SM Claims To Never Interrupt JYJ's Activity's?


Have any of you guys heard of this? What are your thoughts on what they claim? *blinks*


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Jin_Riri #1
BULL. I HATE YAH SM. SHUT UP SM OR I can really be mad. !@#$
TheTimeChaser #2
lmao sm. bull. no one believes you, sm. bull.
Minnie_glitzheart #3
Yea right they didn't. Are they trying to tell us that is a ghost who do all that?? They can go f*** themselves in the toilet upside down :x Bloody liar!!!!! Is this how a big company should act like?? They should feel shame of what they did!!!!! :/
I'm not sure... to be hoenst, i am kinda suspecting SME's motives behind all this. Do they really hate JYJ? and probably wants revenge? or is it something of bitterness?
They claim to have never interfered which I don't believe at all. They blacklisted them and it is obvious. And FTC told them to stop but SM wants to sue them -__-
I'm happy for JYJ but at the same time sad and worried. A lot of trouble can happen from this..
I sense panic from SM. Usually they would take time to gather some legal team and think their plan carefully but this seems like they're panicking...OTL
Anyway did you see JYJ's LINE video? Junsu burste dun to tears ;_;