
aff username :


aff account link: 

character information

character name :

Park Min Rin

stage name (optional.):


Birthday :

August 14

age :


height (cm) :

173 cm

weight (Kg) :

45 Kg

nationality (It can be any but keep it asian) :


birthplace :


hometown :


languages (4 languages only. korean must be one of them):

Korean (fluent), English (fluent), German (semi-fluent)

personality [about 2-4 paragraphs.] :

I am a really sweet and cute girl. I love anything and everything that is pink. I think that knowledge and personal skill will help anyone get to where they want to go in life so I study very hard and practice alot on my skills. I sing no matter where I am (even in public). I make friends very easily because I'm not scared to just walk up to some random person and start a conversation.

I really don't like when girls try too hard to be cute, I think that being cute is something that should come naturally. I read lots of fantasy books and sometimes my reading gets me in trouble because when I read I don't pay any attiention to any thing else. I really really love animals, in fact I have many pets. Having so many pets, I have to clean alot but, I love to clean! I can't stand a mess. I also hate silence, if there is ever a silence I will start up a conversation or just start singing loudly and dancing.

background :

family [name, age, occupation, how you treat each other. your sibling/s can be an idol.Your parents could also have been idols] :

Mother: Park Soolin, 48 years old, Nurse, Me and my mom are close. We often have days where we will just go out and have a girls day.

Father:  Park Wooyeon, 49 years old, High School English Teacher, I love my daddy! I am totally a daddy's girl. He gives me everything I want. Hehe

Brother: Jay Park, 24 years old, Idol, We are sibling so of course we fight. But we have our good days too. Our good days normally consist of us playing video games or watching kiddie cartoons together.

idol life

position [choose below.] :

Main Vocal

how did you become a trainee? [2-4 short paragraphs] :

Every year the middle school I went to would hold a talent show. Not a talent show where you compete against other people for a prize but, just where all the students in the middle school would show off their talents (if they had one) to the community. I was 11 years old at this one particular talent show. It was my first year performing in the talent show. But I was super ready. My older brother had helped me get ready for it all month.

I got on the stage and sang my little 11 year old heart out. I felt like I did amazing. I guess some other people thought I did also because after the talent show like 4 men came up to my parents and started to talk to them. I was really curious of what they were talking about but, what 11 year old wouldn't be? When we got home that night my parents told me that they need to talk to me. I went into the living room and waited for them to come to talk to me. When they finally came in they told me that those men were scouts for a singing agency said that I had an Ah-Mazing job at the talent show and that they wanted me to join the agency as a trainee. My parents told them that they would talk to me first. I was so happy, of coarse I told my parents that I wanted to be in the agency.

trainee experience [2-4 short paragraphs] :

As a trainee I tried my best to make myself better at everything I did. I probably practiced for about 23 hours a day (haha overexageration). I made many friends there. It seemed like everyone was really nice.There were a couple of mean trainees there but they weren't so super mean that they were very disliked.

I remember that I would always get super jealous of the oppas and unnies who would get to debut before. I felt that I was just as good, if not better, than them and that I should either be debuting in spot of them or with them. But the older I got the more I realized that the one debuting were the ones who had been trainees for like ever and deserved to finally be debuting. I knew that some day I would get to debut I just had to wait it out.

years of training :

5 years

individual fanclub name :

The Minnie Mouser

individual fanclub color :


Looks [2-5 links] :





name of ulzzang :

Park Hyo Jin

style [2 links] :

at dorm :



during practice :



casual :



formal :



other job [actress, mc, radio dj etc. you can only pick one.] :


relationship information

love interest [it can be an OC or idol. choose below if it is an idol.] :

Choi Minho (from SHINee)

lover's personality [2-6 sentences]:

He is really sweet and nice. He is super althectic and competitive.

how you act around each other [2-6 sentences] :

We act really comfortable around each other. We just act as ourselfs. He is really sweet to me. He buys me things all the time I tell him that he doesn't need to but he says that he knows and just likes to buy me things.

how did you meet [2-6 sentences] :

We met while we were working out. We both went to the little concession stand at the same time, we started talking to each other, and just really had fun together. After that day we went to work out together every day.



password :  20



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