Seohwa arguing again with her family

✼ Seohwa's childhood memory of being locked in the shed

suggestions :  

✼ Lol, you shouldn't be asking me for advice. But just curious: can dragons and humans have kids? 





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