Facts About Me (poor you)

If you get through this without getting bored... XD


20 Facts About Me

  1. I'm pretty horrible at things about myself

  2. I dyed my hair red

  3. I like to claim being a ninja

  4. But I'm really clumsy

  5. I'm really random

  6. I love unicorns

  7. I hate tomatoes

  8. But I like cherry tomatoes

  9. I've been trying to eat healthier (except these past few days because Shark Week is rude)

  10. I'm actually not fond of sweet things once I start eating them.

  11. I crave sweet things, but once I get things, I don't want them.

  12. I love salty foods

  13. Errrr I like coffee

  14. I get hurt all the time because objects like to attack me

  15. I tend to mew randomly out of boredom

  16. at work

  17. over the headset.

  18. I obviously like Kpop, otherwise I wouldn't have any friends here XD

  19. I like to dance but I at it

  20. Potato.


19 Facts About My Boyfriend/Crush/Girlfriend

  1. Currently single

  2. But I do have a crush

  3. And it's not an idol

  4. He's really sweet

  5. We don't get bored with each other even if we aren't saying anything.

  6. His name starts with a P

  7. He's got really pretty eyes

  8. They're blue

  9. He has really pretty eyelashes, too

  10. He's actually not Korean

  11. He likes games

  12. But he's not nerdy looking

  13. He bought me a bow tie because I like bow ties

  14. He keeps texting me pictures of kitties because we both love kitties

  15. He is awesome

  16. And really cute

  17. And he is super sweet

  18. And quiet

  19. He writes poems


18 Facts About My Best Friends

  1. I have quite a few here

  2. But only one in real life (not that this isn't real life, but you know what I mean)

  3. All of my best friends like Kpop (I finally got my best friend IRL into Kpop :3)

  4. They are all awesome

  5. They are all y (yes you, even you ESPECIALLY YOU)

  6. I love all of them

  7. <3

  8. So many things to say but unable to express them

  9. I hope they like to mew

  10. Why can't I think of anything for this part??????

  11. I hope they all love me back.

  12. Most of them are really insecure

  13. They shouldn't be insecure

  14. They are all beautiful

  15. And sweet

  16. And amazing

  17. And they are so very important to me

  18. And I don't want any of them to be unhappy


17 Facts About My Siblings

  1. I have a brother

  2. He's older than me

  3. He's...unhygienic.

  4. And gross.

  5. I know that's mean, but it's true.

  6. He likes games

  7. He's good at math

  8. But he's not good at English

  9. His handwriting looks like chicken scratch

  10. He doesn't like sharing his games.

  11. But he'll share his x-box controller for the laptop with me.

  12. He has his moments where he's really nice.

  13. But mostly he's a brat.

  14. I do love him,

  15. But I wish he'd be more hygienic.

  16. He does tend to side with me against our evil grandmother.

  17. He likes to act like he doesn't love me, but I know he does XD


16 Facts About My Room

  1. Well, my current room is actually a study turned bedroom

  2. But I'm moving to an apartment soon, and I'll get a real bedroom

  3. My current one is really small.

  4. It has a wall color that changes with the light.

  5. Sometimes it's brown

  6. Sometimes it's violet

  7. I only have one kpop poster hung because of limited wall space.

  8. I have like a “professional” side and a “fun” side

  9. One side has three paintings and a dream catcher, while the other side has stick on dots, my poster, and other miscellaneous fun things.

  10. I have a ton of books.

  11. My kpop CD collection is growing nicely

  12. My room currently has a bunch of boxes in it because I'm trying to pack to move

  13. I sleep on a futon (hopefully buying a bunk bed when I get the apartment)

  14. I have a surprising amount of stuffed animals.

  15. I have the cutest hanging doll, but everyone says she's creepy.

  16. Oh, my room is a mess.


15 Facts About My Parents

  1. They are both really cool

  2. I love my mom and my dad

  3. They are the coolest parents I could ever ask for

  4. My mom is short

  5. My dad is tall

  6. My mom is too adorable for words

  7. My dad plays the guitar

  8. I get my musical taste from both sides

  9. My dad is really tech savvy

  10. My mom is really perceptive

  11. I can talk to them about almost anything

  12. I don't feel like I have to hide my personality with them

  13. I feel like I can introduce them to any of my friends

  14. I get my taste in literature from both sides, too

  15. They support my dream of being a photographer in Korea


14 Facts About My Hometown

  1. It's really varied

  2. You have hick town at one end

  3. Normal people in the middle

  4. Rich people at the other end

  5. Everyone speeds

  6. And if you don't speed, you're lame and a nuisance

  7. People are either really rude or really nice

  8. The place sure grew up fast.

  9. It's a really weird town, considering other towns out there

  10. There is a lot of distance to get anywhere (I live in Texas, what do you expect, though?)

  11. You can't really walk to many places without driving first

  12. There's a gas station every mile or so

  13. Nothing fun is ever open past 10 pm

  14. And nothing opens until 9 except for Starbucks


13 Facts About My School

  1. Currently not attending college as expected

  2. Can't afford it right now

  3. Will go in either winter or spring though

  4. Will be a photography major

  5. With a minor in cosmetology

  6. It's got a lot of buildings

  7. And a fountain

  8. And a garden



  11. I spend most of my time out of classes in either the music hall or the cafeteria

  12. Ping pong. That is all

  13. Also, not enough Asians


12 Facts About My Ex

  1. Um...I tend to not want to think about them

  2. One was an who cheated on me

  3. One kissed my former best friend the day after he broke up with me

  4. Which was the day he asked me out

  5. So I don't count him, he was a douche

  6. One asked me out mercilessly until I said yes

  7. Broke up with me

  8. Asked me out again

  9. Broke up with me again

  10. And asked me out again and I said no.

  11. None of that was face to face, except for me telling him no the last time.

  12. Guys sometimes


11 Facts About My Enemies

  1. Um, I actually get along pretty well with any former enemies I ever had

  2. I guess if people want to argue with me online?

  3. Really don't have enemies

  4. ….....

  5. …....

  6. …..

  7. ….

  8. ..

  9. .

  10. Yeah


9 Facts About The Person You Hate

  1. There is one b*tch that I hate

  2. But I've never actually met her in person

  3. She's a

  4. She dated like four of my friends

  5. She's going after two or three that she broke up with

  6. And is also going after one she has never dated

  7. All while she's in a relationship

  8. And just after she crushed the heart of the guy I have a crush on

  9. I will end her.


8 Facts About The Person You Like

  1. We went over this

  2. He's amazing

  3. I hung out at his house today

  4. Just the two of us

  5. Playing games

  6. Not really saying much

  7. But we don't need words, I like to think

  8. He kept apologizing because he didn't plan anything, but I kept telling him that I had fun because I did :3


7 Facts About The Person You Trust The Most

  1. Even the person I trust most, I don't tell everything

  2. I actually have three online friends that I trust and one IRL friend

  3. All of whom I consider my best friends

  4. They are all lovely

  5. And they all came to the same conclusion about the guy I like

  6. And they are all so supportive

  7. I love them all so so much


6 Facts About Your Pet(s)

  1. I have a ton of cats and two dogs

  2. The cats are feral, but we have some inside that are tame

  3. My oldest dog is a lab mix, and she's about 8

  4. My youngest just e year in June and she's a shi-tsu

  5. Our lab is Lily and our shi-tsu is Nikki

  6. Our cats are fabulous


5 Facts About The Place You Want To Visit The Most

  1. It has actual weather (unlike where I live, where it's either hot, or warm)

  2. It's a lot smaller than the country I live in now

  3. More crowded

  4. Safer

  5. Korea


4 Facts About Your Favorite Place

  1. I have three

  2. Patrick's house

  3. The park in the Woodlands

  4. And the mall


3 Facts About Your Neighborhood

  1. We have a creek

  2. Used to have a bunch more trees until they started building more houses.

  3. I know most of the kids my age here


2 Facts About Your Grandparents

  1. I have my grandmother that I live with

  2. And my dad's mom that I never get to visit


1 Fact About Your Country

  1. Sometimes, my country *ss




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I love you, too. LOL. I honestly stopped reading after "I hope they love me back" or something because I had to comment this, lol. ^^