I need something to write about

l keep saying that I'm starting a new story but then I get self conscious and then I don't post any of my stories.

I was actually pretty confident about this SuChen one I'm writing but I remembered: people don't like vampires.


Ugh I need something to write about. I worked so hard on that SuChen one to =.="

Guys, I need help .What should I write about?


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EverlastingExoticElf #1
Post the vampire oneee :D I like vampires. i mean, why not?
jongzii #2
post what you want to post, not what you think others want you to post sweetie!! write for you. i'm sure it will be lovely, don't doubt yourself! c:
Evil_Keshi #3
Personally, I like vampires :) Remember, it's not because people don't like what you like that you can't write it. Write for yourself first, it is the most important ;)
Post it! I will subscribe and read for sure! ><
Post it! I will subscribe and read for sure! ><
I like vampires! Why don't people like vampires? :( You should post it!! I will subscribe and read!!
I also have a plot shop too!!
I really like that idea! You should post it!! :)
POST SUCHEN!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE VAMPIRES!!!!!! AND WOLFS!!!!!!!!
if its a good story about vampires then people will read it<3
YuniOfficial #11
Jungkook and You.
Zelo and You.
Like during and apocolypse. People seem to like that.
You should post everything you write D:
It doesn´t matter what people says XD
People do like vampires ;)
You should post it ^^
SuChen is the best ship ever. They can be so subtle, but then they can be so gay at times :b
onewjr #14
SUCHEN! Just go with it ill read it!
Um, you could do a Warm Bodies AU with SuChen (Chen as R and Suho as Julie) and then Lay could be Perry or something.

Or you could do A/B/O dynamics in response to the whole Wolf era...

Or if you do want to do something angsty, you could always write about Chen having relationship/self-esteem problems and then Suho being a good boyfriend about them.

Yeah, I don't have many ideas... But you should post that SuChen Vampire fic because I would read it and I'm pretty sure a bunch of people who are into the SuChen ship would read it as well.