↻ X-MAN ACADEMY ↻ - Byun Jo Hee




USERNAME: Noonachinae








NICKNAME(S): Jo ( from her name) JoJo (Chanyeol calls her that)

DATE OF BIRTH: 09/05/1993

AGE: 20

BIRTHPLACE: Seoul, South Korea

HOMETOWN: Seoul, South Korea


LANGUAGES: Korean(native),English (fluent)





ULZZANG: Kim Soo Yeon (Mint)

PHOTOS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 gallery


PHOTOS: gallery


HEIGHT:165 cm

WEIGHT: 52 kg


EXTRAS:  Rigth Side Back TattooLeft Side, Wrist

STYLE: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Jo Hee was born and raised in Seoul. She started realizing her abilities around the age of 4. She is the only one in her household that is a mutant. Her parents and older brother are all human, but her grandfather (fathers side) is a mutant. Jo and her granddad share the same powers and were very close. He used to train her on how to use and control her special gift. He always told her to be thankful for her powers and to never see it as a burden.When she was around 8, her grandfather gave her the special staff that he onced used. A few weeks after,he died. Jo never forgot his words and continued develpoing her powers. Her family was very supportive and never treated her any different because she wasnt like them.

Growing up, she had always been close to her cousin Baekhyun. With him being a mutant too, they grew a close bond. He always felt the need to look after and protect her. Him being the youngest in his house, he acted as a big brother figure for Jo,( even though she can easily overpower him). Every Saturday night, the two of them would go to a secluded part of the neighborhood park to practice their powers.

She never really had a problem fitting in or getting along with others her age. She would always keep her powers to herself when she could help it. Not to hide it or anything, but just to keep the attention level down a bit. Jo always excelled at sports. Sometimes without her even realizing it, her powers would help her be more swift and agile.

MAJOR: Vetenarian/ Vet Tech /Minor: Sports Management

TRAITS: humorous,adventurous, compassionate,helpful, strong willed


Jo Hee has a very energetic personality. She is very funny and humorous. Jo loves using her humor to brighten up the moods of people around her. She loves laughing and having a great time. She is a total laughing fool.Shes the idiot who would laugh so much, that she'd trip and fall into a table or something and find it hilarious. Jo is always looking at situations in a positive light and try to get others to do the same. With people she is close to, Jo Hee enjoys playing pranks and practical jokes. Escpecially with her boyfriend, because they always end up in a prank war.

She is also an adrenaline junkie who enjoys doing extreme things. She plays the drums, skateboards, and is an ace of sports. Jo is somewhat of a tomboy because she does things that most girls wouldn't want to do. All while still dressing cute and keeping her girly appearance. She loves helping people and being there for her loved ones. Whether rain or shine, you can depend on Jo to be there with giant smile on her face. Being strong willed is a main trait that she has. If Jo Hee wants to do something, nothing and no one can stop her. If she makes a mistake, she believes it was because she decided on it, not anyone else.

Jo also has a habit of thinking she's mostly always right about things. When she's wrong,it takes her a while to admit it. Besides being stubborn she tends to be impatient and likes for things to hurry along. Long classes or things that seem boring to her will lose her attention with the snap of a finger. The girl has the attention span of a squirrel if shes not interested in it. Jo is very blunt, which sometimes may hurt people's feelings. Although her intentions are never to hurt anyone, she will tell you what she thinks. Along with her bluntness, she is sometimes too outgoing and doesn't know the right time to be serious. She is a quick reactor and doesn't always think things through all the way. Jo will do things out of spite or spur of the moment, which isn't a great thing. And of course, just like a normal girl would she does seem to get a bit riled up when she sees other girls getting too close for comfort to her boyfriend.  She sometimes takes her frustrations out on him,which isn't fair to Chanyeol.

LIKES: animals, sports, music, baking/cooking,being a mutant,sleeping, puppies,video games

DISLIKES: spiders, close-minded people, boring people, humans who hate mutants,not getting enough sleep

HOBBY: skateboarding, playng the drums for her band "Deuce", cooking/baking for friends, painting 

HABITS: growls when she's angry, climbs and hangs around in trees(like a monkey),talks in her sleep, pulls pranks on others especially the boyfriend,

FEARS: Losing her powers, hurting someone she loves

TRIVIA: plays video games, is apart of a band with other academy students called Deuce (drummer), collects snapback hats, she makes food for her friends, as the same power as her grandfather, Baekhyun is her cousin, obsessed with skinship,3 different tattoos,spends her quite time in high places,(rooftops, trees,etc)






X-MAN NAME: Wildcat

PERSONA:  Unexpected Predator

SUPERPOWER: Animal mimicracy/manipulation 

Animal mimicracy is the power to mimic the abilities, traits, and behavior of animals. Its not the same as animal morphing.Its basically the power to have the ability of an animal in your regular human form. Animal manipulation is the power to control the animal behaviors and actions

SPECIAL SKILLS:  fast runner, quick animal-like reflexes,animal-like strength,5 senses are very sharp

PREFERRED WEAPON: Most of the time her weapon is her body. She is good at hand in hand combat and uses every part of her body fight. The only object she uses for a weapon, is her staff. She and her staff have a bond almost like it's human. Given to her by her grandfather, she is connected to it. When she needs it to be, it becomes pocket sized for her convenience.She uses it as a weapon to fight with as well. She is trained in wushu so Jo is very skilled in staff fighting. (I chose this as a weapon because a staff is a well known object that a person who herds and guides animals have. Kind of like a shepard.) Picture

WEAK POINT(S): Patience is a main weakness for her. While fighting she immediately wants to attack. If an animal she is manipulating is hurt or injured, she also receives that injury. 

YOUR FAVORITE ORIGINAL X-MEN: Definately would have to be Gambit. His powers were just so smooth to me and he was awesome!!!






Mother/ Byun Hyoyeon/44/Alive/ loving, supportive, caring/ Human/ Jo is close to her mom and loves her very much.

Father/Byun Minwoo/ 46/ Alive/ whitty, understanding, loving/ Human/ These two bond over funny things and jokes. They love each other.

Brother/ Byun Junsu/ 24/Alive/ annoying, smart, caring/Human/ He's the typical annoying brother but he cares deeply for his sister.

Grandfather/ Byun Myungsoo/60/ Dead/ wise, nuturing,loving/Mutant/ Jo was close to her granddad. He taught her most of what she knows about her powers.

Cousin/ Byun Baekhyun/21/Alive/ protective, fun, adorable/ Mutant/These two are like peas in a pod. They cant be any closer.More like siblings instead of cousins. Baekhyun will do anything to help and protect his sister from another mister lol.



Best Friend/Key (SHINee)/22/ loud, funny, loving, protective, outgoing/ Mutant( He's an empath; can read peoples emotions;Xman name is Feel.)/ Jo is close to Key. Besides Her cousin and her boyfriend, Key is her go to guy. They love spending time together.They've  been friends since childhood.

Friends/ Amber (f(x))/ 22/ funny, tomboy, caring, adventerous, outspoken/ Human/ These two are close because the are somewhat of the same. Both tomboys except that Jo doesn't dress like one. Theyve been close since the age of 14.

Friend and Bandmate/ Hanbyul (LED Apple)/ 23/ Hilarious, talented, energetic, intelligent,friendly/ Mutant (Has the power of corpse possession.He can take possession of a dead body and control it. His Xman name is Kane.) / Hanbyul is so sweet to Jo. They are in the band "Deuce" together along with some of their classmates. He they bond mostly over music.








LOVE INTEREST: Park Chanyeol

TRAITS: Funny, Caring, Happy Virus,Protective, Hyper 

PERSONALITY: Chanyeol is the kind of guy that can light up a room. His voice is attention catching and his laugh is infectious. He sees everything in a positive way, no matter how bad it is. He is a laughing idiot who gives everyone around him a good mood.

MAJOR: TV/ Communications (wants to be a TV announcer/host)

HOW DID YOU MEET: Jo Hee and Chanyeol first met years ago at the age of 13. They were introduced by Baekhyun since he wanted his bestfriend and his favorite cousin to meet each other. It was kind of just a hi and bye greeting, but they both developed instant crushes on each other. They met for the second time when Baekhyun suggested he come over and help Jo pack for academy. He decided to bring Chanyeol along. He thought it'd be good for the three of them to get close since theyll be at academy together. Jo called Baekhyun nd asked him to bring some extra boxes. Wanted the other two to spend some time together alone, he dropped off Chanyeol so they could get a head start on the packing. At first, it was a bit akward since they really didn't know each other. But all of that changed when he entered her room and saw sports and music posters everywhere, which are too major things they have in common. That's when they instantly clicked. When Baekhyun had gotten back, he heard them upstairs laughing and playing around. He was satisfied that his plan was a success.

INTERACTIONS: Together, Jo Hee and Chanyeol are a giant ball of happy virus/comedy. With him being overly hyper and her being a jokster,the energy level is mostly high. They enjoy pranking others as well as each other. They also love annoying each other. Thats like one of their favorite past times. They have times when they bicker, but theyre bickering is straight comedy. They get mad at each other but one of them will say something weird or off the wall, so they end up laughing about it. Chanyeol likes it when Jo gets mad and growls because he claims it turns him on lol. Jo teases him constantly about being so manly with his height and deep voice, but with the spirit of a child.

As a couple, they are very loving and caring towards each other. Occasionaly, they also do the annoying matching couples thing. Sometimes they match sunglasses, shoes, jackets. and even hair colors. They really do it to annoy others with their overload of coupleness lol. As far as romance, there is a lot of that for them. They are very affectionate with each other, and they LOVE indulging in skinship. Sometimes they cant keep their hands off of each other.They help each other when needed and are always a support system for one another. Chanyeol is very protective of Jo Hee and will go through anything for her safety. Same goes for Jo. She would rather lose her own powers than to see anything happen to Chanyeol.





BACK-UP: Oh Sehun

BACK-UP TRAITS: Quiet, Funny, sarcastic, whitty, caring

BACK-UP PERSONALITY: Sehun is quiet and mysterious to those who dont know him. But to those that do, he is a funny cool person to be around. He doesnt speak up much, but he will do whatever he needs to to protect those he cares for.

BACK-UP MAJOR: Weather Specialist ( Tornado Chaser)

BACK-UP - HOW DID YOU MEET: Same as above




Yay, finally, the end, just couple more answers please:


SCENE REQUESTS: Scenes with Jo and the band performing, Scenes with Baekhyun, of course with Chanyeol, I'd love to see a scene where she's just hanging around in a tree and startles one of her friends, an akward date that Chanyeol tried to put together by himself for her, maybe a group date,scences practicing their powers, Jo Hee getting ticked off by someone and starts to growl at them,


PASSWORD: Password

ANYTHING YOU WANT TO TELL ME?: I love your story idea because i LOVE X-Men. i fully support this fic! If i need to add or change anything let me know :) one more thing.i dont know why but my font keeps changing.idk why sorry.worked on this a couple of days so theres no copy/pasting here. Hope you love it!





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