☯ kang yujin ↬ rat

kang yujin

name  Kang, Yujin
nickname(s)  Yujin obstinately refuses to be called anything that is not her given name and will not hesitate to mercilessly wail at anyone who dares to use her childhood nickname of 'Riri' (which so happens to have lost its novelty after her tenth birthday when she outgrew her cute phase). In summary she cannot stand nicknames.
gender  female
date of birth  24th September
age  18
height/weight  157 centimetres/48 kilograms
home town  Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity  100% Korean. How dare you insinuate I might be of mixed blood.
language(s)  Korean [fluent], English [average]
visual  Song Ah Ri
links  this this and this
back-up visual  Park Hye Min
links this this and this
description  Yujin is every bit docile and fragile in her dressing sense and choice of apparel--her upbringing in a rather traditional family has left her unwilling to try out anything outrageously lewd or erse and so she tends to project a very 'girl-next-door' image even though that clashes horridly with her personality. What she is caught in most often is a skirt of reasonable lnegth coupled with a shirt or top or maybe a dress; never anything that reveals too much of her body but is comfortable at the same time. She prefers lighter colours and plain or patterned clothing over dark colours or printed clothing. If it's cold, she'll wear a jacket over her clothes and stockings. Pants are ... generally a rarity for her to wear, but not something she considers too showy or bad to wear.
persona  The Spoilt Brat
key traits  Manipulative, Gossipy, Blunt, Keen, Spoilt, Adaptive, Egotistical 
in-depth personality ↬ Yujin is regarded as a double-edged sword by her peers; her personality is anything but approachable though the interesting thing about her is that she swaps between personalities like masks; when she wants to she can be extremely, almost sickeningly polite though it is usually to obtain the object of her desire as opposed to a fear of ruffling feathers or coming off as rude. At the drop of a hat she can switch to blunt and rude, which is always an unpleasant experience to be on the receiving end of because Yujin has no filter or sense of holding back and is also rather opinionated. In short, she's rather materialistic, manipulative and machivellian--if there's something she wants, she has no qualms with getting 'down and dirty' so to speak to obtain it. When this is compounded with her observational abilities and tendency to read between the lines, one can conclude that she's a rather skilled actress.
That being said, Yujin also has little consideration for those around her; her bluntness is a testament to this. She doesn't stop to think about whether her actions or words may hurt others even though she's aware that they do. Only when she needs something will she bother with courtesy. It is oft forgotten that though she is blunt, she is not mannerless--her upbringing has instilled within her a sense of refinedness and her every movement reveals graceful precision. Yujin knows well which glass white wine is poured in and which glass red wine is and what clothing is appropriate to wear to a charity event.
Yujin thrives on control--she has to be on top of things, she has to be the victor, she has to be perfect. It does not matter what the price is or what it takes; Yujin is always willing to pay it and often without so much as blinking an eyelid--suffice to say indecision is not one of her faults. This trait likely stems from how smothered and underappreciated she is by her family; being the youngest child and only daughter has led to her being pampered and never treated as anything more than a baby or a doll. It's more than simply being coddled, it has become glaringly evident to Yujin that her parents quite literally see her as a possession to titvate and sell. Thus Yujin has become desperate to prove herself somehow and show she is more than a doll-child. In essence it has caused Yujin to become the 'alpha-female'--the girl who uses others' secrets to defeat them, the girl who is immoral enough to up to people, the girl other people will always respect and never cross. It's a little hard to oppose Yujin who has no qualms regarding using blackmail or suppressing others by other means (no, not murder you idiot). As one can see, she's very self-conscious, both in how she appears physically and on a perceptive level, though this only extends to those she respects or sees as worthy in her eyes. To those she considers below her or silly, she behaves in an extremely condescending manner.
Lastly, Yujin is egotistical, as if her existing greed and overambition were not enough to corrupt her personality. She cannot accept defeat no matter what the circumstances and will bend however much she can to escape it or to overthrow it. However when it boils down to situational changes--such as being in environments she is unused to--Yujin finds herself severely disadvantaged because she doesn't know how to cope with such adversity. For instance, a situation she probably would not be able to deal with is fishing because she has never been separated from the luxuries of her home long enough to experience the glorious outdoors. 
↬ Adores technology. Her phone, her laptop, her iPod ... you'll never catch her without them.
↬ Drinks alcohol despite being underage and has surprisingly high tolerance despite her slender stature.
↬ Is extremely scared of heights
↬ Guilty pleasure: watching old cartoons that her parents never let her watch as a child
↬ Seeks amusement in making fun of cheesy romance movies or pointlessly gory horror ones
↬ Is strangely rather comfortable with blood and gore (as in seeing it or feeling it).
↬ Has a hidden violent streak
↬ Is horrible at all household chores, inclusive of cooking
↬ Loves sweets
↬ Places her finger on her lips whilst thinking
↬ Likes sleeping in
↬ Cannot tolerate sour foods, though salty foods are alright.
↬ Plays the piano
↬ Likes drawing caricatures
↬ Gets rather irritable when she hasn't slept enough
↬ Likes wearing oversized jackets
↬ Cannot stand high heels. They make her feet sore.
↬ Believe it or not, Yujin has never used public transport before--after all, she's always had a chauffeur drive her around.
background  Kang Yu Jin was born the younger child of Kang Hye Soo and Kang Seung Ah (who ran an extremely successful electronics business) and the younger sister of Kang Tae Seung. Though the family had been hoping for a second son to aid their elder son with the family business once the estate was handed to him, they celebrated the birth of their daughter regardless. Yujin was a lucky child; brilliant clothes, the finest of foods and a wonderful education, one can only wonder if she lacked anything and she did--oh, she did. That certain something was significance. It was not so much that she was deprived or somehow neglected as a child, but more so that she was detached from her parents as a child. Having been raised solely by strangers--nannies, maids and bulters whose names she cannot even recall now--it's not a wonder that she feels estranged from her busy parents who more or less seemed to think of her as a business commodity more than a daughter. Between expensive piano lessons, lessons in etiquette, English classes and tea ceremony lessons, Yujin vaguely wonders now if she was robbed of her childhood.
But people never remained with her. She had never attached herself to people the way others did, until she came across Kim Suyeon in her second year of elementary school. Initially having to attend a playdate with the other girl, Yujin hadn't been looking forward to it as she'd been content in solitude as a child, but as soon as she met the other girl and noticed how similar their mindsets were, she had found herself another confidant. Only years later did she realise Suyeon was the only constant in her life--others came and went and her parents and brother were easily repalceable in her mind, but her relationship with Suyeon was the most solid one she had ever formed. Suyeon gave her everything she wanted and could only dream of as the youngest Kang child; control, attention, praise. Despite having formed their relationship on shaky shared grounds, they grew very attached regardless.
As she progressed through school, she received decent grades and managed 'alright' rankings, though her parents had never placed much pressure on her academically--being the conservative socialites they were, they were satisfied with 85% and were more concerned with ensuring that she seemed delicate, beautiful and well-mannered. It would not do for people to think of their daughter as disgraceful or violent. Her teenage years were spent in a haze of soirees and parties and that was when Yujin realised she was nothing but a doll, a stupid doll to her parents; thus began her drive to prove herself along with her terrible attitude problems. It did not help that her elder brother was constantly the center of attention--the perfect son, the charmer, the entertainer. He had always been the sole recipient of their parents' love and Yujin was tired of being the afterthought. As far as her extended family is concerned, Yujin is not incredibly close with any of her aunts or uncles. Both her grandmothers passed away when she was a toddler and her grandfathers rarely, if ever talk to her. To conclude she's had a rather ... constricted life in an overly-decorated, but lavish little box that her conservative parents have never let her escape. 
lifestyle ↬ Yujin lives with her parents, attends a prestigious private school (though will graduate soon) and still lives off her parents' money. It's very likely after university she will be married to the son of her parents' acquaintances who stands to inherit his father's estate in a few years. Obviously she doesn't work and her only real worry at present is what to do after high school graduation comes around.
relation  Kang Tae Seung | 22 | University student | Generous, humorous, seemingly courteous, slightly playful, to the keen observer his insincerity is obvious | Yujin is always slightly on edge around her brother and rarely, if ever makes conversation with him that isn't required. For the most part she ignores him and he responds with light remarks and teasing that irks Yujin to no end. It's a bit hard to imagine they're even siblings when they're so detached from each other. Aside from how neither of them is particularly open with each other, another factor that contributes to the sourness in their relationship is competition; Yujin is forever competing with her brother for attention and competence in the eyes of her parents and those she respects, as well as for the control over her own life she has been deprived of for so long whilst her brother tends to look down on her because he considers himself to be better and sees Yujn's efforts as pointless. Taeseung also has some ist tendencies.

relation  Kim Suyeon | 18 | student | materialistic, manipulative, extraverted, observant, tolerant  | Suyeon is the underdog and quite clearly behaves as such towards Yujin who is a mentor of sorts to her, despite being the same age. Suyeon treats Yujin with intense respect and despite being aware of Yujin's flaws, she stays by her side as they've been friends since elementary school and also because of Yujin's status as the daughter of an extremely wealthy famil; Yujin in return likes the adoration she receives from her only real friend and hence keeps her around. It's also a bonus that Suyeon comes from a fairly respectable family. With each other they behave the way friends normally might--the joke about most things and are partners in crime, both equally as manipulative and materialistic, but there are details both of them withhold from each other. Suyeon is always willing to listen to Yujin, clings to her every word, follows her around like a puppy and tolerates Yujin's harsh words without so much as a flinch whilst Yujin laps up the attention she receives from her only friend with pleasure.
relation  Ahn Minji  | 18 | student | brave, impulsive, outspoken, irritated, just | Ahn Minji is a schoolmate of Yujin's who so happens to be the only person to stand up to her. Minji cannot stand Yujin's feisty ways though unfortunately was not blessed with Yujin's eloquence and chooses to pick verbal fights with Yujin at school. Yujin doles out the worst of her condescending remarks in return and seeks pleasure in humiliating her whenever she is bothered by Minji; Minji is the fourth daughter of a rather poor family who was admitted to a prestigious private school on a scholarship--thus Yujin sees her as a charity case and treats her poorly as Minji is not someone whose respect she needs. She considers the girl silly for even trying to stand up to her because it's the 'right' thing to do when it's obviously better to 'shut up and deal with it'.
zodiac ↬ Chen
animal  Rat
talisman/tattoo  The talisman is worn as a belt buckle that is sometimes hidden by a coat or a long shirt. The tattoo is on the back of his neck, once again hidden occasionally by collars.
personality  It's safe to say that in his several years of existence and experience as a zodiac, Chen has yet to gain an ounce of seriousness. That being said, he isn't immature in the sense that he doesn't understand the gravity of a situation, but rather that he never worries about anything. Chen is extremely laidback, confident and playful, filled with plenty of humorous wit and quips that he never hesitates to dole out to people around him. He seeks a lot of amusement in toying with people but knows when to stop; as humorous as he is, he isn't insensitive and when he needs to step back and display maturity or consideration, he has no problem doing it. Of course, Chen is also one to keep his image careful and pristine--he's all about being unique and standing out, so it would be a rarity to find him spouting cheesy romance lines or comforting someone in the way other normal people might. It's much, much more likely to find him doing little things to please others or apologising in a very roundabout way. Though it's often misunderstood, Chen understands people very well. He does play pranks quite a lot, but that isn't out of a desire to hurt others, it's nothing more than mild playfulness. He's quite the expert with reading facial expressions, body langauges and generally picking up on little quirks and eccentric traits people have.
relationship  Chen is a rather unconventional teacher and Yujin isn't entirely sure of what of make of it but one thing is certain; Yujin hates him. She can't stand his playful personality ("It's immaturity; you'd think he would have gained an ounce of seriousness after so many years of life") and she makes that exceedingly clear to him. For the most part she ignores him, treats him with the condescending tone she gives others and rarely, if ever, makes an effort to learn. Chen continues with his unconventional teaching methods--such as forcing her to learn from the situation rather than teaching her himself and also testing her survival abilities without so much as a warning--and Yujin inwardly plots his brutal death. If she weren't forced to put up with him, then she would gladly have left.
first meeting ↬ Yujin and Chen came across each other at an event at her high school where Yujin had been assisting with the organisation of the event. Chen turned out to be a close friend of a classmate of Yujin's (who in turn so happened to do business with the Kang family). She managed to remain polite with him though it took a lot of effort and was rather strained since her only motivating factor was that he was a friend of a friend's. Later that evening when Yujin had been forced to stay behind to help clean up with the organisational committee, she'd run into Chen again who was asking for directions for the last bus back. It was then that along with  and the remainder of the oragnisational committee (which consisted of five people including Yujin) were accidentally locked in the school auditorium by the careless guard. It was only four hours later that they managed to contact someone who let them out.
back-up zodiac ↬ Sehun
back-up animal  Snake  
back-up talisman/tattoo  Same as above
back-up personality ↬ Sehun is a brat with a personality that is startlingly like Yujin's; spiteful, arrogant, condescending. The only difference is probably that Sehun is lazy and barely ever feels the need to work for what he wants--he expects it to fall in his lap from the heavens above. As for his interactions with people on a regular basis, he is rather reserved and bored by everyone and everything around him. Very little motivates him and he tends to blatantly ignore things that don't pique his interest or curiosity. As if to pour oil into the flame, the boy has very little (a pathetically tiny amount) of mitigation sense--damage control never came to him naturally. It's very rare to find him apologising or adjusting to please someone else. When he instigates a quarrell, one will never catch him making accomodations or apologising; if the other involved party refuse to fix it somehow, then Sehun will simply walk away from it. It's really as simple as that for him. Though nobody has ever touched on it yet, underneath his frostbitten exterior is perhaps a layer of sensitivity for the remainder of the human race ... possilbly.
back-up relationship ↬ Sehun and Yujin ... do not have a relationship. Yes, that is the best way to phrase it. At best their longest conversation will include monosyllabic names tossed mercilessly at each other. Sehun makes no actual effort to teach Yujin and leaves her to her own devices (i.e introduces her to the power and thus expects her to pick it up herself--he's not nearly kind enough to give out hints nor compassionate enough to guide her through the whole power). Yujin has no desire to learn either and ignores the power for as long as she can (even though it's rather unhealthy). If she feels particularly chatty, Yujin might make a sentence-long insulting remark about Sehun and from there a malicious battle of wit commences. In summary, a terrible relationship if it can be categorised as such.  
back-up first meeting ↬ Same scenario as above with Sehun instead of Chen.
tattoo  She wears her tattoo on the small of her back, so it is always hidden by her clothing.
in character
Why do you think you were chosen as the next Zodiac?  If I knew, it would probably help. In any case, I think it was really just to mess with me even more ... I wonder if I can blame this on that Ahn Min Ji, trust her to find ways to screw with me. Who knows. To be clear though, nothing about having this title particularly excites me.
How do you feel being a successor of a Zodiac?  It's a terrible thing and I wish I could somehow pretend it didn't exist. Ugh, it makes me such a freak. I can't live normally anymore because of it ... life is sad. 
How do you feel about your Zodiac mentor? ↬ I hate both of them! I suppose Chen-ssi thinks he's funny, doesn't he? I'll tell you what he is, he's loathsome. Do you know what he does? [leans down and continues in a scandalised whisper] He tortures me. I swear, some of the things he does are so ... unethical and dangerous, I wish I could have him sued. It's not like Sehun is much better either, he's so lazy, what being chose him as a mentor? I'd recommend psychiatric evaluation for them. Honestly, he struts around thinking he's better than everyone else, what a brat.
What is the Animal like to you?  Neither of them is particularly appealing or flattering to me, you do realise that, right? As of right now I don't know what to make of either and I just want to go back to living normally. If you must know then both the Rat and the Snake scare me a little; what if I can't control either spirit, I'll have to live as a maniacal freakshow for the rest of my life.
What will you do with the powers once you are an actual Zodiac?  Hide them for as long as I live. They're not something I really want to flaunt, after all.
Would you sacrifice yourself for the balance of the world?  You have to be joking, there is nothing I would sacrifice myself for.
out of character
username  Quicksand
preferred name ↬ Shinzou (or any variants of that name)
activity level ↬ 6-7
password one more thing!

question/comments/concerns ↬ nope, nothing at all! This is my first time doing this so hopefully there aren't any glaring errors, OTL. I also feel like I've been rather uncreative with this ;;. Also, for whatever reason I can't seem to hyperlink a picture of Tao, it just won't work x_x;;. I'm so sorry, is my application still valid? e-e
scene requests ↬ Hm, if either of these would clash with the plot/seem unreasonable or silly then please feel free to disregard them.
↬ A scene where Sehun tells Yujin off, strikes a particularly sensitive spot (perhaps calling her useless/fit for nothing, Yujin is very particular about self-worth) and succeeds in causing Yujin to break down would be very interesting to see, especially since neither of them get along very well. One thing I'd like to see in this is Yujin being absolutely unlike her usual, composed self--maybe outright screaming, hurling insults with actual anger, not the usual condescending tone she uses and maybe even mild violence (like scratching or throwing things?).
↬ A scene with Chen and Yujin trapped in a house/some place in the middle of an elecrticity cut in the middle of a freaking heat wave. I imagine Yujin will be very grumpy.



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