Be My fan || Jang Haerin

Be My Fan Application



AFF Username: LoVeFoReVer77

Activeness: 8

Your Name: Min


Your Character


Character Name: Jang Haerin

Nicknames: Rinniiee - People close to her finds it cuter to call her like that

                        Chocolate Monster - She is very very addicted to chocolates

Birthdate: July 23 1999

Age: 14

Ethnicity: Korean

Blood Type: A

Birth Place: Brisbane, Australia

Hometown: Brisbane, Australia

Height: 159 cm

Weight: 40 kg


 On Camera - Haerin is a quite person when the camera is on, contrasting with her behavior off camera. She tries to speak less and stays in the corner that the camera doesn't usually capture. She always does that because, she is so careless when it comes to talking so she is always afraid of saying something wrong, so she keeps quit. Later on she becomes comfortable around the camera and acts as her usual self, being all hype whenever a game is announced. Sticking with the camera and doing aegyo. Laughing at almost every single thing said.

  Off Camera - Haerin is a person full of hype and that type of a person that shows reactions to things quickly. Like saying "Hul" or "Chincha" with her facial expressions all showing a hilarious surprised face. She is so childish too and gets teased easily. She uses lots and lots of aegyo all the time, especially at times she wants someone to bring a specific thing for her, then she will go all cutely asking for the thing she wants. She likes to smile all the time too. Why? Because she likes to show off the dimples she has. She really really likes to hug people around her and she makes friends quite easily with her hyper self. Well, it is not just hugs but she likes skin ship so much. But contrasting with her bright behavior she is really mean with her enemies. She really hates being around them and hates the fact that they exist.

  Around Bias - Fan girl Mood, On. She is an extremely a hyper fan girl in front of her bias, with all the inside screaming and squealing. She is her usual hyper self, right? But what makes it different in front of her bias is that she doesn't use aegyo, saying "Idols usually like girls with natural aegyo" and that's why. She doesn't use aegyo but she just let it come naturally. She is also kind of shy, which also contrasts with her usual outgoing self. But later on she becomes quit comfortable around him and acts more comfortably.

Around Lover - She is extremely a different kind of person that when people that know her really well see the way she acts in front of him they think that she is not the same Haerin she knew. Most people can't change in just few seconds, but she has this ability. The ability to be all smiley and nice with people, and then in another second you turn to her and see her face emotionless in front of him. She considers him even worse than enemy, she hates his existence itself. She is so mean with him and throws words carelessly at him. The atmosphere around them itself doesn't suggests a friendly aura. Just being around them can make a person feel uncomfortable with all the mean expressions they give each other and all these words they say to each other. But what happens when she falls in love with this jerk??


Haerin was born on the 23rd of July 1999. Making the Jang family happy with their only girl. She is the daughter of two loving parents and the sister of the rising star Hanbyul of LedApple. Her father is a college professor and her mother is Korean teacher. She was born and raised in Australia not really giving her the chance of seeing her own country, but she was okay with it, since her parents didn't want to move and she has such a strong friendship with the girls she know in her school.

Haerin was enrolled in an all-girl school in Australia. She made friends easily and studied hardly. But then suddenly, she wanted to move to Korea when her brother decided to. She wanted to experience the feel of being around people who are actually from your own country. So, she moved together with her brother to Korea in 2010. It was awkward at first, adjusting with the language, food, and especially school. But more than being awkward it was hard, that now she is in Korea, no more in Australia. Everything was different, adjusting just took her a long time. Sometimes she felt the sudden argue to see her parents and she be back with them but again they are miles away. She tried hard until she fully adjusted and learned how to be responsible. But she wouldn't have made it without her brother and his group mates.        



She never dresses in a way she hates. She wears anything that she thinks will be comfortable. But the problem  that she has is that she is always afraid of what people think of the way she dresses.

The thing that she never ever gets sick off is baggy clothes, especially hoodies. She wears them every day and whenever she is at home.

She is really like wearing animal look pajamas. She also just recently became obsessed with dresses that have collars.

 Casual / Dating : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

           Dating: 1 2

          Dorm : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

          Formal: 1 2




• Sleeping

• Eating           

• Baby Pink

• Chocolate

• Tteokbokki and ramyun

• Bubble tea

• Playing the guitar

• Singing

• Kpop Groups

• Song Joongki (Actor)

• Autumn

• Cotton Candy

• Amusement Park

• Cookies




  • High places
  • Dark places
  • Insects
  • Waking up
  • Honey
  • Liars
  • Diet
  • Broccoli


  • Humming while working
  • Rubbing the back of her neck when she is nervous
  • Sleep talking
  • Stomping her feet in the ground whenever she is angry
  • Hugging people around her



  • She speaks both Korean and English fluently.
  • She plays the guitar
  • When she cries she locks the room and cry by herself.
  • She is a big fan of Anime
  • Her own little treasure is her diary
  • Her ultimate wish is to meet Roy Kim and BTS
  • Her brother hates the fact that she is ‘fangirling’ over his group
  • She has 3 piercings in her left ear and 2 in the right one.
  • She is a mall freak
  • She almost tried all the possible flavors of bubble tea
  • The song that she is currently ‘addicted’ to is Mblaq’s Smoky Girl
  • She can cook well
  • She didn’t make a lot of friends in Korea.
  • Her guitar color is hot pink
  • Her collection of nail polish is so huge
  • Her brother is overly protective over her
  • She spends most of her time with LedApple when they are free of practice
  • She ranks in the top 3 in her class
  • She is a big fan of Infinite's Ranking king
  • She likes watching varietyshows
  • She likes Joongki so much

Idol/Ulzzang Used: Park Hwan Hui

Ulzzang Gallery: HERE

Back up Idol/Ulzzang: Kim Seuk Hee aka Joo

Back up gallery:HERE

The Show


Infinite | EXO | Bangtan

Why are they your favorite? :

So … where should I start??? Bangtan are like the most awesome group in earth. No, I am not kidding these guys are really awesome. Actually I have been a fan since 2012 *blushes* I liked how their company promoted them. And that was the main reason I started keeping track of them. The way they promoted their self before their official debut was so brilliant. Then when I knew that both Suga and Rap monster were underground rappers I started them more. Since I am a big fan of Hip Hop I still didn’t see any group in Korea that correctly demonstrated it. And then there was the unit that suddenly revealed an mv and that was when I officially became a fan.

Although after their mv was released, I wasn’t a big fan. But after the Bangtan Bomb series was revealed I am becoming a fan of them more day by day. And you ask me why they are my favorite??? How can a human being resist their charms? I forgot to say they are perfect aside of being awesome. P.E.R.F.E.C.T literally, they have all the talent. Rapping skills, awesome vocals, dancing skills, not forgetting the dorky and 4D feel.

Why do you want to be a part of this show? :

Well… Although I have been in Korea for almost 3 years now I haven’t made any friends. Off course I have some friends in school but they weren’t the kind of people I thought I will fit with, as friends. I want to make friends and that was my main goal, which was why I entered. The second reason was because I want my brother to go nuts *giggles* I was kidding when I brought this topic around him but Oppa made a reaction that was much more bigger than I thought it will be, so I wanted to go against him. The last thing was because I want to meet the people that I have been seeing in the screen *chuckles* this is my one time opportunity.  I have nailed their recent song’s dances so I want them to evaluate me too. But again I am not the type of person who will throw a tantrum if I am not chosen.



Lover: V \ Kim Taehyung


On Cam : All people know him as the 4D mood maker of Bangtan, and he really lives up for his name. V is a person who is so sticky with the camera…. A little. He always smiles and laughs all the time in front of it too. V likes it when games are announced, he becomes so excited. He is a boy that always tries to do 4D things and more random and weird things. But whenever the camera is filming them in their practice room or stage, he is so serious that you think that he is a different V.

Off Cam: So, V is particularly the same person on and off cam. But he is more smiley and even weirder when the camera is turned off. Actually, when it is on he feels a little nervous and when it is off he is back to normal and that what makes him more smiley. He asks his seniors (Exo and Infinite) for advises when the camera is turned off. V is a kind of person who will not hear you when he is so engrossed with his thoughts or concentrating on anything else like the phone for example.  But he is totally different with strangers??? He doesn’t really like to socialize a lot. That was the real reason for him to not even look at a stranger’s face. He does look in it, like in fan signs and all, but these are his fans and it is totally a different state with you.

Around You: V is an opposite of his real life self. This shocked you because you always thought of him as a sweet guy. He is a total jerk with you. Coming to think of how you guys met, you first met in a broadcast company, you was waiting for a staff to call you so you can do the show’s interview, you were bored and decided to look around the company, and that was how you accidently splashed some blueberry juice in his ‘stage’ clothes, and he had to change them, which made them even more late for their stage. That was the way you met, it is weird, but not in way that you two really don’t stand each other now. You two are totally so called enemies. You just ignore each other, and the atmosphere around both of you is so tense.

How you get together: You start falling for this jerk. You unexpectedly start developing feelings for him. You just become so fond of how the viewer ship both of you and that feeling called ‘love’ start developing. In the other side V, comes to realize that this stupid ignoring thing isn’t working, and the fans will have a worse image of him after this show ends. He gives you the idea of breaking this ignoring state just for the show but as the stubborn you, you just keep saying no. “You started this, didn’t you, over something as simple as a shirt, and now you want to solve it” that was what you always say. You kept ignoring him in hope your feelings for him will fade but it only grew bigger. V felt the sudden argue to know you more so he started to observe you more, your moves and everything you say, he noticed how you will cutely call the guys around you oppa, and he wanted to be in their place being able to be close to you like that. He starts developing the same feeling back too. And He confesses at a sudden time.

How you interact:

Well…. They are so silent with each other. Just their eye does all the talking. These stares they give each other are the coldest stares a person could give another. On cam, V would mess around with her when both of them are paired for a game together. He would try making her lose in games where she is alone and would try everything to make her lose. They are shipped by the audience of the show because of how they treat each other and most likely because of the way V acts around the camera when it is on. Although everyone knows that they do not get along very well….. Everyone still ships them. After V starts developing his feelings for you, he starts being sweet and tries to act in a way that you notice him when he is around. He starts being touchy and he starts sweetly teasing you instead of the bully teasing he does normally.


Bias : Chanyeol


On Cam: Weirdo Yeolliee. Well, Chanyeol is like the best king of variety. He is a person who can o anything and just makes the people around him and the ones who are watching laugh. He so smiley and full of aegyo without even trying to show it. He seems to be a really cute and 4D person but when he starts rapping he is really no joke. This guy is like the most serious person when performing but, then sometimes you just can’t help but look at him as a cute guy.

Off Cam: Chanyeol is pretty much the same person but after the camera turns off he quickly goes and bows at the staff. He is so polite, but also 4D. But looking at it again, he is even more random in real life. He messes up with you and the other girls and he really made you consider him as a friend more than an idol you look up to.

Around You: Happy Virus. When chanyeol knew you are his fan he would just smile around you. You once asked him if it was just because you said he is you r bias he answered with a no and said that you look like someone who is always Happy and he really wanted to treat fans as friends. He would be so touchy with you and he would also tease you a lot. He would sometimes help you with your dancing. He tries almost every single way to cheer you up when you awe down.

Why is he your bias? : The happy Virus, yeoliee. How can someone ignore him out??? But coming to the case of me I like 4D happy guys *giggles* I like the way he acts around and just everything about him. Sometime I really wonder how can this guy be cute, handsome, talented, and nice at the same time???? Sometimes I would ask myself why I exactly fell for him from all the members of exo, the other 11. But I guess something around him just attracts me to him.

How you interact: He is your little bear you can hug when you are down you hug him and text him whenever you feel alone. You never ever thought that this guy you always saw in screen was this nice. Off course you acknowledged he is nice but not to that imit. Chanyeol was open for you from the beginning and that made you even bond closer.


Back up Lover: Myungsoo / L

Back up Bias: JungKook



Scene Requests:

  • Make one of the people in the program witness V’s and Haerin’s ignoring state.
  • Jealous V, later on ??
  • Lottee World trip (YAY)
  • I want the other members to bash her a little saying that she just got chosen because her brother is an idol
  • One day the guys would wake up the girls (This would be epic)
  • An appearance of a LedApple member or Hanbyul
  • The guys must dress like SNSD
  • Cooking contest
  • A scene were haerin have the chance to dance their own  songs for them
  • Later when Haerin becomes more comfortable around the cam, she will have this little secret digging thingy, like the one Sugyeol had before HERE

Comments/Questions/Concerns: Nice Plot, One of a kind (YESSIR I’M ONE OF A KIND. Leave a comment on your thoughts about my character ^^ And really sorry for having those many requests.







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