
Hi... I think that's the best way to start this off (I've never done this posting thing before). 

I guess I'm in search for some help; help in the writing department. I figure since most of us write or at least read, aid can easily come from this site.

As a writer, I have lost all will to write. I know others go through this as well, so I'm curious of ways to combat it. I had started a story several weeks prior to this post, and it's still on chapter one... I have a full idea of where I want the story to go, but where I am lacking is in my will to write. My question is, how do I find my will, my passion, my inspiration to write again?

I know I still would like to write, I just... can't.

If anyone is currently in the same situation or has been it, let me know? I'd love to hear some responses.



<3 Tonyphann


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hyung i know how you feel right i can't write but i keep trying my best to do it so don't give up ok