Reaction to my Biases

Usually, I tend to like the less popular members of a group, or else they're not a person that people would usually bias - even if they like the guy.

So when I tell people that Heechul, Ryeowook and Leeteuk are my Suju biases and extremely high on my bias list, they tend to react like this:


Someone once said to me before, "Have you seen Donghae or Siwon?!"

Yes, I have. And while they're both hilarious and extremely goodlooking, Wookie, Heenim and Teukkie are too.

I mean, I used to think that my biases are very loved, but apparently they're not biased? Or am I just running into the wrong people?


Then I seen an EXOtic for the first time in a good while and when she spazzed about how awesome Kris is and how little time he got in the Wolf drama ver. M/V, I kind of looked at her like this:

"Kris got plenty of time compared to some others. Do you know how much time my bias got? None - at all."


So she was like, "Who is your bias, anyways?"

So of course I proceeded to spazz about Chen and Suho and their amazingness (you know what I mean when it comes to your bias) and I told her that Chen was as high as Zelo.

So even though she likes all of EXO and everything, she was a little surprised by this and says, "Really? Chen and Suho?"


Basically, I always like the people who are the least biased. I bias popular people (like Zelo and T.O.P), as well.

Most of the time when people find out my biases, they're like:


But when I find people who have the same bias as me, it usually goes like this:



But screw anyone who thinks that Heechul isn't bias material, he's fabuous :D

Same goes for Teukkie.

Leeteuk was my first Suju bias (gosh how that man can kill me with one look), but Heenim took his place once I realised how insane and hilarious he was :')


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Well, I ship Eunhae...sometimes I feel that I'm not special or somethin', but then, I see their faces (Eunhyuk is my forever bias <3)and I can't stop loving them! Leeteuk was my bias ruinner since forever. Heechul is...I don't have words to describe this diva~ xD But I love him. And Wookie is such a ASDFGKFJDLGLK CUTENESS OVERLOAD!
When I meet kpop fans they either love the most popular ones or the least popular ones, so Im not THAT surprised that u do like Chen and Suho instead of like Kai or Kris...
and I have a thing for Suho and chen and I was bummed they didnt get that much screening time..instead of all those weird flips luhan did they could of idk...put some shots of suho and chen?? well it is to be continued so we'll see :3
Well Im not a big Suju fan (not a big enough fan to know all of their names..ik im a terrible person X_X) but i LOVE eunhyuk i just dunno why...
That's strange. I thought Heechul and Leeteuk were like the most popular of all of Super Junior, haha. Especially Heechul XD.

That's kinda weird that people react like that.. I don't have any bias's though, so I never run into that situation XD
Teuk and Chul are my SJ biases too, omfg. ;; Prior to Kris, Heenim was my ultimate bias. He's just so diva-ish and straightforward. And dude, I never knew a single dimple could make me mlt so fast until I saw Teukkie... I look up to the two SJ eldest so much. T^T
And honestly, Suho was my first EXO bias. I love how he looks and how his voice was strong but gentle and smooth. And Chen Chen doesn't get NEARLY as much recognition for his handsome face and and powerful singing. I'm glad he's finally getting a chance to shine on variety shows not though. The fact that Chen got so much airtime and Luhan was almost entirely edited out says something.
He's not a bias because he's a diva and divas are on a totally new level now :3
But honestly divas (like Chen :3) are the members everyone loves even if they're not his or her biases.
Speaking member talked about, how about Yesung?? Dude, that guy got NO SCREEN TIME for like the first two albums. Even actually cried as he was sending a video message to his parents going "I'm sorry, I'll get better, I promise my singing was not a mistake."
Ugh I hate how main vocalists get NO ATTENTION. The only exception is probably Hyorin, maybe Taeyeon and Jessica...
Or even main dancers! Like Lay had no dancing performances where he wasn't behind Kai. At least Luhan is doing everything if not in the spotlight. And don't get me started on Hyoyeon.
Sorry. You probably don't care and that's okay. BUT YOU'RE NOT FREAKING ALONE
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
U have the same SuJu bias and EXO bias as me~!!
Pfffft some people are just so ugh! Sjdbdodo *The struggles.
Leeteuk and Heechul are actually two of my biases in suju. All of suju is popular. The group is popular it's self. Other people admire the three that you mentioned. Idk why people say that they aren't bias material when
1.) Heechul is probably the funniest and craziest in suju. He is the mood lifter. He often helps the members a lot. If he wasn't there then idk if suju would be as close as they this day. There are many many MANY interviews where the suju members all explained that Heechul is the one that fixes the problems in suju and make the mood so much brighter. They say he always make them laugh and forget about any drama so if Heechul is definitely a wonderful person and bias material.
2 Leeteuk handles sooooooo many things. If he wasn't there then again suju probably wouldn't be as close or popular. All the members agreed that he is a great leader and makes positive choices helping them get through sticky situations and scandles. They even once said that when they got drunk they almost got in trouble but Leeteuk was there to save the day. Plus Teukkie is on SOOOOOO Many shows which increases suju popularity. He is MCing a lot not only helping his group get more popular but also many different shows
3Wookie has also been the MC for sooooo many different shows, he's also been a guest on many of them too. Also members voted wookie as the most gente, caring and nicest member. They say he is always cooking and asking them if they are hungry. After a busy schedule they are hungry and Wookie happily cooks for them, so if he wasn't there would they all be as healthy? Wookie is important too. He also helps the most around the dorm.

In conclusion these 3 are very much bias material and important. People needs to wake up and smell the flowers!!! Obviously They are just as good as the otheres.

Sorry for ranting also OTL
I get the same reaction when I say that Thunder is my bias in MBLAQ and Hoya is my bias in Infinite

Most people are like "but so and so are so much hotter" and "this idol has more abs"

And I'm like "... excuse me for having different taste is KPOP idols love" (in my annoying British accent) we need to give some love to the other members as well ^_^
That's how I am, except for a couple of groups (cough*Infinite*cough, but then again I don't like Myungsoo for his looks, I like him for his dopey personality and his stupid origami skills where he gets all his hyungs to play with him.)

My SUJU biases are Kyuhyun, Leeteuk, and Eunhyuk. Kyuhyun got me into the group, but Leeteuk and Eunhyuk were the other two in videos that always stood out to me. I didn't really get into Siwon until I watched a few of his dramas (Skip Beat won me over for him a bit) and then I kind of understood why people liked him so much, but K, L, and E are just too fabulous, so they still beat him out most of the time. And Donghae? I actually never thought he was that good looking compared to most people, he was cute, but nothing really special.

And this is me towards your friend, "What the heck is wrong with Chen and Suho? They are perfect and awesome, and you're kind of a for not realizing how awesome they are, especially when Chen's a ball of sass and class who knows how to act, model, sing, dance, beatbox, act cute, act y, etc..."