Return of the MACK. :)

Hey guys!

Just blogging really quick to apologize for this huge delay!

I've been in Mississippi helping a friend move into her apartment for college and I just got back home!

I had a blast down there though, its only an hour away from New Orleans (home to some of the most BOMB food omg.)

When I tell you that the people there are so lively and fun, they seriously are the best, lol.

And the drinks! Ugh, my life was just complete.






I'm officially settled in at home again and I will be

updating ASAP.

Especially FILCS!!!!!!!!!! All my hard work was lost :( right before I left for Mississippi. I didn't finish retyping

the chapter so I'll have to do that. But thank you for your patience you guys!

I'm so glad to have so many wonderful readers and friends on here, you guys are just the

best! Seriously! I've met some amazing girls! <3 Love you all!





Oh! P.S. I might just have a new boy toy ;D lol he's super cute, but we'll see. I'll have to blog about him later, haha!


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I wanna talk to really u really. Mmbut I don't know how :(?
viechu #2
Don't forget to update PMMB too! ;)
Shining4life #3
Hehehehehe i cant wait for the update and dont worry we all hve our own lives that we obviously prioritise over fanfics lol...

Boy toy?? In real life or another celeb hunk? Lol