Okay. So, BIGBANG won!!! Woot!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

But, I know this since I watched a live streaming of it on the site and I happened to click on it just in the right time.

My friend and I was talking abou watching the EMA's later on tonight on the actual tv, not the computer.

WELL. I watched the whole EMA's. THE WORLDWIDE ACT WAS CUT. No mention of BIGBANG whatsoever. Na-daaa. I thought I might've missed it or something, but I happened to see a thread on the Internet. The worldwide act was cut for them too!!

Hmm... What did we have in common?? The fact that we both watched it in Canada.

Not to be mean or anything (Canada's a great country and all) but... How could you do that????!!! Grrr!!! I was sooo excited to see BIGBANG on tv and the most I got was a small shot of gd and taeyang in the background. That was all.

Siggghh. This frustrates me. I can't even talk about to anymore. It gets me mad all over again.

Siggghh. I'll just it up and deal with it D:


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