Secret Angels Association-Jung Rihyo

The One to Watch

River_Song -  River  -  4




       ▐ Jung Rihyo                                                                                         

nickname(s):  Rio: she gets called this because if you say her name fast its kinda how it comes out, also easier to say when she lived in America

date of birth/age : 18/04/1994 (19)  

ethnicity: 1/2 Korean, 1/2 English

language : Korean (Fluent-Learnt it when she moved to Korea), English (Fluent-learnt it when she lived in America), Chinese (conversational-takes chinese lessons)

bio : Rihyo is a girl you do not wanna cross. Shes been taken martial arts lessons since she was 5, and she's not afraid to use what she knows if you get in her way. But generally she's a kind hearted person, and when shes your friend, shes a friend for life.

Applying for which Angel? The Street Wise Angel


▐ You & You

face #1 : Song Jihyo


face #2 : Lee Jungha




work: 1-2

having mission: 1-2-3-4

at home: 1-2

casual: 1-2

▐ Angel

In Control  |   Charismatic  |  Risk Taker |  Kind  |  Skilled  |   


personality : Rihyo is someone who loves challenges. She always pushes herself, mentally and physically, though sometimes she can push herself too hard because she doesnt really know her limits (and if she does she doesnt really care XD). She doesnt like to make mistakes but if she does, it'll stay with her forever. Even if it wasnt entirely her fault she will blame herself to no end, and this can knock her confidence. She's a great asset to any team as she is loyal and hardworking and despite her young age, is very mature. Its because she is this mature that she is (and likes to be) in control of any situations she comes across, as soon as shes not she starts to panic. She likes to know whats going on all around her at all times, and is constantly vigilant. She was enrolled into martial arts by her parents from a young age, and so she is very skilled in offence and defence and loves to kick some every now and again. People that know her would describe her as a kind hearted person, someone who does things for other people, who always puts other people before herself-she has a soft spot for anyone that also puts others before themselves and anyone who needs her help/seems vunerable. She does this because of what her father did for her when she was younger. She loves to teach people new things and shes very good at talking, she can persuade someone to do almost anything she wants. She's a cute person herself, and often uses this to her advantage despite the fact she doesnt really like aegyo or people acting pretty. 

As well as these traits, she loves to take a risk. In fact, the bigger the risk, the better. Its not because she wants to put anyone or a mission in danger, its just because she feels like her success is so much bigger if it pays off. Rihyo is a charismatic individual, and her stare is what makes her so formidably charming. She doesnt have many friends because of her guarded personality, and she doesnt really trust people entirely. However, if you are her friend, she will always be loyal to you and she'll even go to the point of dying for you, and hates people that betray and use others. She doesnt like to seem vunerable in front of other people so she rarely shows her sensitive side, but everyone knows she has one, shes absolutely the best at handling children and elders and its the only time when she will show her soft side to other people. Generally, she is very polite and doesnt like to drop formalities a lot because she thinks it shows disrespect. If she shows you her sensitive and soft-hearted side freely, it means she trusts you quite a bit so dont do anything to loose her trust or you'll have a hard time earning it back! Oh and one more thing about her, she absolutely loves food and can get very protective over it, so dont try and steal any off her or you might just get hit :P 


-Being an agent (and kicking :D)

-Food <3

-Risk taking

-Being part of a group

-Showing her skills to other people




-Being in control



-Making mistakes

-Being rude

-People who think they are better than everyone else

-Felling vunerable and weak

-Daddy long legs XD

-Being looked down on

-Not being in control of the situation


-Stares into space when she is thinking

-Clenches her fist when feeling threatened 

-Bites her lip when she wants to say something

-Cracks her neck when she feels tired






-She took part in a martial arts competition and dislocated her arm, but instead of giving up she got back up and ended up winning the fight but breaking her arm in the process, resulting in a scar on her left arm

-She always wears a charm braclet because she got it when she was 16 as a present from her parents

-Always wears a silver necklace that Kyungsoo bought her

▐ Dear Me,

Background story: Rihyo was brought up as the only daughter of two wealthy parents. Her parents worked almost all the time, her dad as a 'banker' and her mum as the manager of the biggest clothing store in America. her father was Korean, and her mother American and one day, when Rihyo was 5, they suddenly moved to Korea because 'her dad's job was moved there'. Her parents taught her english since she was born, so she only learnt Korean when she moved there. Because her parents were away so much, they didnt want her to get bored so they sent her off to learn martial arts. However, that was only the reason she was told, but not actually the real reason her parents sent her. In fact, her parents wanted her to learn how to defend herself because they knew that people were out to get them. In reality, they moved to Korea because her father was actually an undercover agent himself-one of the most famous, but he and his team had failed his last mission and this resulted in the people he was supposed to be going after, coming after him instead. So they wanted Rihyo to become a strong person who could end up defending herself if need be. Rihyo was too young to know this, but continued going to her classes where she quickly became one of the best student. By the time she was 16, she had mastered most martial arts and was quite formidable. At one of Rihyos competitions, she ended up breaking her arm after refusing to give up after initially dislocating her arm. Her parents took her to the hospital to get her fixed up and she was in there for a couple of days before they decided to let her go with a cast on her arm. After 6 months, the cast was finally removed and she could use her arm like normal, though there was a scar left behind. 

A day after she turned 17, a group of people kidnapped her and although she put up a good fight, there were too many of them for her to fight by herself. The kidnappers held her hostage and said they just wanted her father. When she asked who they were they replied with "The Dark Devil". Her father came to rescue her where she learnt the truth behind her fathers real job, and also where he traded his life for hers. Rihyo barely managed to escape whilst the Dark Devil took care of her father, and ran home only to find her mother also dead on the floor. The police turned up and took care of her until she could find a place to stay, namely renting out an apartment. She was very grateful to the police for helping her, and when she turned 19 a couple of years later, she had already graduated from Police Academy. Barely a week had passed since she graduated, and she knew that someone had been following her during that time. So instead of facing them out in the open she decided to lure them into a secluded alleyway where she fought the person until she had him facing up against the wall with both his arms pinned behind his back. She expected him to be from the Dark Devil, and so was surprised when he said he was from a secret agency called the SAA, and his name was Chan Shik. He had been watching her for some time and wanted her to join the team. She was wary of this SAA but agreed to join on the condition that she done things her own way. When he agreed he lead her to the SAA headquaters and introduced her to the rest of the team (the other girls). He also revealed to her how her father had been one of the best agents belonging to their sister association, and had failed his last mission which was the reason for his death. From that moment on Rihyo decided to follow in the footsteps of her father and hoped that one day she could get revenge on the Dark Devil.

Family members:  

Father | Jung Kiram | 48 | Secret agent and member of SAA's sister association | He was killed by the Dark Devil as a result of failing his last mission, and sacrificed  himself so that Rihyo could get away. Was a kind man, but due to his job, was never around much to take care of Rihyo.

Mother | Jung Amber | 45 | Manager of one of the biggest clothes stores in America | She was a kind perosn who worked hard. She knew her husband was a secret agent but didnt like it because she though he would put Rihyo in danger. She was killed by members of the Dark Devil.

Best friends: Has none, partly because she doesnt trust a lot of people and partly because they were all left behind in America when she moved to Korea. But the other girls become her best friends when she gets to know them.

Rivals : The Dark Devil | ?? | Assassins | Deadly force is used against anyone who gets in their way, innocent or not. The best assassins known. | Because they killed her parents, Rihyo is set on revenge.

Love interest : Do Kyungsoo-Often called the umma of exo, he likes to take care of people and sometimes neglects himself in the process, making sure everyone else is okay. He can be quite sassy when he wants to be but usually stays quiet around the group. Doesnt like to see anyone in danger and can get curious easily.

Plot: Rihyo is assigned to keep an eye on Kyungsoo and ends up falling for him, though she doesnt show it. She tries to protect him without him knowing that she's an Angel. Eventually he finds out due to his curiousisty and he becomes really worried for her safety. They both look out for each other even though she's the one thats supposed to be looking out for him. 

Desired scenes:

Chan Shik watching her at her competition where she ended up breaking her arm

The scene where she gets recruited by Chan Shik

She gets into a fight and ends up getting quite badly hurt protecting Kyungsoo

Kyungsoo buys her a silver necklace because he is falling for her, and as a way of expressing his thanks for her protecting him (he wanted to get her a heart necklace but he thought that would be too direct so he got her one with an angel wing on it)



▐ Mission Undercover

Why do you want to be an agent? : When she was 19, she was followed by Chan Shik and ended up having a fight with him in an alleyway before he told her who he was. He said that he had watched her and that she would be a great asset to the team of angels he was putting together. She agreed to join because she felt like it would challenge her, and because she hoped that she could eventually go up against the Dark Devil and take revenge on them for killing her parents.

special talent(s): Throwing knives, she specialises in using hand to hand combat and if she ends up having to kill someone she'll usually break their necks :/ She is very flexible and she can bend into almost any position you want her to

best weapon: Hand to hand combat is her preffered way of fighting and what shes best at, but she also likes to use throwing knives when she can, and wears a belt of them all the time-when shes undercover she finds places to hide them such as her socks and her jacket pockets.

Personality when you are undercover: Rihyo is very serious undercover and is really good at 'playing the part'. However, she gets flustered when she's not in control of the situation but with her quick thinking she can usually regain her composure. She is constantly vigilant and aware so that she is always ready for danger. She is good at improvising with the other angels when an unexpected situation comes up.



▐ Hello&Goodbye

Comments/Suggestions: AS before this story sounds awesome! I've tweak my app a little, changing my interest to Kyungsoo but it's mostly the same! I hope you'll consider her for the SAA ^_^ 




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