fab vs. drab - the style bible (Gigi Blanchet; Growing Young)




fab vs. drab

fab vs. drab



================================the style bible. ===========


  name: Genevieve Blanchet

   nickname: Gigi (because Genevieve sounds too "uppity")

   activity level (1-5): 5


   birthday: January 31, 1991

   age: 22yrs 

   height & weight: 160 cm, 55 kg


   birthplace: Paris, France

   hometown: Paris, France

   ethnicity: Caucasian



================================be couture today. ========



                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bonjour, Genevieve Blanchet at your service. Just kidding,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  don't call me Genevieve and definitely don't call me Madamoiselle 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Blanchet, or even remind me that that name exists. Such a drab word

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to label someone with. If you knew me, you'd know it doesn't suit me at

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  all. Just call me Gigi, it's a lot more fun anyway. 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I work for a fashion mag covering the latest trends in high end fashion

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and it's such a drag. European fashion is nice and everything, but to me

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 it just seems so...vanilla. Common. It's all I ever see, and there's only so 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 many pastels and skirts a girl can take when she's constantly surrounded

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 by the same thing.

Chanel and Vuitton are all fine in their own respects, of course, but baby,

French is what I grew up with. I like something a little more exotic, fashion 

from another world! And I may or may not be in love with everything Japanese.

Commes des Garçons. Now that's a fashion company! Everything Kawakubo does

is just so weird and off the wall compared to what I've seen, and I'm all over the strange

Japanese street fashions too. People will go out dressed in the craziest stuff and they

don't give a what people think about it! You don't see gyarus worrying about the latest

spring trends in the fashion magazines when they choose what they're going to wear--their whole purpose is to break the norms of beauty. And those es look all kinds of 

fake--big eyelashes, fake nails, bright wigs, everything! Part of the reason I don't bother with any of that "natural beauty" either. I want to wax my eyebrows and draw them

back on and bleach my hair and glue on nails, I'm gonna do just that and no one's gonna whine about it. People just need to stop being such stiffs and live a little, and I have no

problem telling them that.  


Oh God, don't even get me started on where I came from. I don't know why Catholic schools even exist if it's not meant to be some sort of torture method or a way to the 

individuality and inspiration out of ordinary girls who have all the potential to break the mold! Well, some of the potential. We can't all be mold breakers. But I strove to be one. I 

can't stand being told to be like the rest, and I might have problems with authority. Just a smidge. Not like I gave my teachers a world of sass or anything, but I wasn't about to let

anyone else dictate how I wanted to live my life! I pierced my belly button when I turned fifteen and never told a soul. It was my own silent victory against the ridiculous restraints

being held over my individuality. Now that I'm finally out of there and have control over my life and no one can tell me how to look, I love being noticed like some neon style punk,

even when people are only raising their eyebrows at me. Go ahead and judge me, but you're still looking, aren't you? Maybe you think I'm tacky, but I think I'm fun.


I still don't know what I'm doing with my life. I don't really have a direction. I have a steady job, I'm not terrible at it, and for the time being I just want to have the time of my life. Go to clubs

every weekend (or every night) and drink a bottle of whatever I feel like that night (depends on the kind of drunk I feel like being). Smoke a cigarette (or six) and maybe a bit of a joint if 

someone's willing to share. I can usually charm my way to a hit. People find it very difficult to resist me, I'm just so confident (or maybe obnoxious) that who could turn me down? Right now,

I love my life. I love my freedom. But one day, I don't know if I'll want to leave or stick around. It would be incredible if I could work for some fashion company over in Japan, or even just move 

over there and experience the street fashions myself! But if I do that, will I even have my individuality anymore, or will I just be another person trying to stand out in a sea of individuals?



   Keywords: Rebel, Self-assured, Obnoxious, Directionless, Loud, Fake, Proud






a-list model (primary ulzzang): going with a young Christina Aguilera!




   b-list model (back-up): Aly Michalka







-----------------------------------------breathe carolina-------



your choice of house: Chanel



your choice of position: Graphic Designer (if this is even

applicable) or something more menial and less hands-on

with the actual fashion design... OTL



likes: Bleached hair, fake nails, loud colors, margaritas, hookah

bars and flavored cigarettes, liquid eyeliner, bright lipstick,

Hello Kitty, anything and everything Japanese  



dislikes: Hangovers, working late, pastels, gray, being lectured,

infomercials, dress codes



hobbies: Drinking and smoking and partying, going to the club,

shopping in Chinatown, telling people why everything mainstream

and they should try to be different like me 




habits: Smoking a cigarette halfway before putting it out and

lighting another one, chewing gum loudly, mixing alcohol, twisting

hair, laughing at the end of every sentence



fears: Going unnoticed, being controlled



trivia: Totally certain she has it all figured out and everyone could

learn something from her tenacity
















drab vs. fab

drab vs. fab



========================heels high, head higher. ==========


   haute-couture: Growing Young


   his personality: Hot damn does this guy need to loosen up. I tried

levelling with him a little and getting him to let go, but he wasn't having 

any of it. But somehow that's why it's so much fun to talk to him. I love 

messing with him, he has so many buttons to push that he's like a 

switchboard of hilarious reactions! And don't get him started on fashion.

That is one thing we clearly will never see eye to eye on. He looks up to 

Christian Dior COCO CHANEL like a saint and couture is a religion. I kinda

wanna stick around him for a while so I can ease him into the  other side of fashion. 

Clearly, he's lost behind his false prophet and he needs to see the light!

       Lucky me I got him wasted enough to steal his phone and text myself, 

so now I have his number! I'm gonna start texting him every now and then

to see if he actually answers. I'm pretty sure there's no way he'll be able to 

know it's me. There's a chance he won't answer me, but if I open up with 

a dig at his precious Dior CHANEL, there's no doubt he'll get all defensive and try to

bring me to justice or something. That's when I'll start bombarding him with

my own ideas of what fashion really is: Commes des Garçons and far-eastern

looks straight from the streets of Tokyo!


   scenario requests:

- Shenanigans over text, and at some point she tells him to meet her somewhere,

but instead of actually meeting him there, she waits for him to show up and doesn't

approach him and just watches him for a while. Then when he figures she stood him

up and isn't going to show, he leaves and she follows him for a while because she's

weird and obsessive and she doesn't have anything better to do than follow/terrorize

this haughty fashionista snob that's so damn amusing to her.

-Maybe eventually she does actually meet him and she wears something extra

obnoxious and neon, which embarasses the out of Kyungsoo.

-Kyungsoo showing her the looks from the Dior couture show that's all bright and 

colorful and Asian looking (derp what show was that? ugh...SPRING 2007!) and

she kind of falls in love with it. hates Dior loljk but Gigi hates Chanel because it's

so BORING to her, if nothing else Dior couture is the most interesting in her

opinion so maybe she should work for Dior instead idfk ><




===============================hasta la vista. ============


   comments: Oh jeez, I hope I didn't royally screw anything up. Let me know

if there's something you want me to change or fix, okay? I'm really smitten with 

this plotline/concept.


   quests & suggests: 


   password?: "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different."








picture credits go to google and tumblr




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You might seriously hate me for this,
but before I can start any reviews, there are some issues I found after skimming through.

Not big ones, and I won't dock points or anything, since it it quite impressive so please don't get the wrong impression.

First off, please make sure that your character works in either Vuitton, Dior, or Chanel. Those are the only available houses offered to the pending applicants because that's what our story is centered around.

And the last thing is - as gorgeous as your face is - you must change it, sadly. I need a name so I can provide numerous pictures throughout the introductions/chapters. Please also give me a back-up because that is required in the instance someone else has claimed your primary face.

Thank you!

It's truly impressive, I'm just sorry that I have to dissect a few too many things OTL.